
The CEO’s Bride

“His cold voice sends shivers down my spine but it has a way of keeping my heart warm”. Rose said. Rose a young lady who worked at Hiltons hotel accidentally ruined Andre’s wrist watch. She apologized but he won’t take an apology. He would let her be until she payed for the wrist watch. Rose who can’t afford such amount tried her possible best to avoid him. But unfortunately for her a new CEO was appointed in the hotel where she worked and he happened to be Andre the guy the owed. He gave her two options on how to pay him back. Rose picked the second option without knowing what it fully entailed. What will be her fate when she realized what she got herself into?.

Queen_Okonkwo1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


He walked so fast but yet steady, more like a boy in his 20s. Rose tried to keep up with his pace but it was a difficult try.

"Does everyone who work with Andre walk this fast?, or do they get trained to walk fast?" She thought to her self.

They walked past the two mighty, golden pillars and got to the entrance of the mansion.

There was a beautiful automated glass door that required verification of your fingerprints or your Face ID.

The man pressed his finger on the handle that had a space for the finger prints, it got verified and then his Face ID also got verified.

The door opened widely as it revealed the inside of the beautiful mansion.

It was very big, the tiles were as white as snow and the light from the chandelier reflected beautifully on it.

As Rose looked up to see where the light that reflected on the tiles came from, she saw a firmly hung beautiful golden chandelier that had a structure of a bouquet of flower and it had lights on each rose.

"This way" The man said as he interrupted her sightseeing.

He led her up a wide stairs that was at the corner of the large living room. When they got to the top of the stairs, there was a railing painted in gold that demarcated the upper floor, the railings also severed as a protector. He went left and Rose walked right behind him.

When they got to the first room after the stairs, he stopped, brought out a key and opened the door.

"This is your room" He said as he gave her the key to the room and walked past her.

Rose saw how spacious the room was, she thought he made a mistake. The room looked like it was Andre's

"Excuse me sir" Rose blurted out.

He turned back to look at Rose.

"Dante, call me Dante not sir, calling me sir make me feel old" Dante said with a brusque tone.

"Oh, I'm sorry Dante" She said without hesitation.

"I just wanted to confirm that you gave me the right room" Rose said.

"That's your room" Dante said and walked down the stairs.

As Rose turned around, she gently pushed the door open and walked into the room.

As she entered the room that was painted in white, she saw a big wardrobe, it was far but directly opposite the door. By her left hand side was a big bed that could accommodate four people, it had a blue head board that was made of suede, a white bedspread, four blue pillows and a blue duvet, there was a blue foot match right beneath the bed.

Right in front of the bed was a big flat screen.

Beside the wardrobe, there was a gigantic mirror with golden frame and vanity light all around it and in front of the mirror was a dressing table that also had a very comfortable looking chair. The table had 3 layers of drawers by the left and right hand side of it.

She slowly ran her fingers through the flower vase that sitted beautifully on the dressing table.

There were two blue curtains that flowed down from the ceiling to the floor. Rose was curious to see what was behind those curtains.

She walked towards it and stood right in the front of it.

She opened the curtains methodically as she slightly pushed one to her left hand side while she pushed the other to her right hand side.

Right behind the curtains was a transparent glass door that could allow sunlight to filter through its shafts of gold. The door was smooth and spotless, it added to the sense of cleanliness in the room.

The glass door led to the balcony.

Rose was fascinated, she pushed the door open as she curiously rushed to the balcony.

The balcony possessed a neatly weaved lazy man's chair and a little stool. She got so relaxed as the cold air blew against her skin, it sent a ripple of goosebumps across her arms.

From the balcony, she observed the landscape carefully like a queen who was observing her kingdom. She saw the fleets of cars that she had tired to count earlier. By the other side was a heart shaped swimming pool, from up there she could see the innermost part of the pool. Beside the pool was a beautiful garden with flowers that flourished in it. Because of the distance, she could not see the exact kind of flowers that was planted there. After she fed her eyes with the beautiful vicinity, it had already gotten dark. She decided to go back inside. She closed the door and the curtains as well.

Rose jumped on the bed that welcomed her with its warm hands as she closed her eyes slowly.

She was already exhausted. She hadn't had a single nap since they landed in the states coupled with the fact that she had a seizure that drained her physically and emotionally.

When she almost got drifted into a very deep sleep, she remembered that hadn't had her shower yet.

The thought triggered her to open her eyes and immediately she did, the bright light from a Chandelier that looked just like the one in the sitting room shined upon her eyes. It made her to close her eyes immediately it did. The chandelier was the smaller version of the one in the sitting room.

"Damn" She sighed.

She stood up lazily from the bed and walked into the bathroom.

It looked just like the one in the Hotel at Scotland. There was a white bathtub, a water heater, and other appliances that should be in a bathroom.

She looked at her pale white face in the mirror, she looked stressed, eye bags were already situated below her eyes. This was a clear indication that she needed to rest.

She filled the bathtub with warm water as she laid in it.

"Humm" She said with a fainted voice.

She felt relaxed the minute she laid down in the tub.

When she finished washing up, she picked up a robe that was neatly folded and place on a shelf, then she used a towel to wrap her hair.

Since there was nothing to wear, she slept in a robe.