
The CEO’s Bride

“His cold voice sends shivers down my spine but it has a way of keeping my heart warm”. Rose said. Rose a young lady who worked at Hiltons hotel accidentally ruined Andre’s wrist watch. She apologized but he won’t take an apology. He would let her be until she payed for the wrist watch. Rose who can’t afford such amount tried her possible best to avoid him. But unfortunately for her a new CEO was appointed in the hotel where she worked and he happened to be Andre the guy the owed. He gave her two options on how to pay him back. Rose picked the second option without knowing what it fully entailed. What will be her fate when she realized what she got herself into?.

Queen_Okonkwo1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


The man's actions alerted the security guards, they rushed him, one held him by his right hand and the other held him by his left hand.

They forcefully sat him down like he was some commoner.

Maybe he was not even someone of high class, or he probably wasn't someone that possesses power like he claimed, he was obviously putting up a show because Andre, Peter and Rose could literally see the fear in his eyes.

"You do not act that way in the presence of the CEO, the next time it happens you would have yourself to blame" Peter said.

"You can not do anything to me, and if you do my men will come after you" He said with a shaky voice.

"I do not  talk much, i do more of actions, my actions speaks for me. You are lucky i am in good mood today. You are not a business man, you should be working as one of the cleaners at my hotel. You do not possess the attributes of a good businessman, I doubt you ever stepped your feet into business school, I'd spare you for wasting my time today, but the next time it happens, actually there won't be a next time"  Andre said unhurriedly.

    Andre signaled his security guards to escort the man out of the boardroom. Few seconds later he stood up alongside Peter and Rose as they left the boardroom.

They were supposed to have another meeting immediately after the one they had just concluded, but Andre told Peter to reschedule it to the next three hours. They went to their various hotel rooms, Lunch was served to each of them.

Rose could not resist thinking about what happened in the boardroom. She could not believe that she spoke in front of  business moguls.

She could not help but wonder if Andre spoke on her behalf because she worked for him or if there was something else attached to it.

Rose was so comfortable that she wanted to continue working as his P.A. She loved the job already.

Three hours soon passed and she was called out, but this time the meeting held at the hotel's conference room. The business personnel's were already in there waiting for them.

The meeting went smoothly, it was nothing like the first one. Their offers was projected on a plain white screen so everyone could see.

Andre liked their offer and they came to an agreement and gave each other a hand shake.

This business personnels were nothing like the others.

By the time they were done it was already evening, they walked down the hallway as they were leaving for their rooms. Andre and Peter were in front, Rose was right behind them while the security guards were walking behind Rose.

"Find out everything about the guy from this morning, find out what firm he works for, if he owns it or if he manages it or if he is a CEO or anything, find out where he is based, and everything other vital informations"  Andre said to Peter.

"Okay," Peter responded.

They went to their various rooms, dinner was served and they called it a day.

Rose did not know what their plan was. She did not when they would leave there.

She did not want to ask Andre so that he would not feel like she was been lazy or anything like that.


The next morning Andre woke up by 5:00am, picked up his laptop and replied to  some mails that was sent to him from work.

They were so much mails from the manager, staffs and others who had the privilege to send him mails. Some potential shareholders also sent mails because they wanted to see him.

He immediately felt the need to go back to the states, not just because they wanted to see him but because he was tired of the environment.

Andre was a kind of person that does not  enjoy staying in a place. He preferred working, he preferred attending to clients, attending business meetings and hearing the opinions of his workers and all, although he does not act like he enjoyed listening to their opinions.

     After replying and sending mails to the shareholders and managers of the hotel, Andre sent a mail to Rose, Peter and every other person that came with him to Scotland to inform them that they would be leaving Scotland that morning by 7:30am.

   Everyone received the mail but everyone except Rose read the mail almost immediately it was sent.

After Rose ate dinner last night, she set her alarm to ring by 6:30am and 7:00am just incase she does not wake up to the first buzz. Then after Rose drifted off into a very deep sleep. By 6:30am the alarm started buzzing, it buzzed over and over again but Rose failed to rouse. By 7:00am the alarm began with its buzzing sound, for the first two times it rang, Rose still failed to rouse, when it began to ring again, Rose started regaining consciousness.

   To her it was the first time the alarm was buzzing, she picked up her phone to turn off the alarm so that she could sleep and wait till the alarm of 7:00am rings, only for her to see 7:00am on her phone screen.

At first she thought she "mis-saw" the time because at that point her eyes were still bleary from sleep, she yawned lazily as she raised her phone up to scrutinize what she just saw.

She blinked rapidly trying to process what she had just seen.

"Didn't the 6:30am alarm ring?" She asked herself calmly.

She hadn't been active on all her social media accounts, so she decided to check them out, she saw several voicemails from Mia and other countless messages. Mia was so worried because Rose hadn't given her any update concerning what was happening in her life, she replied her by sending her a voicemail and assured her the she was okay and would see her when she gets back.

It was 7:15 when Rose got a notification from her gmail, it was the message that her boss sent to her.

"Damn, why do I always get informations late, i have just 15 minutes to get ready, Boss would not be pleased if I show up late today, I can't be late for two consecutive days".

She said as she hurriedly dropped her phone on the couch and rushed to take her bath.