
The CEO’s Bride

“His cold voice sends shivers down my spine but it has a way of keeping my heart warm”. Rose said. Rose a young lady who worked at Hiltons hotel accidentally ruined Andre’s wrist watch. She apologized but he won’t take an apology. He would let her be until she payed for the wrist watch. Rose who can’t afford such amount tried her possible best to avoid him. But unfortunately for her a new CEO was appointed in the hotel where she worked and he happened to be Andre the guy the owed. He gave her two options on how to pay him back. Rose picked the second option without knowing what it fully entailed. What will be her fate when she realized what she got herself into?.

Queen_Okonkwo1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


After a long stay in the bathroom, Rose finally decided to leave. She came out of the bath tub, she cleaned her legs on a thick fabric that was patently meant for cleaning the legs, she picked up a towel from a wall mounted towel rack and used it to clean her body and then she sighted a robe were it was neatly placed, she walked towards it and picked it up. She wore it and came out of the bathroom. Momentarily, she felt like a princess, she spotted a mirror at the other side of the room beside the wardrobe. She sauntered towards it and began to look at her self, she was about to admire herself when she heard the popping sound of the door bell. She plodded her way towards the door as she wondered who it was.

She turned on the peeple on the door so she could see who was outside. Through the peeple she saw a staff standing outside.

She adjusted her robe and there after she opened the door.

A young lady walked in with a tray of food on a trolley. She pushed it unhurriedly until she got to the mini dining table in the room, she removed the food from the table and placed it on the dining table.

Rose walked towards her and opened the food on the table, they were different kinds of food.

On it there was Fish and chips, bangers and mash and Pasta with scorched chicken.

Rose was startled because she didn't order anything.

"I didn't order this" Rose looked the staff.

"Yes ma'am, Mr Andre asked for this to be given to you" She answered.

"All of this?" She asked.

"Yes, he wasn't sure of what you would like" She uttered in her eloquent British accent.

"Oh, thank you" She said.

"There is a bottle of wine and water in the refrigerator, and if you need any other thing, the cell phone is just beside the bed, you can put in a call, it will definitely go through" She said.

"Thank you" She replied.

Rose nodded and the lady slowly nudged the trolley out of the room. Rose looked at the foods on the table, she didn't know how or where to start from. She energetically dragged the chair backwards and sat on it, she could not wait to devour the meals in front of her. She looked at them one after the other still as she tried to decide which one she should start with, she decided to try the bangers and mash since she had not eaten it before.

It was a traditional British meal that consisted of sausages, mashed potatoes, fried onions and peas. She picked up the sausage and ate it she licked what she tasted so she proceeded with eating it, she ate half of it and moved to the Fish and chips, she had always been a lover of fish, but this time the fish was dipped in batter before it was fried, chips were not really her thing. Without the chips being touched, she removed the fried batter around the fish and ate it.

She saved the best for the last, she loved pasta with everything she had, she was almost full but she had to eat that pasta she picked up the chopsticks and began to eat. She gulped in water and continued from where she stopped. She was so glad that no one was watching her eat.

After a while her eating session was over, her stomach was so full that it looked like she was 5 months pregnant.

She pushed the chair backwards and walked towards the bed and bounced on it. To her this was not a business trip it was more like she was on a vacation. Due to the comfort the got she slept in a few minutes.

The next morning, the popping sound of the door bell woke her up, she completely forgot why she was there.

The doorbell kept on buzzing, she jumped down from the bed in haste and rushed to open the door, the thought of her checking who it was from the peeple did not cross her mind.

When she opened the door, she saw one of the security guards from yesterday , he stood upright, as usual he wore a black suit and a black sunglasses.

" Hi" Rose said breathing heavily.

"The CEO has been calling your phone, he called the hotels cell phone as well" He spoke with a gruff voice.

"Fuck" She exclamated.

Rose was going to say something but he interrupted her.

"We are leaving for the meeting by 9" He said and walked out without letting her say a word.

Rose slammed the door as she looked around for a clock. She found one above the bed stand. When she checked what time it was, she was thunderstrucked to find out it was 8:33.

"Damn it!" She said as she smacked her forehead with the back of her hands.

  At this point Rose did not know where to start from. Then she remembered she hadn't taken her bath. She pulled her robe and her lingeries as she rushed to the bathroom. She turned on the shower and just at the water touched her body she screamed out loud.