
The Celestian Wizard

Follow the events of a wizard and his team, in a world that has too many problems for its own good...

CarloskingWrites · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


"Get ready..." Fushu readies a javelin. Ryuu puts on his half plate as Tomiko readies an arrow. Karu looks around, 'It's faint, but I can sense their Mana...' Karu jumps down to Fushu, "What's happening?" Fushu glances around, "...A Goblin ambush."

As soon as Fushu said that, an arrow goes flying and misses Fushu's head, slamming into the cart. Fushu throws his javelin and hears something yell in pain, then a shadow drops from the tree. As soon as that happens, the bushes start shaking as things seem to speak to each other inside the bushes.

Karu: 'Wait, why didn't my foresight worked? It should've shown me this ambush happening.'

Fushu: 'Those buggers think that they can get the drop of me? I have slain many goblins before rising the ranks! I know their game plan...'

Fushu grabs a bottle, '...To be sneaky and to not confront the enemy, but since they noticed that I was alert, they're finding a way to choose another tactic.' Fushu throws the bottle at the bushes. The bottle shatters as flames roar around the bush. Two burning goblins run toward Fushu with daggers in hand.

Fushu: 'They'll only attack if that's the only choice, so it's fairly easy to dispatch them.'

Fushu swings his battleaxe at the two goblins and cleaves them in half. The bushes shake even more as some of the goblins sound like they're screaming.

Fushu: 'That's all an act to try to intimidate anyone. It seemed to have worked on the weaklings, but I know how many are there...'

Fushu grabs another bottle, but before he throws it, a goblin rushes out of the bush. "Firebolt!" Karu yells as a flame hits the goblin's head.

Fushu: 'He seemed to be more focused... Perhaps he thinking about a plan.'

Ryuu glances around while his arms are shaking, Tomiko is trying to find an open target, And Toke is trying to find something in his cloak. "Here..." Karu passes Tomiko a torch, "...Try to burn up the bushes to make them stop hiding." Tomiko looks at Karu with a worried face, "What are you crazy?"

"We're at a standstill, nobody's taking the first move. So It's only fair if we take it." Karu whispers to Tomiko. Tomiko puts her arrow on the torch and then shoots the arrow into the bushes. The fire spreads as the goblins rush at them.

Fushu leaps over the cart and throws two javelins at two goblins. As he lands, he slams down his battleaxe onto a goblin's skull and slashes another goblin. Karu waves his hand around as a yellow orb appears above him.

"Scorching ray!" Karu aims at a goblin as a ray shoots from the orb. The ray manages to burn another goblin that was in the way. Ryuu slashes at one of the goblins as Tomiko shoots another goblin that was about to stab Ryuu.

An arrow misses Ryuu's head, but an arrow hits Tomiko on her leg. Tomiko falls from the cart and into the ground As she gets up, a goblin readies his dagger. All that Tomiko could do is just look at the rusted dagger get closer to her.

Tomiko heard something cut off, but as she opened her eyes it wasn't her. "Either keep your guard up or lay down in the dirt!" Fushu yells at Tomiko as he turned to her. "This isn't child's play anymore, we're on a battlefield!" Fushu runs towards the tree.

Fushu feels his veins bulging as he runs towards the tree. Then in one swoop, cuts down the tree with his battleaxe. The goblin gets crushed by the tree as it fell to the ground. "...People like you make me mad, you accept that you lost in battle..." Fushu stabs a goblin that was hiding in the bush with his longsword.

"...But you shouldn't be thinking like that!" Fushu cuts off the head of the goblin with his battleaxe as it squirmed on his longsword. "This isn't over, it's over when we win!" Fushu throws a javelin at a goblin trying to run away. "So get up and continue to fight!" Fushu runs over to the other side of the cart.

Karu smacks a goblin with his spellbook. Ryuu stabs a goblin with his shortsword as he slashes another one with his longsword. Fushu slams his battleaxe at the last goblin. Ryuu looks around, "Wait, we won?" Fushu looked into the woods, "Seems so."

Karu: 'Well without foresight, this went we-'

Karu gets a vision... A large figure... the cart flipping... And Ryuu being taken by the large figure...

Karu puts his hand on his forehead, 'Is that why I didn't get foresight that told me that there was an ambush? And what is that large figure? But why was Ryuu being taken?'

Karu felt a rumble. 'Another instant foresight? Why does it keep happening?'

"What was that?" Ryuu asked. Fushu looked at a figure in the woods. Branches were breaking as the trees rustles. Then the sounds of a tree falling down ring out. "Is that..." Tomiko's eyes widen. Fushu stares down at the figure, "A Goblin Brute."

The Goblin Brute looks at the team as it goes out in the road. "Wait those things are real?! I only heard stories about them!" Ryuu takes a step back. "Yes, that's because Goblin brutes are rare, very rare to be seen by a normal adventurer..." Fushu grins, "...So this finally means a tough opponent!"

Fushu runs up to the Goblin brute and slashes at its leg. But the Goblin brute looks down at Fushu. 'Wait that didn't phase him? What is this monster?' The Goblin brute kicks Fushu. Fushu goes flying into the cart and its impact makes the cart flip two times.

Karu: 'But it didn't show me that Fushu was going to be the one! If Fushu's hurt, that's going to hurt their morale.'

"Firebolt!" Karu throws a flame at the Goblin brute, but it doesn't seem to be phased by it. 'Now it's hurting my morale!' Ryuu runs up to the goblin brute, but a sharp pain comes from his leg. 'Crap, one of those goblins must've stabbed my leg...' Ryuu falls to the ground as the goblin brute readies his fist.

But then Toke moves Ryuu out of the way and gets flattened by the goblin brute's slam. Blood splatters onto Ryuu's half plate as he rolls around. Tomiko readies an arrow, but can't seem to shoot it. The Goblin brute walks up to Tomiko and slaps her with its big hands.

Tomiko flies into a tree and her body goes limp.

Ryuu: 'Everyone left me, why am I the only one?'

"Why!?" Ryuu slowly stands up using his longsword. "I'll stop you from taking them away from me!" Ryuu runs up to the Goblin brute and thrusts his longsword into its leg. The Goblin brute grabs Ryuu and looks at him as it smacks its lips. It then walks into the woods before glaring at Karu.

"Karu!" Ryuu extends his hand to Karu, but his sight of Karu gets blocked by leaves.

Karu stands there... 'Should I go get him? Can I go get him? Is Everyone dead?! What's happening?!' Karu sits on the ground while he starts rocking back and forth, 'This wasn't supposed to happen...'

What stops Karu's trance is the groaning of Fushu. "Man I got pretty banged up back there." Fushu rubs his head. Fushu looks at Karu, "You haven't gotten crazy on me now, kid?" Fushu walks toward Karu, "Um, are you okay?"

Karu quickly stands up and hugs Fushu. Fushu feels tears running from Karu's eyes. "Hey It's okay, it ended so there's nothing to worry about."

Fushu: 'Of course this would be horrible to watch as a kid. But he fought hard, even if it was a losing fight.'

Karu stops hugging Fushu. "I'm sorry for acting like that." Karu sniffs as he wipes away his tears. "Hey no worry, my little wizard! Besides you're perfectly fine!" Fushu pats Karu. Karu chuckles. Fushu looks at Ryuu's shortsword, "Guess he dropped it when he was taken."

Karu walks over to it and picks it up. "Then let's go save him!"