
The Celestial Shift

In an unexpected twist of fate, death propelled me into purgatory. Alone and longing for freedom, I chanced upon a absorbing essences of souls. Tapping into their memories, I uncovered a remarkable mysteries—heavenly demon cultivation. Hope sparked inside me, as I realized I could be reborn in a new world. ... .. . . Yet, to my bewilderment, why am I in a girl's body?

logerlogerlog · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 2 - Destination

Right now, I find myself floating in this void, searching for a black hole or a destined place, or perhaps another world? At the moment, I can only encounter fingers as I am unsure of their count.

I don't think I am capable of keeping track of how long I've been searching for the perfect black hole. Truthfully, I am still filled with fear.

What if the world I've arrived in is a realm inhabited solely by animals, without any humanoids? The possibilities are endless, which also means there are countless potential mistakes that can be made.

I honestly just want to go back to Earth. But I have no idea where to find the way or which place to search for. I miss my laptop dearly, along with the manga series I was reading. I didn't even get to finish Tensei Slime.

I can't even fathom what might have transpired after being pulled into a black hole. This isn't like a game where you can simply hit "restart" and try again. I don't wish to return to this place. It's not that I despise being here, but I'm afraid that if I were to go back, I already lost all my memories.

Well, in that case, let's just locate the largest black hole. My intention is to find a hiding place where I can remain concealed and avoid being targeted by any other beings.

As I slowly move, there something pique my interest.

Hmm, that's quite intriguing. It seems there are three black holes merging with each other. This phenomenon is often referred to as a supermassive black hole.

As I observe, all three black holes converge and align along a single path. It appears that these three realms are in the process of merging into one.

It appears to be time to venture into the depths of the black hole. May all go smoothly and according to plan.

As I journey towards the black hole, a thought arises that I could potentially trade the souls drawn into its gravitational grasp. The energies emitted by each soul gradually diminish, including my own.

As I approach the black hole, a haunting sight greets my eyes: countless souls being drawn into its gravitational pull. The vibrant energies radiating from each soul gradually wane, fading away into the abyss. Even my own soul is not exempt from this inexorable fate.

My reserve of energy is being inexorably drawn into the black hole. The memories I've cherished and the fortitude I've gathered over time are slowly being drained away, consumed by the relentless pull of this cosmic void.

The peril intensifies, and I find myself trapped in an immobilizing grip. Every attempt to move proves futile, leaving me paralyzed with fear. The urge to release a piercing scream builds within me, yet my voice remains stifled, trapped within my constricted throat. Agonizing frustration consumes me as I yearn to break free. Arghhhhhhhh!

Amidst the abyss, my surroundings have plunged into an impenetrable darkness, leaving me enveloped in a state of nothingness.

Miraculously, I have survived the ordeal. However, the price paid is steep. Nearly almost all the memories and soul energy I painstakingly amassed have been depleted, leaving me with mere remnants.

What remains are the cherished memories from my past life and the invaluable cultivation methods that I've prepared and hold tightly before.

In this bewildering state, uncertainty engulfs me. Unlike the void where I could sense my soul form, I now find myself trapped in a realm devoid of any perception. It feels as though I am confined to a place where even the slightest trace of sensation eludes me.

Amidst this puzzling situation, questions flood my mind. Do I possess a physical form now? If so, why am I unable to perceive anything? Could it be that I find myself within the confines of a womb, awaiting birth? Alternatively, have I met my demise once more?

Frustration and confusion intertwine within me, for the answers elude my grasp, leaving me exasperated and disheartened.

I don't know how long this feeling of emptiness has lasted. Perhaps I just need to calm my mind and gradually gather energy for my soul. It's possible that my soul has some abnormality since I don't undergo the typical process of reincarnation.

The question remains: how can I harness energy for my soul? The memories I've acquired from cultivation do not even mention gathering energy specifically for the soul without physical body. It's possible that I don't remember or that the information already missing.

I recall that in the "Heavenly Phoenix Path" cultivation technique, one can cultivate using phoenix essence whether the essence from the soul or the blood.

Fortunately, I managed to absorb some of it before. Unfortunately, the essence I have at the moment is incredibly minuscule. In fact, it's so small that I don't believe it can even be considered an exists. Maybe just a single point that I can tell.

In both cultivations I remember, there is a similarity. To exist within a living being, three components are required.

The first component is the soul, the essence of one's being. The second is the astral body, which serves as the bridge connecting the soul and the physical body. Lastly, the third component is the physical body itself, the vessel through which the soul and astral body interact with the physical world.

Based on the cultivation technique, it seems that what I lack is an astral body. Since I cannot even sense my body or astral body, perhaps I need to gradually channel the essence of the phoenix from my soul to establish a connection with the external world.

I find it incredibly challenging to shift my essence gradually, attempting to perceive my astral body, although I'm not really sure there exists.

Every movement requires utmost care, for I am well aware of the immense value of this essence. It is the most precious possession I possess, and the very foundation of my cultivation.

The stakes are high, as a single mistake could mean the loss of everything I have worked for, jeopardizing my very existence in this world.

I cannot discern the exact duration of time that has passed, but I have made notable progress. Gradually, fragments of memories are resurfacing within my consciousness. Among them, there are glimpses of memories from infancy, albeit somewhat hazy. Nevertheless, it is a significant development.

In the midst of attempting to connect with my astral body, something unexpected occurs.

Memories from my infancy up until the age of four flood into my mind. An intense surge of emotions engulfs my essence within the soul, overwhelming me completely. I find myself unable to block or filter these new essences, as they merge with the essences present in my astral body.

From the memories that resurface, it appears recently I have been taken captive or kidnapped. I don't know how, but my memory is still hazy.

To add another layer of shock, it turns out I am inhabiting a female body. Oh dear, the unexpected twists of fate! Adjusting to this new reality poses a significant challenge, and I find myself uncertain about how to navigate this life.

With a sigh, I gather my resolve and continue my cultivation, hoping to gain a better understanding of this new world and find my place within it.

Well I must adapt with the situation I currently had.

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