
Like the Good Ol' Days

In the moments before the transition, before the stage shined in the spotlight, a single note was all it took to send the audience into a frenzy. The crowd was a river of people all waving in the same direction. There were only joyful faces, eager to enjoy the biggest concert in Tokyo.

Music filled the place and adrenaline shook their hearts. Blessed by dappled light and that familiar sound, they all started cheering when he came out. The crowd no longer felt like pebbles in a jar, but thousands of molecules flowing in sync with one another.

There was something about Yuuji that drew people to him. This young boy was so blond, his hair brought an image of a golden wheat field bathing in the sun. He had the kind of face that would stop anyone in their tracks. A voice that could take over their soul. A gentle expression that would make a girl melt. A smile that no one could match. This boy was like an infinite package of fun, with a sense of mischief that needed a quick release.

“The King of Pop”

“The Hottest Man in Japan”


“Boo Bear”

These titles became a part of his everyday life. And he liked it. He loved the attention.

Everyone adored the way his voice would quicken when he got to the chorus. How he enjoyed every minute on stage. How he would lose himself for a moment and forget he was on stage. As if he was born to entertain the masses.

When the concert was over, he would always do a meet and greet with fans. They would flock him the moment they laid eyes on him. He would give them autographs, hug a couple, and give a few lucky girls a peck on the cheek, before driving off in his white SUV. They would scream and gasp after him. The way he communicated with everyone made it all the more worth the chase.

Yuuji’s next stop would be the movie studio. The production company would greet him with open arms. After all, he was also a diva on the screen. A Hollywood actor that had been in the industry since middle school. His tenacity, perseverance, and cheerfulness made him a pleasure to work with and the audience couldn’t get enough off him.

His opportunities were endless.

He had his own fancy apartment at the age of 17.

He bought a car at 18. A motorboat at the age of 20.

Now, at 22 he was living the life. A stadium filled with people. Traveling the world on tours. Partying until the wee hours. Enjoying the company of fine women. Each more beautiful than the next.

Everything he could have ever imagined and so much more. But, his dynamic lifestyle was not without drama.

Oh, no. Drama would find him even in his sleep.

- “See this?!”

A girl slammed a picture in his face as he tried to rub his sleepy eyes. After a night of drinking, his vision was blurry. But after a little while, he could finally see her short chestnut hair blowing in the spring breeze. His window was wide open and the light from the sun lit up her youthful face. But, there was anger within her that couldn’t be tamed.

- “Eh? What…is it?”

- “Don’t act stupid. You did it again!” – she puffed her cheeks and started imitating his voice. “Ohh… Erika! I love you! I always want to be with you! Don’t worry, I will never cheat on you. I realized my mistake. You mean the world to me. Please, forgive me!” – then slammed the picture in his face again. “Then what the hell is THIS?! You did it with Moriko again! On the boat! Again!!!!”

- “Ugh…that.”

- “What do you mean THAT? Of course, it’s that! Why do you always feel the need to lie? What is wrong with you?”

- “Can…you be quiet for a moment. My head is a mess.”

- “Don’t give me that bullshit! That’s IT! I’ve had it with you, Yuuji.”

The girl grabbed the entrance door and pulled it wide open.

- “Oh…Yes. Please close the window. It’s getting a bit cold.”

- “You little!” – the girl fumed and slammed the door shut. “You know what?”

- “What…” – he yawned.

- “I just thought of something perfect!” – she let out an evil smile. “Ahh.. I’ve been thinking about this for a very long time, but I never had the guts to do it. You see, Yuuji.” – she sat back down on the bed. “I respected you. Who you’ve become. What you thrive to be. I get that. But treating me like some side piece after saying we should move in together. Now, that’s evil. So…” – she continued. “I think that this calls for revenge. Wouldn’t you agree?”

- “Ugh…What are you planning this time? Listen, I have interviews this afternoon. Can you keep it short?”

- “Naah…Don’t worry. It will be something you will carry for the rest of your life.”

- “What?”

- “See this?”

The girl took out a pregnancy test. It was positive. Yuuji jumped straight out of bed.

- “What the hell is that?!”

- “Oh, don’t worry. It’s not mine.”

- “Oh…Haha…” – he let out a sigh.

- “But it will be.”

- “What?!”

- “If I make this public that you and I are expecting a baby, the world will go ballistic! I also have pictures of you that no one else has seen. Call them chocolate treats, if you wish. You see, we’ve been living together for 3 years, so it makes sense. No? Then again, how do you think your female fans will feel about it?”

His face turned grim.

- “Hehe, right. They will be angry. Their favorite Boo Bear has found the love of his life and now they have no chance of getting him.”

- “You wouldn’t do that.”

- “You are just a pretty face Yuuji. Your record sales will plummet! Don’t worry. I already have the pictures ready and will be sending them to every paparazzi agency I know. Haha!!! I can’t wait.”

- “Wait! Erika!!!!”

- “Bye-bye, Yuuji.”

She stormed out. Yuuji was mortified.


The lobby was a clean and welcoming space. In this comfortable ambiance, anyone would take their time to relax and enjoy a drink or two. But, Yuuji felt the need to move almost without end. His feet tapped the floor with anxiety, forcing him to walk up and down the place. Either he was going to calm down or his manager was going to meet his brain patterns and lose control. But, before the man could reach out to him, Yuuji suddenly stopped. That’s when an image of a young girl popped up in his mind. He jumped with relief. This strange and obnoxious behavior set the manager on edge.

- “Yes! She can help!!! How could I forget.”

Yuuji ran out of the building at full speed without a moment’s notice.

- “Oy! Yuuji! Stop! Where are you going? Yuuji!!!! Wait!!!”

- “Sorry! I have to take care of some things! I will be back. I promise!”

- “Jeez…”


In the darkness of a small room, it was only the light of the monitor that glowed. It cast a light that seemed to die a couple of inches from her face. The girl was obviously lost in thought, journeying through a game she had mastered a long time ago. There was a steadiness to her as if no matter what happened in the real world, she wouldn’t bet an eye.

Though her clothes were black and loose, they were now a washed-out grey. There was nothing “princessy” about her either. Rather a speck of fierceness and independence. The way her fingers moved, that speed, accuracy…If she could jump into the screen and live there as one of her avatars, she would have done it a million times already.

She reached for another bag of chips and took a slurp of soda.

That keyboard, has without a doubt, seen all the snacks she has eaten in the past few months. A year maybe. It was now packed with dirt and smeared from her greasy fingertips. The letters were barely visible, but she knew exactly what she was doing.

Loud, strong knocks came.

She miffed.

Licked her fingers to savor the taste of that last bite and opened the door wide. But, the light of the blazing sun startled her a bit. This dazzling boy that stood there only made things worse. She quickly retreated into her dark den and tried to slam the door in his face. Only to be met with a force that held her door knob back.

- “Ka-chan! It’s me! Wait!”

That voice. It was a familiar voice. She paused for a moment and gathered her thoughts. That’s when the memories came swarming back.

- “Yu-kun?”

- “Ehh… I haven’t heard someone call me like that in a while. I’m so glad you remember me! Hehe.”

She opened the door once more. Her dark brown hair was messy and long. Each strand moved freely with the breeze, complimenting the stillness in her gorgeous round eyes. Her aura seeped in a calming presence. Her petite frame as stunning as always.

- “Long time no see. What are you doing here?” – the girl yawned.

- “Waaah…Do you have any idea how hard it is to find you?!”

- “Oh. Those who need me, know where to find me.”

- “Haha. Point taken.”

- “So, what do you want?”

- “Eh…as cold as always.”

- “I am in the middle of a dungeon. My time is precious. If you have something to say, say it.”

- “Oh, come on, is that how you talk to a best friend?”

- “Former best friend.”

- “Ah…don’t be a bully.”

- “I haven’t seen you in years. Don’t give yourself a rank.”

- “I see. I see. Sorry. So, I need your help with something. But it will take time.”

- “Uhh… Then come inside. Wait until I finish and you can tell me then.”

- “Ka-chan! Thank you!!!”

- “Uhm. Just sit there and be quiet.”

- “Yes, mam!”

She hurried back and jumped on her comfortable seat. The girl’s room was a step into messy chaos. The studio apartment was a perfect size, small and practical. But, the place was far from inviting. The floor was covered with the latest manga, books, light novels, even boxes from a recent delivery. It was mostly devoid of any furniture, other than the futon, small kitchen, and desk. As if everything she did, she used the desk for it.

The curtains were also pitch black, submerging the room in complete darkness. Yuuji felt uncomfortable and a little cramped, so he pushed the curtains aside to let in the rays of the sun. Then, he opened up the windows for a breath of fresh air.

The girl screeched like a vampire.

For a moment there, she got distracted and died in the game.

Then, slammed her fist into the wall. It hurt.

- “I had no idea you decided to hide from society. What is this? I thought you were going to become this epic game developer and make a ton of money.”

- “It’s none of your business.”

- “I called your parents, by the way.”

- “I see. That’s how you found me.” – the girl continued playing her game.

- “They told me you decided to drop it all and live in this shabby apartment. You could have at least stayed in your mom’s fancy house. Why pick this tiny space?”

- “Why do you care?”

- “I haven’t seen you in a long time. I want to know what happened.”

- “Like I will tell you everything just because you decided to drop by. So…” – the chair turned. The girl unwrapped a lollipop and savored the sweet taste. “What can I help you with, Yu-kun?”

The boy jumped and tightly grabbed both of her hands. He looked straight into her eyes with sheer expectation and worry.

- “Kazue! I messed up! I messed up big time! And you are the only one who can fix this mess for me! Remember Erika, right?”

- “Yup.” – she didn’t seem all that fazed from his dramatic display. “How can I forget? The popular girl who had every man drooling over her. Too bad she fell for the likes of you.”

- “Woah, that’s harsh.”

- “So?”

- “She threatened she would make a pregnancy test public and wreck my career.”

- “Huh?!”

- “No. No! She isn’t pregnant. But, wants the world to think that she is and that this baby is mine. I mean, she could have posted it on social media, but I don’t know what she is thinking. She is mad! I tell you, mad!”

- “Heh, I see. She wants to take the pictures to the media to make some cash. I commend her efforts.”

- “Don’t be like that, Ka-chan. Please, you have to help me and get them back before she makes a move.”

- “But, what if I just want to watch? It’s more fun that way. Te~he.”

- “Please…Don’t do this to me.” – He looked at her with his googly eyes. “If I get other people involved, the media will immediately figure it out. I can’t let things get out of hand. You are the only one I can trust. Please, for old times’ sake.”

- “Fine.”

- “Oh? Oh?! Really?”

- “Really.”

- “Yeeeeaah! Thank you so much, Ka-chan.” – he hugged her tight.

- “But, under one condition.”

- “Do tell.”

- “You will owe me a favor.”

- “Oh? What kind.”

- “I don’t know. But, if something pops up and I need help, you will come crawling back. Got it?”

- “You got yourself a deal, young lady.”

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