
Knowing the groom

I got to school the next day

I sighted Nathan getting down from his car

That beast, just wait and see, I'm gonna pay you back your skateboard money in million folds

I smoothened my hair and went to class

"Eva"Purple waved at me,her seat was now near mine

"Purple. Good morning. Did you switch seats with someone?"I asked

She smiled"Yeah, since we're friends now,I just thought we ought to sit near each other " She pulled her chair closer to mine

Whoaaa she's really nice

"So tell me, how did yesterday go? He didn't figure out it was you who took his skateboard, right?"she asked eagerly

"He did,I wonder how he knew. The problem there is that I couldn't find the skateboard where I kept it at the back of the class. And now,he's requesting for a brand new one exactly like the other one. Everything's so messed up. Can you imagine the price? A million dollar just for a skateboard"I explained to her

"A million dollar? I'll just ask my dad to send the money so you can get another one for him"She said


A million dollar is so easy for her to talk about like it's a really cheap amount

But to my family.....

"You need not worry about that. I already found a kinda new source of money?"

"Really? Tell me about it"

I explained everything to her without leaving anything out

She's my best friend now,I shouldn't keep things from her

"I really don't know what to say but..... I think you should go ahead with the marriage. It's gonna help you in a lotta things. You know your family......"she was saying

"Thanks I understand your point"I told her"It's not even like the marriage will stop me from attending school"

She suddenly hugged me

"What?"I asked

"Eva, you're really the best friend one can ever have. You don't keep things from me even the most personal. I like you so much because of that,we should be friends forever"she said

"Awwwww Purple"I patted her back

"Eva, since I see you as my best friend now, I'll like to tell you a secret. I've been keeping it in me for almost three years now"she said

I looked up at her"Whoaaa a secret? What's that?"

"I've been crushing on Nathan, Nathan Miles for almost three years now"she shot the bomb

"What? Him?? That Jerk??? That beast in human figure????"I blurted out

"Calm down, it's a secret. I just thought I should let you know since we're friends"

"Hmmmmm I really don't know what to say. I really don't know, Purple"I told her honestly

How could she crush on him of all people?

She's too nice

She deserves someone much more better

For a whole three years!

What a wasted crush!

"It's okay,you don't have to say anything.....I just felt I should let you know"she said smilling coyly "Oh look,he's here already. Wait,he's on his skateboard. I thought you said....."

My eyes lit

He's really on his skateboard

Is this a new one?

Definitely not

How did he find it?

I must really know

After classes of the day when everyone has left,I went to him


He looked up at me"I'm not in the mood to talk to you. I have some unwanted visitors coming Over to our place today so I gotta go home to get ready"he packed his backpack and made to leave but I stood in his way

"How did you get this skateboard?"

"Dummy, there's a tracker on my skateboard so I knew yesterday that you were the one who took it and hid it so after classes of the day,I simply took my skateboard. I thought of how to get back at you for what you did so I made it seem like it was missing and you have to buy me another one"He explained

That jerk

I balled my fist

I was so worked up on nothing

He actually was the one messing with me

"How dare you mess with me?!"I yelled at him

"I'd have troubled you more for some days but I just thought we shouldn't have anything to do with each other anymore so I decided to bring the skateboard along today. So let's not cross each other's part anymore, you're so sickening"He said

I scoffed"Trouble me? Oh you think I couldn't pay your one million dollar? Even if it was double I'd have paid it. Well, what you said was true. We shouldn't cross each other's parts anymore so you better not butt Into my business from now on"I told him and went home

He's so annoying

I just worried a lot for nothing

I shouldn't agree to the marriage again

No,I have to

Else,we may end up living on the streets

At least the marriage will last for just a year

As I entered the house,I saw my dad,mom and Richie already dressed


"She's back. Eva hurry up and get dressed,we don't wanna be late. Our in-laws are already expecting us"Richie said

Acting like he's the one who wanna get wedded

"Eva, I left a dress for you on your bed. I borrowed it from my friend's daughter. You should wear it to our in-laws' house"my mom told me

"No mom. I'm not wearing any borrowed item because of anything. I'm gonna wear what I have,I don't care what anyone has to say about it so return the dress back to its owner."I told her and went into my room

I checked out the dress,it was really pretty and looked expensive but I don't care

Angie,the dress owner is a blabber mouth

The whole neighborhood is gonna know soon that I borrowed a dress from her

I took a quick bath and got dressed in a white top and denim overalls. I wore my white sneakers and got out from the room

"Oh my goodness, what are you wearing?"my mom asked looking at me with disgust

"We should leave now else we'll be late"I said

"Eva's right. We should leave now,I don't think whatever she wears really matters. What matters more is the marriage"Richie said

Marriage or money?

I rolled my eyes

"So are we taking a bus or a cab?"I asked

"Actually I don't have money for a bus or cab. Let's all just make use of our bicycles. I'll lead the way"my dad replied

"Dad, seriously?"Richie and I said in unison

"Not to worry,kids,as from tomorrow,we won't be living this kind of life anymore"my dad said

So we all left the house,got on our BIKES and followed the path my dad went through

"We're there"my dad announced after about an hour and half

My legs were hurting badly

"Whoaaa the gate alone looks so expensive. It still feels like I'm dreaming,I can't believe all these is happening to us"Richie said

We rang the doorbell, a security guard opened the door and yayyyyyyyyyyyy we were in

Richie couldn't close his mouth all through even till we got inside the main building

I'm very sure millions of flies are already holding a huge feast inside his mouth

But mehn! The compound alone is times twenty of our house

Then we entered the main house.....