
The card I created is very fierce

"Why is this [Summon Card: Goblin] wearing a black mask?" "Because he's a bandit goblin." "Then what's he good for?" "He can steal your opponent's wallet." “I@#¥%, who※※※※ taught you that?” ********* You can be creative in making cards, but you can't kill people. --Excerpt from a victim's memoir

xiao_shi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Cornelia is helpful

Durkan really needed a cannon fodder to try out the mechanism.

So Durkan and Cornelia, one on the left and one on the right, took the demon student and walked towards the classroom at the end of the hallway.

It felt like escorting a prisoner on death row to the execution site.

They pushed open the door.

They were immediately presented with a magnificent sight like a work of art.

Compared to a cooking classroom or a kitchen, this classroom is more like a banquet hall. Its style is very similar to that of the corridor outside, and it looks very much like a dinner party.

The bright lights are warm and soft, and the silver candlesticks and crystal chandeliers sparkle in the glow of the fire.

The reliefs on the walls are magnificent and there is a large, long baroque-style table in the middle of the room.

"Welcome to the cooking school, I am your teacher, Baron Bacher, I cordially invite you to my dinner party!"

A deep voice surrounds the classroom and the door is suddenly slammed shut.

A dinner party?

Was the demon academy holding classes at night?

Durkan followed the noise and looked around.

At the back of the classroom stood a grim-looking male demon in a beautiful black dress.

He bowed gracefully to the three guests, then turned his wrist upwards, pointed to the oak-carved dining chair next to the long table and motioned for the three of them to take a seat.

It seemed as if he had no teacher's airs at all.

Although the teacher's words and demeanor were quite friendly, Durkan knew this was all wrong.

Because the murderous intent in Baron Bacher's eyes was by no means hidden.

The demon student captured by Cornelia had begun to tremble uncontrollably and was instinctively afraid of Baron Bacher.

At Durkan's signal, Cornelia took a seat with the demon student on the left side of the dining table.

Durkan then sat down on the right side, directly opposite Cornelia.

When Baron Bacher saw that the three students had taken their seats, he smiled with satisfaction.

He turned around, walked to the back of the classroom and slowly pushed out a small silver food trolley.

On the trolley were three plates of food with silver lids.

the topic of today's lesson is: "Appreciation of food"

"I have prepared your meals and hope that you are satisfied"

Baron Bacher pushed the small serving trolley to the edge of the long table like a butler and lifted one of the plates.

"But ..."

Baron Bacher's voice changed and became a little high-pitched, like that of a proud and neurotic artist.

"After you have enjoyed your meal, you must tell me about the ingredients and spices used in the food."

"That's the test question for today's cooking class."

"Excellent cooks can resonate with foodies."

"If you can answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, it proves that you are my guests and excellent students in the cooking course."

"But if you answer badly, I will be very sad."

"Then I will have to give you an appropriate punishment..."

At this point, Baron Bacher's mouth could no longer suppress the smile.

The desire to kill was written almost directly on his face.


When Durkan heard him speak, he almost wanted to slap him!

"So, which of you three will go first?"

Baron Bacher looked at the three students at the table and asked with a somewhat sinister smile on his face.

There was absolute silence in the huge classroom.

After coming out of the exam room, even Cornelia had realized that these demons' games were all murderous...

This was not a happy candlelight dinner, but a feast of killing on the edge of a cliff!

There was silence for a few seconds.

"No active students? Then let me name them."

Baron Bacher seemed a little impatient and said with a frown.

But just as he had finished speaking.

The demon apprentice next to Cornelia slowly raised his hand.

That made Baron Bacher happy.

But the demon apprentice widened his eyes and looked at Cornelia next to him in disbelief.

His eyes were full of mistrust towards the demon.

Cornelia grabbed him by his elbow and forced him to raise his hand!

His forehead was covered in cold sweat and he looked at Baron Bacher.

Baron Bacher's eyes were fixed on him.

He could basically be sentenced to death.

Then the demon student looked at Durkan, who was sitting diagonally opposite him, with a face full of sadness and anger.

It's better to die with a clear mind.

This girl is scary, but she's not that bad.

It must be the bad guy across the street who gave her instructions!

Durkan looked away, pouting and looking like he was whistling.

Only now did he signal Cornelia with his eyes: he kept looking at Cornelia and the demon apprentice's elbows, and Cornelia quickly understood what Durkan meant.

It's you, the bastard!

Cried the demon student desperately in his heart.

He was in pain, he was in grief and anger, but he was helpless, and he was only afraid.

"Then it's you!"

Baron Bacher was very happy that a student finally came forward.

He quickly went to the demon student, placed the plate in front of him and opened the lid for him.

A plate of stewed meat, smelling of melon and lemon and tasted a little of smoke, appeared in front of the demon pupil, accompanied by a small amount of seasonal vegetables.

"Come on, eat please."

Baron Bacher took two steps back to give the demon student a more comfortable seat.

When he heard this.

The demon student lifted his knife and fork with trembling hands, cut the meat very finely, forked it and slowly brought it to his mouth.

But the closer he got to his mouth, the more his hands trembled, as if he could not aim at his mouth.

But Baron Bacher did not push him at all.

Baron Bacher seemed to really enjoy watching the demon apprentice's performance.

So the demon apprentice continued to hesitate, and looked at Bacher from time to time.

After a quarter of an hour, he had eaten most of the small plate of exquisite and luxurious food.

"Okay, it's time to answer the question."

Said Baron Bacher with a smile, as if he had stopped the countdown to the demon student's death.


"Yes... there are onions, carrots, bay leaves, thyme, red wine, black pepper..."

Replied the demon apprentice shakily.

He remembered the taste he had just tasted with great pain.

The taste was too complicated.

Every bite was extremely delicious.

But this meal would bring no happiness, only endless despair and fear.

It seemed that Baron Bacher wanted him to taste just that.

Finally, he gradually began to guess, but the more he guessed, the more he realized that he had moved away from the right answer.

The smile on Baron Bacher's face became more and more indulgent, and the corners of his mouth had already curved into a frightening bow.

"Too bad you were only 37% right. You are not a real gourmet."

The judge's voice rang through the classroom with joy.

After the voice fell silent, Baron Bacher's neck suddenly stretched.

His skin was slightly torn like an envelope, revealing the green scales underneath, as if he had transformed back into his original monster form.

The well-dressed baron began to shake his strangely long neck, grinning with his terrifying face and staring at the demon student who was already deathly pale.

Finally, Baron Bacher seemed to have had enough of the demon student's desperate look.

His head became extremely large, and he opened his bloody mouth and devoured the demon student like lightning.

One bite!

The demon student was swallowed whole by Baron Bacher!

He had no strength left to defend himself.

"Crunch, crunch."

Baron Bacher chewed a few times with a face full of pleasure and swallowed his feast whole.

After swallowing with relish for a while, Baron Bacher seemed very happy, his eyes were slightly upturned and he pulled his neck back with a big laugh.

He had said it at the beginning.

This is his dinner party.


During this short time, Baron Bacher enjoyed a wonderful dinner.

Although Cornelia had a poker face,

She began to feel a little uncomfortable.

She was probably sure that she could not beat Baron Bacher.

If she could not taste the ingredients later, she wondered if she and Durkan could keep Bacher at bay together.

She looked at Durkan.

Their eyes met.

She noticed that Durkan still had an unchanged expression on his face and was leaning back in his chair, as still as a chessboard.

That relieved Cornelia.

Durkan should have an idea.