
The Capital’s Cure

ShippudenGenerator · Anime & Comics
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A friend in the end.

Well here's my new story between Generator Rex and Akame Ga Kill. I hope you all enjoy.

This takes place during the park scene in Lions and Lambs. 

"Breach, let's go!" yelled Rex as he grabbed Breach and flew off away from the bowling alley they were hanging out in rides off with Rex on his new build, the Rex Ryder.

Hot on their trails was Van Kleiss, Biowulf, and Skalamander as they flew on three flying fish EVO's with harnesses and big teeth. They flew near a water tower and flew around it but Biowulf failed and crashed into it.

Skalamander flew in closer to Rex as they flew down to the streets but then Rex took a sharp turn and that made Skalamander fly off of his ride. Van Kleiss was the last one and chased after Rex but as he turned the corner, Rex flew straight up a wall but Van Kleiss just crashed into a window. With all of them gone, Rex flew far away towards a park he saw near by, and landed near a bridge and deactivated his build.

Breach looked unhappy as she began walking away from Rex and walked up onto a small bridge with a pond below them. Rex lifted up his goggles and saw how sad she looked. He took one last look behind them to make sure they weren't being followed.

He then walked up the bridge to see Breach leaning on the stone railing of the bridge and looking down at the water below.

"Will they hurt me?" asked Breach in a scared way.

Rex turned to her as he said "Providence? Not if I can help it" he said trying to assure her she was going to be ok.

Breach then turned in anger away from Rex and said "They did before. Ms. Smarty Pants—she likes to hurt me" in disgust.

Rex leaned on the stone railing as he then said "I'll give you my word, if you come back to Providence, I promise no one will hurt you" as he saw how distraught she was and then looked down at the water as well.

They stayed there for a bit until Breach broke the silence saying "Then we can be together forever and ever" as she got off the railing and began walking off the bridge while ducks were swimming in water below them.

Rex's eyes widened at her weird phrase as he became weirded out as he then said "Uh... something like that" but then he shook his head as he said "What am I getting myself into?" as he turned and walked after Breach while also saying "We gotta move. I bet my brother has already figured out how to turn that thing of yours off."

But as he said that, they heard frantic duck noises to which they turned to the ducks in the pond fly off, to which they saw in the reflection of the water a jet fighter flying down low and landing on the ground. They looked and White Knight stepping out of the ship.

White Knight walked up as he was followed by more Providence fighter planes. Rex looked around franticly as he said "Uh guys, what are you doing?!" as he then looked at White Knight.

White Knight stepped forward as he said "If you can't have something done right, do it yourself" as he held out his arm and a blaster popped out of it and he then shot at Breach. When the beam hit her, she screamed in pain as she was flown back, and landed on the ground near a half circle of Providence agents, smoke coming off her.

Seeing this, Rex was horrified by what White Knight had done. His shocked expression then turned into a scowl as he yelled "No! No no no!" as he then walked up bridge to White Knight and yelled "Do you have any idea what you just did?" as he pointed at White Knight.

Suddenly, Breach's chest device turned on as she then screamed in pain, which made Rex turn his head to see her and Providence agents were now shooting at her. To protect herself, she then threw several portals at them and they all soon disappeared.

Rex turned back to White Knight in anger as he then pointed to Breach and said "Is this what you wanted? Congratulations!" as he then turned and ran over to Breach as she was still thrpigng portals about.

"Breach! Wait!" yelled Rex, to which she then scowled and then turned around and threw a portal at Rex as she yelled "Liar!" but Rex was able to dodge the attack and it flew past White Knight. While his back was turned, she there another one at Rex, this time it worked and it consumed him and he disappeared.

White Knight saw this and then nodded to the soldiers next to him and they began shooting at her again. She ran a bit way from them then threw more portals at them. White watched from the bridge at what was happening, and then he saw portals opening next to him so he turned and saw some agents being dumped into the water then the last one had Rex falling into the water as well.

White Knight knew something had to be done to stop her so he then spoke into his comm piece and said "Agent Six! You're up"

Agent Six understood and He jumped at her from a giant rock in the park and swung his swords at her but before he could even touch her, she opened a portal above her and sent him away to behind Knight. Rex jumped out from the water and onto the bridge by Knight as he then yelled,

"You had no intention to bring her in, did you?"

"I wanted to believe you Rex, but this is too important. She can't be controlled" said Knight, trying to justify his reasons as Rex turned his back to him. But then began to think on what he said and then it hit him.

"Control..." as he then looked and saw she was using her powers to protect herself.

"Her powers are back on" said Rex in a curious voice but then it hit him again. "Van Kleiss." as his eyes narrowed in anger. And just as he said that, Van Kleiss did arrive on his flying fish EVO as he then held out his hand as he said "Settle down, Breach." as just as he said that, Breach's chest device turned off.

White Knight and Six began walking over to her but Rex ran out in front of them and said "Let me do this. I can get through to her. Come on. It couldn't get any worse than you've already made it"

This made Knight and Six look at each other in still motion as they then looked back at Rex.

White Knight then said into his comms "Form a perimeter around Breach. Van Kleiss isn't to touch her" to which Rex gave him a thumbs up and began running towards Breach. But as he ran for her, a rock wall rose from the ground, blocking Rex from getting to Breach. Six then jumped after him as The Pack jumped down from wall to attack Rex. He then saw Six running towards them as he then joined him to try and stop them

Breach was now lying on the ground as agents surround her. She tried to make red portal but it didn't work. Shen then began to scream very loud in pain as Van Kleiss flew in on his fish, while agents began shooting at him.He landed on the ground and his bio-mechanical whip arm began to extend out and began knocking down agents to the side. He then shot needles from his fingers and knocked more down, while his EVO fish knocked the rest down.

Van Kleiss began walking over to Breach but then he was stopped by a blast and he turned to see White Knight hovering above ground as he readied his weapons.

Van Kleiss smirked as he then said "If you had any idea what I was trying to do you might even welcome it."

White Knight didnt seem to care as he then said "Enlighten me" and fired a missile at Van Kleiss. He dodged it and tried to outmaneuver the rest of the trajectories Knight threw at him but then he saw a tree next to him and smirked as he touched the tree and it turned into an EVO. The EVO tree then began to attack White as he fired his weapons at the tree but then he was soon caught by the tree and it held White in place.

Meanwhile, with Six and Rex, Six and Biowulf were fighting and slashing at each other, while Skalamander throw his rock projectiles at Rex and he formed his Fun-chucks and batted away the rocks and one of them managed to hit Skalamander in the face and in that moment, Rex gave him one good punch to the snout.

Meanwhile, White was still having trouble getting out of the roots as Van Kleiss soon maneuvered his way over to White Knight and said "Enlighten you?" as he then stuck his claw into White Knight's suit, as it glowed with electricity and White Knight screamed in pain.

"All in good time White Knight, assuming you have some left" said Van Kleiss smugly but before anything else could happen, Six threw his magnablade through Van Kleiss's bio-mechanical arm and he let go of White.

White Knight fell to the ground as he looked up and saw Six grabbing his blade as he said " Go. I mean it" as White Knight nodded his head and flew off, to fix his suit.

Six turned back to Van Kleiss as he said "The name's Six."

Van Kleiss grew an annoyed face as he said "We've met" in an annoyed voice as well.

Six  just said "Don't remember" and he threw his blade at Van Kleiss but Biowulf came in and took the blade to where his heart would be but he just yanked it out like it was nothing.

Like a boss.

But as he took it out, He was then hit but Rex's bola shots from his Boogie Pack. He then deactivated it as he wings but then Skalamander fired several shots at him but he activated his Smack hands and blocked his shots. Six then pulled out his swords and began fighting Skalamander, keeping him away from Rex to save Breach.

Breach was on the merry-go-round as it was turning slowly as she slowly opened her eyes and she was looking at the sky. She then saw Van Kleiss was next to her as well as Rex walking over to them.

"You're just using her" said Rex in an irked manner.

Van Kleiss just simply said "Of course I am. She knows it. Spare me the chivalry, Rex. Providence would do the same" as Breach continued to spin around the merry-go-round.

"Either way you slice it, she loses!" said Rex as Breach then dragged her legs down and she came to a stop. She then stood back up as she said to herself "My two favorites. You both lie. Neither is real" and began walking away from the two.

Rex looked at her walking away as he said "Breach, I'm sorry. I meant what I said.

"Words mean nothing" retorted Van Kleiss.

Rex just grumbled at him then said "Then let this do the talking" as he walked over to her. He then put his hand on her machine and turned on her machine. Soon the chest piece began to glow and it soon began to hum and she looked at the piece and hung her head down. He had given her power to her machine. Now it was her choice how to use it.

Van Kleiss was in shock at what he just did but then but then he began to laugh.

"You just handed her a loaded gun" as he continued to laugh.

Rex looked back at Van Kleiss and said "And now it's her choice how to use it" as he pointed at Breach.

Van Kleiss just smiled as he said "Oh if only I had the chance to get through to you Rex, to teach you how the world really works. How this really all plays out" as Breach soon walked in front him. She then held out her hands and the device glowed yellow.

Rex suddenly looked above him as a giant, spinning, yellow portal began to form above them.

Van Kleiss just laughed as he then said "Our very first time traveler. You should be honored. Now Breach, if you wouldn't mind" as he continued to laugh. But unknown to Van Kleiss, a single tear fell down Breach's face as she looked at Rex. She then closed her eyes in anger as she then moved her hands.

Rex closed his eyes waiting for something to happen, but then a yellow portal opened up.....

....beneath Van Kleiss and it soon swallowed him up, disappearing from sight.

Rex then opened his eyes as he then saw that Van Kleiss was gone. He then began walking over to Breach as he said "That was...unexpected."

He then reached out his hand and placed it on the device and tried to shut it down, but it shocked his hand as if he couldn't. He failed to turn it off. This wasn't good.

Rex panicked as he looked at his hand and said "It won't turn off. I'm sorry. I, I didn't know" as he stuttered in fear at what he had done.

"Van Kleiss made it like this so I wouldn't send him away" as she just stared ahead never changing her fearful expression.

"That didn't work out so well did it?" said Rex as the portal above them began to grow and grow.

Rex realized that the situation was getting worse so he leaned into his comms piece and said "Six, get everyone out of here now!" as the portal turned into a big yellow dome and it formed around the playground where Rex and Breach were standing.

Rex kept looking around the dome as he saw that it was getting worse. He then looked back at Breach and saw she hadn't changed her expression.

With things getting worse for Rex, he only had one thing to say to Breach. "So, what's going to happen?" he asked in a serious voice.

Breach just shrugged her shoulders then looked away from him but she then looked up and then drooped her head down as a lone tear fell from her eyes as she said "I don't know if any of this was real" as she then looked right into Rex's eyes as she then said "but it was nice having a friend for awhile." She then leaned forward and hugged him tight. This took Rex by surprise as he didnt expect this to happen but he knew that if this was the end then she needed someone to hold onto to so he decided to be that person as he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her back.

The two new friends embraced each other as the dome began going haywire and soon it began to shrink and shrink, with the two friends still hugging each other in what might be their last moments together as the dome kept shrinking and soon it consumed them and they both disappeared in a flash of light.

And nothing but total silence filled the area as there was no one left in the park that night.

Through the whole of time and space

Rex was screaming as he was flung through time and space in a tunnel-like area as he was flying forward. So many bright lights and colors flew around him, he wasn't sure what was going to happen. He felt like he was getting a seizure from it all.

But soon the tunnel he was traveling through began to swirl round and round as he seemed to be getting closer and closer to the end of the swirling tunnel.

Soon his travels stopped with a big explosion as a bright light lit up in his face.

In an unknown location

Rex still had his eyes closed but when he felt like it was an eternity just standing there, he opened his eyes and looked at his arms still in the hugging motion he had when he was hugging Breach but she was no longer in his arms.

In a brief moment, he felt sad that she wasn't there with him but soon, he looked down at his body and his arms and then cheered as he said "I didn't get blown up" as he then looked around...

....and then wrapped his arms around his body in a warming hug as he was now in a freezing, snowy area.

He gazed at his surroundings and saw that he had seemed to have appeared in a large deserted, snowy field but then he looked out and saw that there was land below him that didn't have snow. He then looked to the sides of him. He then realized he was on top of a snowy mountain.

Nothing but snow surrounding him. He then saw something on the ground to which he looked down and saw a white rabbit, just simply staring at him.

"Whoa!" he yelled as he stepped back, which startled the bunny and it began to run away.

"Yea, you better run away. Stupid fluffy bunny" grumbled Rex to himself. He had had a bad run in with an EVO Rabbit and that thing chased him everywhere he went and he's resented rabbits and bunnies ever since.

As he began to cool down, he then remembered what went down the past few minutes, and then his eyes widened in surprise at what his situation might be.

"Oh no, please don't let this be dino time" as he then touched his earpiece in left ear and said "Rex to Providence, do you copy? Oh... Rex to Providence, you better be there."


"Providence. Please be there" begged Rex as he kept waiting for a response as he began walking backwards in a nervous tone, expecting something big to come out and attack him.

Rex was beginning to worry about where or when he could be as he then heard a sound but one he didn't like.


For the faintest time, Rex looked down and had suddenly realized, he was right near a cliffside. He had landed near a cliff and now it was cracking under his feet.

Rex groaned as he said "Ah irony, we meet again" and then the ground beneath him gave away and Rex screamed as he began falling down the cliff. Rocks and snow began flying down with him, and thinking quickly, Rex formed his Smack hands, and had grabbed onto a falling boulder and launched himself up towards the cliff. He maneuvered his way through the rocks and then reached out towards a snow covered part of the cliffside.

Just as he reached out and tried to grab onto the cliff, a giant rock came falling down and before rex could react, the rock struck him in the back and the back of his head causing Rex to go falling faster.

Rex began to feel dizzy as he kept falling. He tried to reach for the cliffside but he then looked down and saw he was getting closer to the ground. Realizing the gravity of his situation, Rex formed his Boogie pack and tried to stop himself from hitting the snowy ground but then the giant rocks then hit one part of his wings.

"Oh crap" said Rex as he then began to spin around out of control and began falling towards the ground again.

"This is going to hhhuuurrrrrtt" yelled Rex tried to form the broken part of his wings but it was too late, because just as he formed it and tried to to fly up, he ended up colliding with the ground and into the snow.

Rex then began tumbling down the mountain side as he his wings began to break apart on the ground. Rex then began to sink into the snow as it soon washed over him as he began to get stuck in the avalanche. The snow kept sliding down the mountain side faster and faster as Rex kept rolling down the mountain.


Down on the side of the mountain

All while that was happening, two boys and a girl were hunting for food on the side of the mountain as they held spears in their hands. The girl of the group was pulling a sled of dead animals. The girl had long black hair and black eyes. She wore a white butterfly or flower hair accessory, a white shirt, with a long black coat covering the rest of her body, which could be seen as a robe, and brown boots on.

The boy next to her had short, somewhat unruly, dark brown hair and brown eyes. He wore a white martial arts headband, while also wearing a tan coat and black pants, and brown combat boots.

The other boy was of average height with green eyes and medium length brown hair with a cowlick that falls with its weight. He wore a white, high collar jacket over a tan sweater vest with a brown overcoat on, a pair of black pants, brown gloves and combat boots.

"Tatsumi. I know we need food but the sled can't take anymore weight. Plus its starting to storm soon. We need to get back to the village" said the girl.

"Sayo's right. This sled can't handle this much weight. We all know we're running low on food but we need to get back" said the other boy.

"I get it, Ieyasu. I know that but we're going to be leaving soon and the village needs a lot of food. We don't know how long we'll be gone" said Tatsumi.

"Well, that may be true but its dangerous to travel this far into the mountains. We need..." said Sayo but just as she was speaking, the group began to feel the ground rumbling and shaking.

The group became worried as they soon looked up the side of the mountain and saw a lot of snow coming straight towards them as it was sliding down the mountain.

"GUYS. LOOK OUT" yelled Sayo as she ran forward and shoved Tatsumi and Ieyasu out of the way while the snowball kept coming towards her. She screamed as she ducked down, trying to shield herself.....

...as the snow collided her and began sweeping her away from the group, along with their supply of food.

"Sayoooo!" Both Tatsumi and Ieyasu exclaimed as they turned around.

It had only been a few seconds since the two young men were pushed to avoid the avalanche. But by doing so, both were too slow to try and help Sayo from getting caught in the avalanche, hence they were standing at an edge, worried and fearful of the fate of their friend as they saw the snow stop at the bottom of the hill.

"Tatsumi, we have to do something. She'll freeze to death!" Ieyasu shouted in a bit of panic.

"I know. We've got to get down there. Come on" yelled Tatsumi as the two began to head down the side of the mountain.


Tatsumi and Ieyasu began running down the mountain trail they came on as fast as they could as the soon began sprinting towards the giant snow drift.

"DON'T WORRY SAYO, WE'RE COMING" yelled Tatsumi as they dropped their spears and began working on clearing away the snow.

"Hurry. Move it faster. Every second counts, Ieyasu" said Tatsumi.

"I know, I know" replied Ieyasu as he clawed his way through the snow.

As they continued digging through the snow, Tatsumi caught a glimpse of something, which turned out to be the snow moving.

"Ieyasu, look" said Tatsumi as Ieyasu stopped his digging through the snow drift and looked at what Tatsumi could be talking about.

He then saw the snow began to move more and more as the two then felt a rumble as the two the saw a blue glow coming from the snow.

"Woah! What is that?!" Ieyasu asked in shock.

"I don't know, but we can't drop out guard for a second." Tatsumi said determinedly

Ieyasu replied by saying "You're right. But we have to..." but before he could finish his sentence, the glow blue light in the snow began to glow more...

....as it began to grow bigger and bigger.

Before the two of them could properly react, something else happened.

The glowing blue light grew more bigger at a fast rate. So fast that the light ended up hitting them in their faces as they felt something blue and strong was pushing them away as the blue light soon grew bigger, which sent Tatsumi and Ieyasu flying backwards into the snow behind them, causing them to get stuck in the snow with their legs sticking out of it.

As they landed, Tatsumi soon gathered his bearing as he felt the coldness touching his face as snow was now in front of his face.

Tatsumi groaned in pain as he tried wiggling himself out of the snow as he finally got his arms free from the snow and then tried pulling his body out of the snow.

It was tricky but he finally managed to pull himself out of the snow.

"Brrrrrrrr" said Tatsumi as he cleared the snow off of his face. He then heard muffled sounds as he turned around and saw Ieyasu was still stuck in the ground, if not even more than Tatsumi was.

"Ieyasu!!" exclaimed Tatsumi as he ran over and began pulling his friend out of the snow. As got him out, Ieyasu's teeth were chattering from how cold he was.

"Are you ok" asked Tatsumi, concerned for his friend.

"Y-yea. Ju-ju-just very cold" said Ieyasu through his chattering teeth as he tried to warm himself up.

Tatsumi sighed as he then turned his attention back to the snow drift, only to be completely surprised.

The snow drift now had an open hole in the top of the snow drift. Even though the snow drift was still high in height, it was high enough for Tatsumi to tell that the snow had blown off the top since there was no dome on it anymore.

"Ieyasu, look. Whatever that blue glow was, it blew the snow off the top" said Tatsumi as he pointed at the snow.

"Ye-yea and we went with that blue glow. But what was that glow" said Ieyasu as he was trying to warm his face up.

"I don't know. Come on. Lets find out" said Tatsumi as he helped Ieyasu up as the two began walking over to the snow drift, very cautiously.


Ieyasu and Tatsumi had managed to grab their spears as they slowly began walking over to the snow drift.

"What could've that blue glow been" asked Ieyasu to Tatsumi.

"You're guess is as good as mine. But forget that, we need to find Sayo and fast. She'll freeze if we don't hurry" said Tatsumi as he began walking faster to the the snow, with Ieyasu behind him.

Ieyasu replied by saying "Right, we'll worry about that later. Right now, we..." but before he could finish, the two of them began to hurry snow crunching, but it wasn't coming from them. They stopped their walking.

The two then began to draw the conclusion that it was coming from the snow drift. And sure enough, there was a figure, walking up towards the top of the snow but the figure was tall, they knew it wasn't Sayo. The two then to point their spears towards the figure.

"Halt right there" Stated Tatsumi in a hostile way at the figure. He then looked closer as was able to see the figure as the figure kept walking up the side of the snow.

It was a young teenage boy with dark tan skin, dark black hair, and brown eyes. The boy wore a white and blue t-shirt with two orange lines on it, a red jacket with orange at the ends of the sleeves, and wore dark pants. And had brown goggles on top of his head.

"Before you shish kabob me with your toothpicks there, tell me this....." said the figure as the two flinched at what he was going to say or might do.

"Does she belong to you guys" asked the figure, to which the boys then focused their attention to something the figure was carrying in his arms. The boys looked and gasped....

........It was their friend Sayo, passed out in the boys arms.

"Sayo!" Both Tatsumi and Ieyasu exclaimed in happiness. They were surprised, shocked and relieved to see their friend was okay.

"Oh good. She does belong to you" said the figure as Ieyasu ran up and took Sayo away from the boy's arms in a quick manner as Tatsumi joined him.

"Sayo. Hey, are you ok.Come on speak to me" said Ieyasu as he began shaking her, trying to wake her up.

Sayo began to lightly stir in her sleep as looked up and saw her friend, holding her in his arms.

"Ieyasu? Whats going on" mumbled Sayo in a confused manner.

The boys smiled as they said "Sayo, you're alive and well" as they hugged their friend but as the two hugged their friend, they heard a thump behind them.

They turned and saw the figure behind them and fallen down the snow drift as he tumbled down and stopped at the bottom of the snow.

"Oh no. Mister, are you ok" asked Tatsumi as he ran over to check on the man. Tatsumi stopped and saw that the man was breathing heavily.

"Must've passed out from exhaustion" concluded Tatsumi as he then looked around for the sled.

"Ieyasu. Do you see the sled anyway" asked Tatsumi to his friend.

Ieyasu began to look around for the sled but couldn't find it.

"I don't see it. It must've been carried away and still buried somewhere else in the snow" said Ieyasu to Tatsumi.

"Dammit" grunted Tatsumi under his breath as he then said "Sayo, how are you doing."

Sayo heard him and then tried to stand on her feet but then winced in pain.

"AGH. My right ankle hits. I think I sprained it" said Sayo in pain as she rubbed on her ankle.

"Great" groaned Tatsumi as he heard her cry as he began to think on their situation and what to do.

Ieyasu then said "Here let me help you" as he then carried Sayo in his arms.

"Thanks, Ieyasu" said Sayo with gratitude as she rubbed on her swollen ankle.

"What should we do now, Tatsumi" asked Ieyasu.

"Well, this guy is down for the count" said Tatsumi as he pointed at the stranger, passed out on the ground.

"I was wanting to use the sled to bring him back to our healer but without it, I'm going to have to carry him back to the village while you carry Sayo back" said Tatsumi as he then began to try and pick the stranger up.

Tatsumi groaned as he said "Geez, this guy is heavy" as he draped the strangers over his shoulders and began dragging him way.

Ieyasu saw him walking away and yelled "Wait, what about the food."

"It'll have to wait. Sayo's injured, the storm's about to hit and we can't leave this guy out here alone, even if he is a stranger. Come on! We have to get back to the village!"" said Tatsumi as he began dragging the strangers body away.

Ieyasu silently agreed as he began to follow Tatsumi back down the trail they came through. Sayo saw that two talking as she looked at Ieyasu, who seemed to be in confusion about what was going on. She then saw him turn towards her as he asked "Hey Sayo. What happened in the snow. Where did that guy come from" asked Ieyasu.

Sayo began to think on what happened when she was swept away by the snow.

"Well, when I got caught up in the snow, I though I saw something in the snow with me, but soon I began to sink into the snow. Before I passed out, I felt something grab me and hold me. Why, what happened" said Sayo as she then asked Ieyasu what happened.

"Well, when we got to the bottom of the hill, we began digging through the snow, trying to get you out. But then the snow began to glow blue and then something began to grow and grow as it hit us and made us go flying" informed Ieyasu, surprising Sayo by what happened while she was out of it.

"Then when we got out of the snow, that guy came out with you in his arms. Then he passed out. I don't know all of the details but he must been the cause of the avalanche if he ended up in the snow and no one was with us as well in the mountains" said Ieyasu as he began walking over tree stumps and rocks in the forest they were now walking through.

"But that's just a theory. I don't know what really happened. When he wakes up, maybe we'll get some answer on what happened up there" said Ieyasu as Sayo was more shocked by Ieyasu's words.

She then turned to look at Tatsumi and the mysterious stranger as she asked "Who do you think he is?"

Ieyasu sighed as he said "You're guess is as good as mine. As far as I know......

....This boy is a complete mystery to us."

A:N Here is the latest new story for me. Don't worry, I will continue with this story but the ideas I have for it are going to take some time developing. I hope you all will enjoy it.