
The Cape

I'll update this later. After getting to Chapter 10 just read the damn novel... and enjoy

Darkhe_Prince · Fantasy
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10 Chs

First Fight

Mage was impressed by the combat cells Calibri possessed. He stood in front of rows and rows of white cell rooms in the area that the Dean had led them to meet their combat instructors for the year.


"Alright students, I'd like introduce you to the professors who will be handling the combat rankings. Freshmen combat instructors: Coach Hagrid and Coach Jane." The Dean announced, gesturing beside the combat rooms where a pair of people wearing combat suits stood. "Normally, I'd be telling you guys to be good and not cause trouble, but I doubt I need to." Dean Felix smiled at his own little joke, and nodding to the pair of Coaches, he briskly walked away.


Immediately he left, Coach Hagrid stepped forward. He was dark-haired, tall and muscular. He looked like he belonged in the front page of a body-building magazine rather than at a school. But seeing as this was a school for Supers, it wasn't that surprising.


"Good morning recruits." He greeted, His voice was surprisingly soft for someone of his stature, and a few students were visibly surprised at the contrast. "To your seniors, I'm their professor, but you recruits have not earned that honor yet. I doubt half of you will make it past our first training session anyway. By the end of the year, those of you who persevere will curse me, curse my father for not using a condom, and also curse my mother for not aborting. But sometime in the future… if you make it till then, you'll come back here and thank me for making you strong enough to survive." Coach Hagrid stepped back, leaving the students speechless at his words. His soft voice made his words all the more terrifying.


Coach Jane didn't give them any time to adjust as she immediately stepped forward and immediately went to the point. "I'm going to be training you guys as well. But where my brutish partner trains your body on how to endure combat, I'll be training your minds. You will learn to use you powers in new and innovative ways, in ways you would've never imagined possible.

 Be warned that our training routine will be harsh, extremely harsh. This is for your own good, as we are the first and most important instructors you will ever have. We will tear you down and build you up from scratch with strong foundations that will enable you to survive your hero years." She solemnly stared at the students for two seconds before stepping back.


"All right," Coach Hagrid said as he stepped forward again. "Before we begin, are there any questions? No?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Now the boys with me, the girls follow Coach Jane." Without looking back to see if the students complied, he started walking towards the combat cells at one end of the area. Coach Jane walked towards the other.


Mage was even more impressed by the combat cells once he got a closer look at them. They looked about seventy feet by seventy feet in size; they were made of some strange concrete-like material that was several inches thick. A large door made of the same material as the door served as the only entrance and exit. The truly amazing thing about them was the number of them available. Mage didn't count, but he estimated them to be around one hundred.


Right now, each of the freshman class was standing in a cell staring at a fellow student across from them, who would be their first opponent.


In Mage's case, the boy who entered was a little shorter. He had brown hair, but the most noticeable feature about him was his longs arms that stretched a little below his knees. The only other person around them was a boy in dark blue uniform, a senior student staring at them through a small window by the side. His only job was to make sure that no one was killed. Serious injury wasn't a problem as the school had a bunch of healers employed.


A hidden speaker buzzed with static a moment before words were heard, "Introduce yourselves," Apparently there was some sort of intercom set up in the rooms. It made sense to Mage as he thought about it, after all how else would one talk to them through reinforced walls?


"Mage Darkhe," Mage bowed slightly, his eyes never leaving his opponent for one second


"Lucius Kent," His opponent replied with a smirk on his face.


"Begin," said the same voice, crackling through the intercom. Mage watched as his opponent Lucius threw a punch at him immediately the metaphorical bell had sounded. The puzzling fact was that they were about twenty-five feet apart. Though he was puzzled at the situation, Mage did not hesitate in the slightest to dodge the punch, unlikely as it was to connect.


Mage's prudence saved him a moment later as he watched with wide eyes as Lucius' arms elongated in an instant and swept over where his head had been moments ago.

"Not bad." Lucius gave Mage an impressed look, "Not a lot of people would dodge a punch from half-way across the room."

"My bad. Work habit." Mage replied.


Lucius nodded and balled up his fists, "You'd need more than that to beat me."


Mage didn't respond this time as he rushed forwards and delivered a punch towards Lucius while swaying a little to make himself a bit more unpredictable. Meanwhile Lucius just stood still, watching Mage with same annoying smirk still on his face.


Alarm bells rang in Mage's mind as he saw this, but he was already mid-swing and it would be detrimental to pull back his punch now. So he gritted his teeth and raised his guards. Unexpectedly, Lucius still hadn't made any moves even as the punch was about to connect with his face leaving Mage puzzled. A moment later, he knew something was wrong. His punch had surely connected, but it felt as if he had punched a ball made of rubber. He tried to punch again and it was still the same result.


"Hehe, I said you will need more than luck to beat me," Lucius chuckled; a hint of pride could be heard from his voice.


Mage hurriedly tried to put some space between them, but he was too late. Using the distraction when he was speaking, Lucius had secretly extended his hands to wrap around Mage from behind leaving both of them entwined together. Then like a serpent, Lucius started wrapping himself around Mage, entangling and strangling him.


"Yield," Lucius commanded.

Seeing Mage still silent, he continued. "I could shatter your ribs. Sure they would fix you back, but would you like to feel your ribs all shattered? Yield now."  He tightened his hold on Mage.


Meanwhile, Mage's brain was running on hyper drive on how to escape from the trap he fell into. He knew he was going to be one of the weakest kids on campus, so he had never thought of relying on his weak Superpower, but rather on his quick and clever thinking.


Just then, he had an idea. Not bothering to think twice on the chances of it working due to the increased pain he was feeling. Not to mention he could even hear his bones creaking. He raised his hand slightly as if he was about to tap twice according to the universally recognized sign of surrender, He instead grabbed a part of Lucius' body and activated his Superpower. His target: Lucius' clothes.

First of Many Fight Scenes

Stay Tuned...


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