
Chapter 13 I'm Here to Pick You Up 1

Translator: 549690339

When Mo Ran received the call from the bar waiter, she was already on her way to "Night Charm." Today, she was feeling restless, deeply concerned about Mo Yan. So, upon receiving the call, it took her only two minutes to rush to "Night Charm."

The waiter had told her on the phone that Mo Yan had just left the bar after her shift when she was taken away by several men, and it looked like a kidnapping.

Since the men seemed to be of considerable influence, they didn't dare to call the police, worried that doing so might worsen Mo Yan's situation.

Desperate, Mo Ran rushed to the scene, got the details, and decided to run in the direction the car had left. If she didn't find Mo Yan within ten minutes, she would call the police, no matter who the men were.

She had only run a few steps when a car followed from behind and stopped beside her.

Gu Yixuan was sitting in the driver's seat and opened the door, "Get in. Your two legs can't catch up to four wheels. They left not long ago; maybe you can catch up."

Mo Ran quickly got in the car, feeling somewhat grateful to Gu Yixuan.

The sports car's speed was indeed fast, and when they caught up to the other car, they saw them dragging Mo Yan towards an empty, deserted place.

Then, Mo Ran witnessed a scene that made her blood boil. They were actually beating Mo Yan with their fists and feet!

The car hadn't even stopped steadily before Mo Ran jumped out and rushed towards them.

"Stop!" She rushed over, knocked one man down, and when trying to knock down a second, someone pushed her away with great force.

"Ranran, save me!" Mo Yan was surrounded by them, cowering on the ground with a bloody nose.

"Sis! Stop it!" She rushed over again, grabbed a hand that was swinging at her, and with a skillful move, she flipped the man to the ground.

She only knew a bit of self-defense, not enough to handle these professional thugs. When she tried to use the same technique on a second man, she was overpowered and thrown to the ground instead.

There were four men in total; two of them punched and kicked Mo Yan with cold indifference while the other two grappled with Mo Ran.

"Ah... Ranran... Ah..." Mo Yan screamed in agony, her shrieks tightening Mo Ran's heart.

"Sis! Who the hell are you people? Let her go! If you have any guts, come at me!" Mo Ran was blocked by two men, unable to break through no matter what.

"Miss, we're just teaching her a lesson. I advise you not to meddle," one of the assailants said coldly.

"What lesson? Where did my sister offend you guys!"