
The Campione of Marvel!

Alan Seong, a Korean-American high schooler with a deep obsession for mythology, was on a vacation in Egypt with his family when they suffered an accident. While exploring an ancient tomb in one of the pyramids, the entire place suddenly began to collapse. With no way out, they ran deeper into the place, being completely unaware of what awaited them in the depths. ------------------------ Don't expect much from the story, it is going to be a little bit all over the place at first. It will jump straight into the Battle for New York against the Chitauri and move forwards from there, but it will mix events and things won't happen exactly as in Canon MCU, which is the base for this fic. You can expect a few comic references and events too. D*I*S*C*O*R*D Link: https://discord.gg/wMFgz3nRvs

GabrielRott · Movies
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12 Chs

IV - The meetings don't stop

I only want to say one thing about the comments about how a Campione should be and whatnot: Guys, please don't rush to comment on things when the story is a Prologue and a few chapters in. It hasn't been even two days in the story since it began, what did you expect to happen? Besides, this isn't Campione, this is Marvel, and I took the creative liberty to change a few things around because why not? You are literally not giving me time to set things up and have some issues, character development, etc. Calm down guys, sheesh.


"So, we are neighbors?" Felicia asked as we left school. We had spent the rest of the day getting to know each other better and honestly, she was a damn nice person to have a around. She kknew how to navigate around the conversation to avoid the awkward or embarrassing topics, but still keep it lively and upbeat. We talked about our lives before high school, our families, our favourite foods and even our hobbies.

I learned about her doing gymnastics since very young –which explained her killer body– and her wanting to have a career in marketing and also be an influencer. And honestly, I was very tempted to give it a try after a short conversation I had with her.


It was during our sixth period, in an extremely boring chemistry lesson, that we talked about our thoughts about the future. I knew I was going to be busy being a hero, but I also needed –more like wanted– a regular job. The thing was, I didn't like the idea of having a regular 9 to 5 job like most people. So I made a decision in that exact moment.

"Say, if I were to study marketing and management, wouldn't we be able to work together?" I asked for some reason I didn't understand. It sounded, was and would surely continue to be corny, but I felt a strong attraction towards her as a person, so I wanted to build something more than just classmates who got along very well. And to be fair, it felt like the attraction was mutual. But I am a man, I could've been wrong. "I mean, you got the looks and the skillset needed to become a celebrity."

"Are you kidding? Me? Have you looked at yourself in the mirror, Alan?" She asked, as if I had said something stupid. What did she mean by that? And she must've noticed my confusion based on what she did next.

"Here, look at yourself, hunk." She said taking a small pocket mirror from her school bag. What I saw surprised me. Earlier that morning I hadn't had time to look myself in the mirror, but I was different from before becoming a Campione. I wasn't exactly too different, since I had always been good-looking, but now I was model level, body and everything. 1,85 meters tall (around 6'? I have no idea), broad shouldered and packing a bit more muscle that I used to. My face hadn't changed much, but it was now more angular and with stronger features. All of that plus my natural hair color made me model material. I felt weirded-out by seeing me on a mirror, but I did my best to hide it.

"Do you understand now? We both could become celebrities." Felicia said smugly and somewhat... proud? Anyway, she was totally right. And being honest, I wanted the life of a celebrity. It would give me everything being a hero wouldn't, unless I revealed my 'secret identity' to the world –something I wasn't going to do until at least a lot later down the line.


"Yeah, we basically are neighbors now, Miss Future Star." I said jokingly to her, which she just dusted off. Dad was waiting outside the school to take me home, so I was thinking of offering Felicia a ride, but then I saw something that didn't really bother me, but was annoying at the moment. You have to understand, if you are a teenager and are focused on a girl, you will be annoyed if you see Nick 'Moth*rfuck*r' Fury talking to your dad. Now had come the time to stop hiding my knowledge –some of it, anyway–... and capitalize on it.

"Hey dad, how were today's classes? Also, hello there, Mr. Fury." I greeted my dad and Fury, showing clearly different attitudes to both. I already had an excuse as to how I knew who Fury was. Magic. You see, someone did try to enter my house last night, and I did track them down to where they came from... and I did find out about Shield, so basically... I had an alibi.

"Son, Mr. Fury here was talking to me about a job offer for you and he would like to discuss it with you. And who is this beautiful girl?" My dad answered, the first part seriously and the second jokingly.

"I'd love to talk to Mr. Fury about that job." I said after rolling my eyes at my dad's clear attempt to tease me, and then answered his question. "And this is Felicia Hardy, she just recently moved into our neighborhood and transferred to Midtown."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Seong. You raised an awesome son." She said. I could feel the honesty in her words which actually made me happy, but then I noticed Fury looking at us and I could guess what he was thinking. Thus, I did my best to send him a look that said 'Think about it and you're dead.'

"Anyway, dad, could we give a ride to Felicia? She could arrive at her house a lot earlier than she would otherwise." What was left unsaid was that I would also be able to spend a little more time with her, even if in the company of my dad and Nick Fury. "It isn't a bother, is it, Mr. Fury?"

"Not at all kid, I'm going in my own ride." He answered, not intending to talk anymore. Felicia was looking at Fury weirdly, but I restrained my curiosity for later.

After that we all went home, Felicia insisting she lived around the corner wouldn't let us drop her off there. Once we went into our house, Fury in tow, our mom greeted us while preparing some snacks. It would appear that dad told her we would have visits... and then some.

"Welcome back honey, and Alan, be a deary and help me set up these plates. It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Fury." She said in one breath. I honestly expected my conversation with Fury going the way I wanted, since I had been preparing for it since the previous night and during the morning too.

"The pleasure is mine, ma'am. I hope I am not bothering you too much." He answered, doing his best at showing manners and politeness. In all honesty, Fury was a dick most of the time, but he wasn't a bad dick and he did everything for a reason.

"Don't worry about our talk, they already know everything!" I said from the kitchen where I was grabbing some drinks for all of us. Once I got back to the living, I went straight to the point. "So, is this about the Avengers initiative?"

"Damn kid please don't just blurt out confidential stuff like that!" He said, almost panicking. I just laughed it off, since there was no way someone could hear anything we were talking.

"Please don't worry, no one, not even your people at Shield, can hear what we are saying right now. I have the whole house under wards. And yes, that is indeed magic." I said, shrugging off his worries and answering the question he was surely going to answer.

What followed was, quite simply, a negotiation. Fury wanted me into the Avengers and if possible, in Shield too. I immediately denied his proposition of me working for Shield, but accepted being part of the Avengers. If there was ever a world threatening event, I would be here. After all, my parents lived on this planet, I wouldn't allow anything to happen to them. He asked me a few things about who I was and, more importantly, WHAT I was. So... I was honest about it. What use was there in lying? I just said that I had a simple job. Dealing with the remnants of deities in the world and in the universe if needed. I thankfully didn't have to explain what Heretic Gods were nor any of that, since Fury understood my goal was simply to protect the universe from threats.

"Well, it was a pleasure meeting you both, Miss and Mr. Seong. Take care kid, I'll call you if I need to." Fury said before taking his leave. My parents were quite baffled by the conversation that had just transpire between a kid and a spy, that kid being no other than their son. And I understood them perfectly, it was to be expected.

"Well, who wants to play jenga?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood. My mom was looking at me with pride and worry and my dad had a knowing smile, but I could see the worry in his eyes. I didn't want them to worry, but I didn't want to lie to them even more. "By the way, were is Jake? I just noticed I didn't see him when we arrived."

"Hahaha, your brother is staying over at a friend's house." My mother said with a chuckle. That seemed to make the trick and calm them down. "By the way, what is going on with that Felicia girl?"

"*sigh*... parents."