
The Calm Before The Storm

JC_Hardman · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Ser Cregor green

Ser Cregor was pissed. Everyone who had heard the young Lord speak to him, could see it.

A tall, slender man walked over to him.

"A babysitter," the man said with an amused look on his face. "Should you not go and make sure that the little boy is all tucked in?" he said, tilting his head back as he was laughing.

As Ser Cregor watched this man, anger grew inside of him. He could feel his cheeks growing warm from the frustration, and before he knew it his head flew forward with a dash, planting his forehead hard into the face of the tall knight.

The knight took a few steps back, blood running from his nose and tears running from his eyes.

"Crying already?" Cregor watched him. "Rather sit down before I break your neck," he said to the crying man in the calmest way possible.

The man drew his mace from his hip. A well-made weapon, a ball with spikes hung from a short staf.

The man swung the mace at Cregor, forcing him to jump over the chain and landing on his two feet. In an instant Cregor dashed forward once again, but this time the tavern only heard a crunch followed by a cough.

"Ah!" the man coughed as blood streamed from his mouth. Cregor's hand pulled back, you could only tell from the movement under his black robe. No one could see a weapon. Cregor held the man up by his neck, only to throw him back down onto the ground. He waited for the man to get to his knees, walking up behind him slowly only to grab his head in his hands. The only noise that could be heard was that of a crack.

The tavern grew quiet as the man fell to the floor, broken neck and nothing but a puddle of blood filled the area around him.

"I tried to warn him," Cregor said with a smile that sent chills up the spines of the men and women in the tavern.

"Ava, clean up this mess please," Cregor said looking over at the friends of the man he just killed.

"Will you lot try anything?" Cregor asked looking at them with a cold stare and a fiendish smile.

They simply ran away. No one made a sound. Two men stood up in the corner of the room and started to walk to Cregor.

"My friends, we meet again," Cregor said to the two men.

They wore the same black robe as he did and they also wore their hoods over their heads. One could see almost nothing of the men, just a short stubble of a beard on one of their faces. The one man was short and the other one just a tad longer than the other.

The shorter one moved to the other corner of the room and started to watch them.

"I hope you are almost ready to move, Green," the mysterious man said in a deep voice.

"I am ready to move as soon as you tell me to," Cregor answered as Ava was cleaning the mess around them. There have been many men with hoods around the area lately, Ava had taken notice of that. And she had seen what would happen if anyone were to rub them the wrong way.

"We will have to act swiftly," the mystery figure said again with is deep and dark sounding voice.

"Tha plan will not fail, trust me," Cregor said as his devilish smile shined through once more.

. He did not know how Aiden had not heard anything of the situation outside, but he also did not care. He was just glad that the little brat did not come out. The man walked away from Cregor, back to the shorter man in the corner. Cregor stood alone.

He walked over to Ava and asked "How often do men of Hartsend come past here?"

"The last few years almost none, no guards. None of his house, only the young Lord had been here as of now," Ava said with fear in her eyes.

Cregor dropped a small pouch on the table. As it fell onto the hard wood surface, Ava could hear a familiar noise inside. It almost sounded like gold pieces.

"You saw nothing, not what I did nor that I spoke to anyone," Cregor said while looking around.

Ava was very frightened. She took the money carefully and placing it under the counter, turned around and started cleaning.

Cregor went towards the room that his young Lord had paid for. "Soon the time of Ser Cregor will be upon all of you," he thought to himself as he closed his door for the night's slumber. Blood was still covering his clothes and hands, but the man was too tired to care.

The Next Day 

When Cregor had gone outside, Aiden already stood waiting for him by their horses. His blood soaked robe was gone. He had a new fresh robe packed in, and he was very happy when he remembered about it.

"What took you so long?" Aiden looked at Cregor, a bored look on his face.

"Sorry my young Lord, I had stayed in the tavern until late," Cregor said in response.

The people around them seemed stunned, that was not the fierce man they had seen killing someone just the night before. He seemed humble and scared of the young Lord.

"We ride further North today, my Lord. We should be able to reach the forest before late, we will camp there," Cregor said while he mounted his horse.

"Good, I grow tired of this place. It reeks of death this morning," Aiden said while he followed after Cregor. As they rode off, Ava saw an evil smile on the face of Ser Cregor. She could only say "Poor ignorant little brat," as they rode off further down the great plains.