
The Cadman Brothers Vol. 1: Mr. Frederick Cadman

(Update weekly on Friday) No one knows that the Cadman brothers, Frederick, Andre, and Hugo, the most eligible bachelors in town known for their wealth, power, and good looks, are actually descendants of a mythical creature once thought to exist only in folklore. They are living the good life as modern-day "Lycans". Frederick Cadman, the eldest of the three, is a highly successful real estate tycoon on the west coast. He is known for his sharp business vision and unwavering dedication to work, which has earned him the reputation of a workaholic among his brothers. However, fate has a different plan for Frederick as he crosses paths with Kate Brown, a realtor from Los Angeles who is caring for her nephew; Lucca, and searching for her missing sister. Their unexpected encounter turns Frederick's life in a new direction, re-evaluating his priorities and make room for the unexpected! Kate Brown is a successful realtor in Los Angeles, enjoying a stable career until she faces a rough patch in her personal life. Just when she thinks nothing could go wrong, her sister disappears without a trace, and her brother-in-law turns unstable, leaving behind her young son Lucca. Kate is suddenly thrust into the role of a mother for her nephew. However, she never expects her life to take a new turn until she meets the one and only Frederick Cadman.

SaharaK · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

Frederick drives through a driveway, covered with centuries-old oak trees. He is heading towards the Cadman estate, followed by a white SUV belonging to his new client.

'If Ms. Brown wants privacy, this is as good as it gets,' Frederick thought.

Back at the clubhouse

After offering her a rental contract for a mid-size cottage-style house hidden in a gated property with 24-hour security and no neighbors, she hesitated before realizing that this was her last resource; she smiled back at him and asked, "If it comes with a backyard that would be perfect, thank you, Mr. Cadman."

Even though she looked tired, Frederick could feel a sense of relief emanating from her. He could tell that she was truly thankful; his lips twitched slightly, though not close to a smile, all he had done was nod his head as acknowledgment.

He rarely encountered such a pure intention; growing up as the firstborn child of the great Cadman family, he was surrounded by both enemies and allies, but hardly any true friendships. He wouldn't complain; he knew all too well how this messed-up capitalist world works.

Frederick offered to take her to the place himself, since nobody knew about it, as this place had never been on the market or intended to be rented out because it is part of the Cadman estate! 

When he turned around, he could see the disbelief on Brian's face. So what? He had already decided that this was the best solution. However, Brian didn't need to know that.

Decades ago, the playhouse had been built as a hideout for him and his brothers when they were young wolf cubs. It was located further back on the east side of the main house, close to the forest. Over the years, the staff had taken great care to maintain the property, keeping it in good condition.

Despite being called a playhouse, it was actually a fully functional house with multiple bedrooms, bathrooms, a kitchen, and a living room. It was equipped with all the necessary appliances and furnished with comfortable furniture. The brothers also spent the night there sometimes when they couldn't make it back to the main house after having too much fun during the full moon.

Ms. Brown asked if he could wait until late afternoon so she could go pick up her nephew; Frederick had no problem with it because that would give him enough time to finish his pending work.




Cadman estate

Kate's breath catches in her throat as they pass through the front gate; the snow-covered driveway leading up to the main house is like something out of a fairytale. As they approach, she can see the intricate stonework and ornate details of the grand estate. Despite the cold, the beauty of the surroundings warms her heart, and she can't help but imagine the lush gardens in full bloom. As someone who works in the real estate business in LA, where beautiful homes are a dime a dozen, but this one is in a league of its own. For someone who loves architectural design, this place takes her breath away.

After a few minutes of driving past the main estate, they arrive at a charming medium-sized cottage with a well-maintained garden. Kate can't help but feel curious about this hidden gem and why she hasn't seen it listed on the rental property website. However, before she can ask any questions, her nephew starts yelling from the backseat, snapping her back to reality.

"Are we here, are we here?!"

"Yes, Lucca, do you like it?"

"I love it! The yard is so big, we can have so many puppies!" Little Lucca is pulling himself up as tall as he can to look over the car window.

"As we promised, Lucca, one at a time."

"Okay, Auntie Kate."

As soon as Kate sees Mr. Cadman getting out of his car, she quickly turns to her nephew and instructs him to wait in the car for a few minutes. He isn't dressed for the snowy weather, and she doesn't want him to catch a cold. Giving him a quick glance to make sure he understands, she gets out of the car and walks over to her new landlord to avoid keeping him waiting.

"How do you like it, Ms. Brown?" he asked.

"Please call me Kate; it couldn't have been more perfect. Thank you again, Mr. Cadman," she replied.

"Frederick, if you may. It's our fault for almost making you homeless in the first place. Take it as our apology. You can rent this place for as long as you like before Brian finds you a new home," Frederick explains, before going on to describe the place. "This cottage is part of the Cadman property, and the building you saw on the way here is the main house."

"It's gorgeous," Kate expressed her admiration.

"We have the best security here, but you see the back of this house is connected to the forest so sometimes wild animals make their way onto the property."

"Arr, so it might not be safe for Lucca to play outside then."

"Don't be too worried. It should be fine during the day. But at night if you see anything, just call security. They will take care of it."

Frederick sees a sign of worry on Kate's face, which somehow makes him feel uneasy. He is not usually affected by other people's feelings, but this feels different.

As they walk along the small pathway leading to the house, Kate suddenly slips on the snow and begins to lose her balance. In a swift and fluid motion, Frederick reaches out and catches her, pulling her back up and preventing her from falling. She looks up at him, startled, and finds herself in his arms.

For a moment, they are frozen in that position, with Frederick holding her close to him. Kate can feel his warmth and the strength in his arms; she can't help but feel a flutter in her chest. It is as if the air around them has changed, and the atmosphere is charged with new energy.

"Are you okay?" Frederick asked, concern etched on his face.

Kate nods, unable to speak, as she is still caught up in the moment. She feels safe and secures in his arms, and part of her doesn't want to let go. Finally, Frederick gently sets her back on her feet and steadies her, making sure she is stable before releasing her.

"Be careful, it's slippery out here," he said, still holding onto one of her arms to make sure she doesn't fall again.

"Thank you," Kate replied, feeling slightly embarrassed but grateful for his quick reflexes.

Frederick nods and offers to give her a house tour. That's when she asks to go get Lucca from the car.

Frederick agrees and gestures for her to follow him. They walk back towards the car. This time she is being very careful, taking small, calculated steps to avoid slipping on the snow. It is a stark contrast to the way she had first entered the property, seemingly unfazed by the winter weather.

Once she has Lucca in her arms, she introduces him to Frederick, who crouches down to be at eye level with the little boy.

"Hello, my name is Lucca. I am five years old. Nice to meet you." Kate tries not to smile as Lucca introduces himself; she can tell that her nephew is still afraid of Frederick, but he is attempting to remain composed - so adorable!

"Hi, I'm Frederick. Nice to meet you," Frederick said, staring at Lucca for a while before taking his eyes off the boy and starting the tour. She can tell that he is not familiar with kids.

They all walk in. Kate is filled with excitement as she follows Frederick around the house. She really likes the place; it gives off a cozy, homey vibe. The two-bedroom, two-bath cottage is full of charm, with its white picket fence, wooden door with a welcome mat, and windows adorned with flower boxes. She can imagine herself baking in the small yet functional kitchen or playing with Lucca in the corner of the cozy living room. If the situation weren't what it was, she is sure this would be the perfect place to start a life. However, before she gets carried away by her imagination, she has to remind herself that this is only temporary.

At the end of the tour, Kate asks Frederick, "One question: Are pets allowed here?"

"You have one? I hope it's not a cat or a rabbit."

"Not yet, but I promised Lucca to get him a puppy when we got to a new place. Is that okay?"

"A dog is fine, but there are wol…wild animals around, so you might need to keep it on a leash when it plays outside."

Frederick concludes the tour by leading his guests to the backyard, as Kate had requested. The garden is currently blanketed in snow, but they can picture how it would look in the summertime, with vibrant flowers, lush green grass, and tall trees connected to a secluded forest.

Despite the lack of color, the little boy's face lights up with excitement, and he begins running around in the snow. His aunt looks on with a mix of love and concern, urging him to be careful. The way she looks at the boy, or the way the boy clings to her, whatever it is, Frederick feels drawn to them in a way he can't explain.

'Thump thump' – why is his chest filled with emotions? It had better not be what he was thinking! Unable to find the answer or to accept the answer, Frederick stands there, looking at both of them for a while. Eventually, he excuses himself, reminding them that it is time to take care of the moving, even though all he sees are two medium-sized suitcases.

That's when Kate tells Lucca to come back inside. She follows Frederick to the front door to send him off, but he suddenly stops, causing her to bump into his back quite hard. 

When he turns around to check on her, their eyes meet, and everything stops. There is an undeniable spark that radiates throughout both of them. It seems they don't realize they are moving closer toward one another with no one saying anything.

"Aunt Kate! Can I have that bedroom?" Lucca runs excitedly from the back of the house, having finally decided which bedroom he likes.

"Yes, Honey," Kate snaps out of whatever has happened just now. She feels so awkward, so she kneels down to pick up Lucca, who is running toward her.

Frederick keeps his silence and walks away, but he finds it difficult to leave behind the sweet scent that lingers in the air. His body seems to crave more of the aroma, and he is caught off guard by his own physical reaction. It is as if he has to convince himself to move away from her. The distance between the door and the car is only a few steps, but it feels like an eternity to him.

'This is troublesome,' he thinks to himself. 'I'm starting to feel addicted to her scent.'

He finally reaches the car and sits there for a few moments, taking deep breaths to calm his nerves. As he drives back to the main house, he can't shake off the feeling of unease.

"Even more concerning is that little pup." As he thinks about the little boy, Lucca, he noticed the hint of a lycan scent; the only way for a human child to have lycan traits is if one of his parents is a lycan. Did Kate know about this?

Frederick is preoccupied with the thought of those two, even though he has just met them today. It isn't good! The more he tries to push it away, the more it seems to consume his thoughts, like a relentless storm brewing within him. The strange sense of comfort and familiarity he had felt when he held her in his arms. At that moment, it was hard to let go of her. There was something about the way she fit perfectly against him, the way her warmth seeped into his bones, that made him feel like he had found something he had been missing for a long time.

Approaching the main house, he can't shake off the feeling of wanting to be near her again. It is a strange and foreign sensation, but he finds himself yearning for her scent and the comfort that it brings him. He knows that he has to be careful, as this is a feeling he has never experienced before.

Even when he enters the house, his mind is still lost. He walks straight to the library, the usual spot, intending to get some work done before dinner. Suddenly, his instincts kick in. "Someone's in here!"

Frederick growls out loud and faces his invader, which turns out to be Andre.

"Woh, easy there, bro. What's gotten into you? I was here first!" Andre saw his brother parked in front of the building through the window, so he expected Frederick to come up here like his brothers always do. But he certainly didn't expect an alpha growl for a greeting.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were here." Frederick is a little surprised to see his second brother.

"What are you talking about? My car is right next to yours; didn't you notice it? I've been staying here for a while; my scent is everywhere."

"Sorry, I was thinking about something."

"What in the world could make my brother so spaced out that he can't even remember his own brother's scent?"

"Nothing; it's not that important," he said.

"So, the green-eyed beauty and a little pup are not that important to you? They have a nice smell by the way."


"I was here when you called Robert to clean up the playhouse and I could smell their scent when they passed the front gate, you know."

"What about you? Why are you here?" Frederick ignored the topic entirely and started asking questions of his own.

"Well, I have a little issue at work, so I'll be here for quite a while. Plus, it's almost a full moon."

"You're right; it's the day after tomorrow, isn't it?"

"Enough about boring stuff, why don't you introduce them to us?" Andre wouldn't let it go easily; it is not very often that he gets to tease his older brother.


"The sister-in-law and your son, of course. I can't believe you would hide something like this from us."

"She is just a client, and that child is not my son!"

"Sure, whatever you say. When do we get to meet them? Aren't they our neighbors now?"


"Let's invite them for dinner next time Hugo is here."

"…" Frederick was speechless. He turned away, knowing that he could do nothing to stop Andre now.

"Bro, I'm not asking why, but even your assistant who has been working with you for 12 years has never been invited here."

Frederick's mind races as he struggles to come up with a response. He knows exactly what his brother is trying to say. He has no intention of keeping any secrets from the people closest to him. But the truth is, even he isn't sure why he brought the woman and her nephew to this place.

Despite the uncertainty, he can't shake the feeling that there is something special about her, something that draws him to her in a way he can't explain. He has a nagging suspicion that she might be his fate pair, and he knows that he needs to keep her close, no matter the cost.

Offering her the playhouse is the perfect solution - it's just a short 10-minute walk from the main house, and he can keep a watchful eye on her without being too obvious. So far, nothing has felt too strange, except for the refreshing aroma that seems to emanate from her. It's a scent he has never encountered before, and it only adds to the mystery surrounding this feeling.

As he walks away, his mind races with questions, he can't help but wonder what the future holds for him and the woman he has just met.




Three days later, in the forest of the full moon night



In his wolf form, Frederick lets out a thunderous howl, announcing his presence to the pack. He listens for the response, using it to locate the others. As he waits, his ears perk up, scanning for any sign of the pack's location. He can smell their presence on the wind, a heady mix of musk and earth.

When he gets the response, Frederick runs through the snow-covered woods followed by his brothers, their fur glistening under the light of the full moon. Despite the late hour and the dense forest, they move with precision, following a familiar path deep into the heart of the wilderness. As they run, their senses sharpen, allowing them to see and hear everything around them with startling clarity, even in the darkness.

The snow is a blanket of white, pristine, and untouched, save for the marks of their paws. It is a peaceful and quiet night, and the only sound that can be heard is the rhythmic thumping of their paws on the snow. They move with an effortless grace; their movements perfectly synchronized as they weave their way through the trees.

Frederick comes to a stop as he notices movements ahead of him. He slows his pace until he is standing still, and that is when he sees a pack of wolves emerging from behind the trees. Andre and Hugo are already standing by his side. They too take their time looking around, occasionally greeting an old friend by sniffing them.

This pack contains a mixture of wild wolves, lycans, and feral lycans. A feral lycan is a lycan who used to live as a human; however, when they reach a hundred years old, it becomes difficult for them to live among humans since their appearance does not change much. So, they completely turn their backs on the human world and stay in wolf form permanently, just like his parents.

In modern times, the lifespan of lycans decreases to around two hundred years, though it used to be much longer in the past. As a result, true lycans are a rare and elusive species, difficult to conceive and even harder to find. Only an alpha and a female lycan can guarantee the birth of a lycan offspring. If they mate with other kinds, the resulting offspring may lack lycan abilities, or may not be able to control them properly.

This means that lycans are extremely selective when it comes to choosing their mates. Finding the right partner is not just a matter of satisfying urges during a full moon - it is a carefully considered decision that could affect the course of their entire lives.

While the laws of nature dictate much of the lycan way of life, there is one tale that has been long forgotten - the legend of the fate pair. According to what is known today, every lycan is created in pairs, with their other half physically and mentally connected to them. When the pair finds each other, they experience an irresistible attraction, a magnetic pull that cannot be ignored.

The problem is that God did not provide any instructions on how to find one's fate pair. The pair could be anywhere in the world, taking any form they please. For most lycans, the search is a futile game of hide and seek - a never-ending quest for something they cannot define or even understand.

As time passes, many lycans choose to abandon this quest and live as humans, choosing their own partners and forging their own paths in life. But this is not a decision to be taken lightly - some believe that to ignore the call of nature is to invite misfortune and tragedy into one's life.

This territory used to be commanded by the Cadman family. Every lycan and wild wolf listened to the head of the family, but since Colin Cadman became the family's head, he terminated this ruling. Anyone can live freely and do whatever they please, as long as they do not cause any trouble. But, the name Cadman still carries a significant impact and is respected by most lycans in the area.

However, some traditions still carry on. On a night like this, when the full moon shines bright in the sky, it's called 'The Full Moon Gathering.' It used to be exclusive for members of the pack to find potential mates, but since there is no pack anymore, any lycan can gather here under one condition: they must stay in wolf form, concealing their true identity for safety purposes.

The brothers are on the prowl. They look for potential partners for the night, seeking out the company of female lycans to satisfy their primal urges. Despite their reputation, the brothers are not interested in wild wolves or other kinds of creatures - they are only interested in female lycans. It is a matter of pride for them, a way to assert their dominance and show off their prowess as alpha males.

Of course, they are not alone in their desires. Lycans are sexually driven creatures, and their urges are undeniably strong, especially during a full moon. It is a time of unbridled passion.

For alpha lycans like the brothers, it is best to enjoy this time in wolf form. The intensity of their desires is simply too much for a human or sometimes even a female lycan to endure. They run through the forest, howling and snarling, searching for willing partners to join them in their revelry. It is a dangerous game, but one that they are more than willing to play.

A she-wolf walks toward Frederick, sniffing his silky fur, then licking his mouth, showing a sign of respect to the strongest alpha in the pack. 

'You are new around here.' Frederick hadn't seen her before. 

'Yes, I'm from California. Just came to this gathering for the first time.

'Welcome,' he greeted her out of formality and asks no further questions. It is a rule to keep their identities secret in a full moon gathering for safety reasons. 

'I think I deserve a welcome gift,' she said. 

'If you can handle it.' That is all it takes when it comes to this mutual benefit; names are not needed.

Lycans communicate through telepathy, but they can only do so in this form. Frederick separates himself from the pack, followed by his new partner; even though they are in this form, he still wants to keep things private because he has been raised as a human his entire life. When he moves far enough away from the pack, covered by big oak trees, they both first sniff each other to make themselves comfortable with each other's scent before Frederick mounts himself over her whole body. The fun has started and it won't end until the moonlight is faint.