
The Cadman Brothers Vol. 1: Mr. Frederick Cadman

(Update weekly on Friday) No one knows that the Cadman brothers, Frederick, Andre, and Hugo, the most eligible bachelors in town known for their wealth, power, and good looks, are actually descendants of a mythical creature once thought to exist only in folklore. They are living the good life as modern-day "Lycans". Frederick Cadman, the eldest of the three, is a highly successful real estate tycoon on the west coast. He is known for his sharp business vision and unwavering dedication to work, which has earned him the reputation of a workaholic among his brothers. However, fate has a different plan for Frederick as he crosses paths with Kate Brown, a realtor from Los Angeles who is caring for her nephew; Lucca, and searching for her missing sister. Their unexpected encounter turns Frederick's life in a new direction, re-evaluating his priorities and make room for the unexpected! Kate Brown is a successful realtor in Los Angeles, enjoying a stable career until she faces a rough patch in her personal life. Just when she thinks nothing could go wrong, her sister disappears without a trace, and her brother-in-law turns unstable, leaving behind her young son Lucca. Kate is suddenly thrust into the role of a mother for her nephew. However, she never expects her life to take a new turn until she meets the one and only Frederick Cadman.

SaharaK · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

Highway 1, Los Angeles to San Francisco.

It has been five hours since this journey began. Kate keeps her eyes straight ahead and focuses on the road; this will be a long trip, and her priority is the safety of the people in this car. Occasionally, she turns to the back seat to check on the only passenger; five-year-old Lucca has been sleeping for four hours straight since they left Los Angeles. Now that she is seeing more San Francisco license plates around, it's time to wake him up.

"Hey Lucca, we're almost there, honey. Are you excited?" The little one opens his eyes and looks around. It takes some time before he realizes that everything around him looks different; his eyes are wide open, and he has a big smile on his face.

"Yes! Aunt Kate, is this the place where we'll have a big backyard and...and...play with a puppy?"

"Not yet, honey; we will have to drive a little bit longer, but this is where we'll stay tonight." Kate looks at Lucca through the rearview mirror and asks, "What do you want for dinner?"

"Could I please have a cheeseburger?"

"Yes, honey, you can have your cheeseburger with a side salad."

Lucca makes a pouty face when he hears the word "salad" but the smart young boy knows better than to argue with Kate. She smiles at him before focusing her attention on the road, heading to the hotel.

'Very similar,' Kate thinks. Every time she looks at Lucca, it reminds her of her sister. 'Like mother, like son,' she sighs quietly, making sure her nephew does not notice.

It has been a month since her sister, Kendall, disappeared. Everyone seems to believe that she has been murdered, given the circumstances surrounding her disappearance. But Kate still holds out hope that Kendall is out there somewhere, waiting to be found. However, Kate is well aware that there is something else going on; Kendall would never have left Lucca unless something happened to her.

Kate remembers that, after her sister's disappearance, the only one she thought she could turn to was her brother-in-law, Oliver Miller, the warm and loving husband of her sister, or so she thought.

Back then, she had no doubt in Oliver—a true gentleman and well-known businessman—perfect for her lovely sister, an A-list model-turned-actress with many successful movies to her name. They had been dating for three years before they got married. Kate remembers the lavish wedding at the high-end resort in France being a memorable event of the year. Now, looking back, she realizes it was the biggest mistake!

Those conversations with Kendall keep popping up in her memories; it wasn't just once or twice, but a dozen times that Kendall might have tried to give her hints. Her sister's nervous smile when her brother-in-law was around, those bruises that she thought Kendall got from shooting an action scene, make her feel sick to her stomach.

Kendall had expressed her worries and even said, 'If anything happens to me, please keep Lucca safe.' At that time, Kate thought her sister was overthinking; those worries might have been caused by depression. Kendall was diagnosed with Postpartum Depression (PPD), which can occur in women after giving birth, causing them to feel insecure or anxious. That's why Kate paid little attention to the details but instead tried to comfort her sister, helping her to overcome her anxiety.

Kate's eyes tear up at the thought of her sister, but she must stay strong for her nephew, as she is the only one he has. She would do anything to keep Lucca safe, so she decides to leave everything behind—all that she has worked for, her dream life, her dream job. 

She had been a rising star as a real estate agent and was prepared to embark on a new journey as the owner of a brokerage firm, but now all of that is in the past. It is a difficult decision, but it is all worth it because, just like him, Lucca is the only one she has left.

The car turns into the reserved underground parking of the well-known hotel in downtown San Francisco. She will not park the car in front of the hotel in case someone is following her. She looks around to make sure that no one is around before turning to her nephew.

"Lucca, we're staying here tonight. Tomorrow, when we get to our new home, we can play in your backyard, but now, could you help me carry everything upstairs?"

"Okay, but why don't we just leave the luggage here since we're only staying here for one night?"

"Because we're going there by an airplane, aren't you excited? I remember you liked it last time we flew together."

"I'm excited, Aunt Kate! I want to be on a cloud."

'I will do anything to protect this smile, even if it means I have to lose everything,' Kate thinks as she leaves her car behind and never looks back, just like her past.




Cadman Development Headquarters CEO office, Seattle, WA

As a CEO, Frederick's workday is typically filled with chaos, setting strategies, and making key decisions. He attends meetings with business partners, investors, or employees and negotiates important deals. It is a lot for most people, but for a crazy workaholic like him, this is as good as it gets!

"It's time, Mr. Cadman, Mr. Black is waiting in the meeting room." His assistant, Mark Young, a man in his mid-30s with a clean-cut appearance with short, dark hair neatly styled, and hazel eyes, walked in to remind him about the next meeting.

"Alright." Frederick turns off his iPad and walks with Mark to the meeting room, which is located one floor below his office.

"This is the first time we are doing business with Mr. Black; I'm not sure what he has up his sleeve," Mark said while waiting for the elevator.

"No worry, let's see if he can keep me entertained." Typical of Frederick, his confidence can sometimes come across as brashness to those who are not familiar with his track record. However, for those who know him well, his unwavering self-assurance is rooted in a proven history of being successful.

When arriving at the meeting room, Frederick takes a seat across the table from his potential new business partner, a sly and cunning man who always seems to have the upper hand. 'He is so full of himself,' Frederick thinks. He can smell the ugly scent of deception and dishonesty as soon as he opens the door. It seems his new partner is about to offer questionable shortcuts and make unethical deals.

"So, what's on the table today?" Frederick asked, his eyes locked on the guy.

Mr. Black leans back in his chair, a smirk on his face. "I've come across a deal you won't want to miss. I found a company that offers a lower price on our footing compared to our current supplier. This is a surefire way to make a fortune by reducing construction costs by half!"

"Go on." Frederick listens intently as this old man lays out the details. As he is speaking, Frederick focuses all of his attention on the guy, letting his intuition guide him. He can sense the hidden motives and ulterior agendas.

"Are they a certified company?" Frederick asked.

Mr. Black maintains his smirking face, prepared for this question. "They're working on their certification. I'm sure they'll have it by the time the project is done."

"What if they don't?"

"Come on, Frederick. You know how this goes. They've been in this business for a long time; they're just lacking the paperwork."

"Which means this is their first big project?"

"Well, they are skilled..."

"That's not my question. Are they new to multi-million-dollar projects like this, yes or no?"

"Um... right."

"You're offering me a newbie in this business?"


"Mr. Black, you should know better. And can you tell me why your new son-in-law's name is on the shareholder list?"


"I think we're done here."

Frederick walks away with a sense of satisfaction, for he gets to see that guy's paper-white face. He may not be squeaky clean himself, but he does not tolerate compromised quality of products or the safety of his workers and clients. Therefore, the plan to reduce costs by hiring a cheaper subcontractor for concrete work is off the table.

"Such a waste of time," Frederick said, but Mark knows that his boss enjoys pushing Mr. Black into the corner before completely destroying him.

No one knows the secret recipe for his success, but Frederick has to admit that he is this good because he has some help. Both he and his brothers possess a unique ability to sense the emotions of those around them. This talent allows him to intuitively understand the moods and feelings of those he interacts with, giving him a distinct advantage in pretty much everything. Whether in a business meeting or a casual conversation, he is able to accurately read the emotions of others, providing him with valuable insight into their motivations, and he knows exactly what buttons to push to get what he wants.

It can't be helped that he has these advantages; being a modern-day lycan is not so bad after all. He walks past many employees since this is the meeting room floor, and it's no surprise that everyone is stunned by his charisma when he walks by. His impressive physique and mysterious golden eyes, a sign of his lycan heritage that no one needs to know about, added to his already striking appearance.

"Buzz-buzz Buzz-Buzz."

'Hey, bro, do you have time to chat?'

"Hey Hugo, of course, as long as you don't call to tell me my client is a suspect in your case like last time. Sure, anything for you."

Even though Frederick is known as a cold-hearted boss, he still enjoys teasing his youngest brother whenever he gets the chance.

'So sorry, bro, that was urgent. Thanks for helping us arrest him. But no, this time I have some personal business.'

"Go on."

'Do you remember when you took us to your development near our estate? I'm interested in one of the houses that is further back in the forest, close to the lake.'

"Yes, of course, I remember. What about the house?"

'I want to buy that one.'

"Finally, you've learned how to spend money; I was worried you were going to live in your work dorm forever."

'Ha-ha, not funny, bro! I've just been busy with work. Anyway, how soon can I move in?'

"Wait, if you're referring to the golf club retreat, that development is almost sold out. Let me check with the project manager, then I'll get back to you. But, you're not planning on making it a safe house, right? I don't want any government involvement with my business." 

'Of course not, I'm buying it for myself. Hey, Fred, I really want this one; I hope you give me good news.'

Frederick is surprised that his brother is thinking about buying a house. He had never shown interest before, even though Frederick had tried to convince him to invest in one. His brother only thought about his work. So this time, if Hugo is interested in a house, Frederick wanted to make sure he gets it.

After hanging up with his brother, he immediately called the development manager, Brian. He wants to tease his brother with the waiting game, as he is sure the house is available; his call to Brian is just a formality.

"Hello, Brian, I want to take the lake house off the market; I'm going to keep it."

'Umm, Mr. Cadman, it's a bit late; we received an all-cash offer just two days ago, and we are finalizing the transaction tomorrow.'

"…Who's taking it?" The unexpected answer threw him back a bit.

'She is a new client, sir. It's her first time buying from us, and she is not a well-known face.'

"A woman?"

'Yes, sir.'

Most of his clients are wealthy businessmen or celebrities whom he likely knows, so he could just give them a call if that were the case. Unfortunately, it wasn't, so now he has to find a way to break off the deal without ruining his reputation.

"Are there any contingencies that we can use to our advantage?"

Frederick is not usually one to break the rules, but he is willing to bend them a bit for his brother. Brian should know what he needs to do.

'Sorry sir, but I'm afraid it's not possible. The buyer is eager to move in and has offered to waive all the contract contingencies. She wants to complete the transaction and move in tomorrow.'

"She is waiving it all, even the inspection period?"

'Yes, she asked us to remove them all without even seeing the house. All of this was done over the phone.'

"She hasn't even seen the house? What a risky move." Frederick exclaimed, "What's so special about this house? It's been on the market for months, and now two people want it all of a sudden, and both of them want to move in immediately. Unbelievable!"

Brian is extremely nervous; it's not very often that Frederick makes such a strange request. However, Brian has been working with Frederick long enough to know that his boss is a reasonable person. In a different situation, this woman would be an ideal buyer for such an easy sale.

The golf club retreat is a collection of 12 luxurious homes nestled between the renowned Newcastle golf course and the stunning Cougar Mountain nature reserve. Aiming for the rich and famous, it's the perfect getaway for those who seek relaxation and seclusion. The "lake house" is a serene retreat located at the end of a private driveway, surrounded by lush forests and offering breathtaking views of nature. A trail leading to the lake can be found at the back of the house, adding to its tranquil ambiance. Unlike the other houses in the development, which boast panoramic golf course views and backyard pools, the lake house offers a more intimate and peaceful surrounding.

Because of its location, this house has been on the market for a while. Despite the beauty of nature, most targeted buyers are more fascinated by acres of well-maintained grass and the convenience of a shorter driveway.

"Mr. Cadman, would you like me to contact the buyer to terminate the contract, or should I offer her another deal? We still have two houses available that she might be interested in."

"That doesn't look good for our company. Let's arrange a meeting 30 minutes before the contract signing time, and I will speak to her myself." Frederick hangs up feeling frustrated. He had not anticipated the situation becoming so complicated. Although he has the option to cancel the contract, he feels it would be impolite to the client, who has already agreed to purchase the property. Frederick's company has a long and respected reputation, and he feels it's best to apologize to the buyer in person.

His brother wants the lake house, and he is determined to make it happen. At the same time, he is curious to meet the buyer who has such good taste in properties. 

The lake house is one of his favorite homes he has built, with its prime location in the midst of nature fit for his kind. It's no wonder that his brother is interested in the house. In fact, it's a testament to how special and rare the lake house truly is, and why Frederick is willing to go through all the trouble to make sure that it's acquired by his brother. It's a perfect haven for the lycans.


"Mr. Cadman, you have a dinner appointment with Ms. Dallas."

"Adriana? Ahh, it's that time again," Frederick thinks to himself as he looks out the glass wall behind his desk. The sun is setting, creating a beautiful backdrop for the ocean view of the Seattle coastline. No wonder he feels a bit tight today.

Adriana Dallas is a supermodel; her face is everywhere on the streets. During full moon nights, Frederick usually gives her a call, not just because of her stunning looks, but also because she is a lycan. A dominant female lycan to be exact, Adriana is seeking a discreet arrangement similar to Frederick's needs. They both benefit from each other's company, as being seen together enhances her public image.

Since she is the only woman being seen in public with Frederick, there are many rumors about their relationship. Some say they are in a secret romantic affair; others believe she is just his business partner. But the truth is, they are just friends with benefits who understand each other's needs.

"Bring the car over, I will go straight to the hotel."

"What about the restaurant? Ms. Dallas just landed from LA, sir, should I let her know?"

"Room service will do for tonight; I think a gift will help her understand."

"Right away, sir," Mark said, turning around before he leaves. "Do you want the same arrangement for the next full moon? It's kind of special. It's going to be..."

"Why don't you ask me again when it's a bit closer."

"Sorry sir, the car will be ready in five minutes."

Mark, being a half-lycan himself, always prepares for the full moon. He keeps up with the moon cycle like his wife keeps up with the Kardashians. He makes sure to have Frederick's schedule cleared during these times. But for his boss, the full moon can sometimes be a nuisance. Despite having such a powerful ability, which gets even stronger when absorbing the moon's power, he still complains that it comes around too often.




The Five Star Hotel, Union St, Seattle, WA

"Ah…ar, Adriana." Frederick put his hand over her head and controls the rhythm as she moves back and forth.

As soon as the door closed, no words needed to be spoken; they both wanted the same thing. Now he lies on the bed, watching Adriana stare at his throbbing muscle.

"Continue," he whispered, in a voice that did not ask but demanded.

"Let me look; it's as impressive as always."

"I take that as a compliment."

"It is a compliment," she said, before continuing to assault him with her mouth. She didn't see him last month because it was the first full moon of the mating season. It was too dangerous to do in human form, even for her, a dominant female lycan. She could not deny that she missed him. She couldn't find another dominant alpha as powerful as the one in front of her.

Only Frederick Cadman can make her this excited and nervous at the same time. Steadily she begins to stroke him. He let her for a few moments, his golden eyes intently staring at her. She has somewhat golden-hazel eyes, not as bright as the pair of diamonds looking at her.

Her hands move up and down his long shaft. He is the most well endowed man she has ever seen; it still has her trembling every time.

He thrusts into her mouth three times, teasingly sliding against her warm, wet lips before forcefully driving himself in on the fourth. She is impaled onto him, taking him in fully. Her mouth formed an "O" shape as he continues to stroke deeply inside of her.

"Arg!" It was not gentle.

He starts with his usual roughness, which she finds pleasing. The mixture of pain and pleasure heightened her arousal. Her rounded bottom bounces up and down on the edge of the bed as he picks up the pace. It is an intense feeling. Her breasts shook with each thrust, bouncing wildly.

With a wicked grin on his face, he thrusts into her vigorously, like a wild animal. He pulls away from her mouth, causing Adriana to almost fall to the floor. But he quickly positioned her on all fours, which is her favorite position. She can feel his thighs pressed against the back of hers.

"Now, let's get down to the business."