
The Cabin That Wrote

A freak accident left Tuesday blind. Instead of adjusting to the regular world, she had to adjust to a world that found itself in ruins. She was left out of any survival party all because she was blind. Everything she had was taken and she was left with nothing. She was left alone to die in the middle of nowhere. She found herself hungry and waiting to be eaten by the undead. Suddenly she started to experience a mysterious voice waving her into a deep dream. Inside the dream a mysterious voice told her to trust the power within her. Tuesday finds out she was later given the passing powers to lead the undead army. With this new found power she continues to struggle. Each day she found herself standing on top of more and more countless dead bodies. Cover art original artist: ILLUST_ V.Q

MicahGrubbs_ · Fantasy
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16 Chs

The Undead Are Rattling

My hands and body ached. The tension on the rope that pulled me with Domingo was gone but spread pain to my back.

"Don't talk now." Domingo whispered.

The tension on the rope grew and it felt like Domingo just stood up.

"We're surrounded. I have to stand and fight." He said.

As he said this I heard the growls that can only be made from the undead.

Domingo tugged on the rope as he moved and dropped a package onto the floor and now held something that whipped through the air as if the air was an ingredient in soup.

"Let's get started." Domingo said.

The cuts in the air were strong, they whisked and followed a hollow thump. Domingo would swing the object in his hand and loud moan would end each swing.

"Ughhh-" the undead moaned.

Domingo kept at swinging. He didn't say a single word but kept swinging and tugging at the rope to direct me to move to one direction or the other.

In my mind I saw a man backed against a wall fighting for his last stand and trying to save me, the person attached to the other side of the rope that's being tugged from one direction to the next.

"Is there any end!" I yelled.

"Not yet!" Domingo replied.

Each slice in the air followed the hollow thump. Every time Domingo did this I began to believe I can feel where the undead was just cut.

One slice and a moan, he hit the neck of one.

Another slice and he hit the wrists of two others.

A slice again and he sliced through an undead head while driving his blade back to cut off the hands of another undead that lunged at him.

Each slice through the undead I felt. I wasn't imagining it anymore. I felt the faint sharp pain the moment that it happened and I knew it was true when the undead would moan as they got cut.

"I'm going to faint." I said.

The pain was swelling and there was no stop of it. I wanted to feel around hoping to know how many more swings I have to endure.

I couldn't hear any heart beats because they were undead but I tried again to use my senses and picked up a faint knocking around and each knocking also carried a faint cold shiver that was like the feeling of a fridge running and making ice. It was something you can feel nearby and hear at work.

I counted nine more pairs of knocking and cold auras around me and Domingo.

"Hang in there Tuesday!" He said.

Four more to go. The other five dropped dead with a few more swings.

The rattling of their decrepit bodies stopped moving as they stacked up on the last one.

I imagine Domingo created a wall with the undead and is now killing them off in safety. This can be proved with the fact that he hasn't tugged on the rope anytime recently after I was able to sense the aura of the undead not to long ago.

"A few more and we can run like the wind!" Domingo said.

"I hope you can still stand after this!" He said.

In truth the smell of undead blood piling up in front of us was stacking. The aroma was pungent and was the only smell nearby us. There was no escaping the bad situation that was in front of us.

The rope between Domingo and I was loose. I took a quick seat as I only sensed a few more undead humans.

"I'm gonna throw up." I said.

"Even more so a reason to run out of here." Domingo said.

He's right. I can't hold him back now. Domingo has already done enough by keeping me safe all the while we got trapped down here with these undead.

"I'm ready when you are." I said.

I stood up and put enough distance between us to grow enough tension on the rope to feel Domingo walk in and direction.

I heard one more slice in the air and the final undead moan as the rattling of their body stopped and it thumped onto the ground.

"Let's get going before more show up." Domingo said.

The rope grew tense and Domingo led the way.

"Do you know how to get out of here?" I asked.

"Hehh- yeah just keep following me." Domingo replied.

We ran and took several turns. The air that swelled with the rancid aroma of undead blood grew further and further away as I grasped for air while we ran away.

"How did this happen?" I asked.

"I have an idea but it will have to wait!" Domingo replied.

I was running out of air, one more step forward. I heard the squeaks of rodents again and felt the stagnant air wiz by as we ran forward.

"Heh heh- hold on. We can rest… here." Domingo said.

"Huh huh- awesome. I'm still going to throw up."

The smell didn't get to me, I was just out of breath.

"Where are we?" I said.

"We're close. We should only be a few stations away now. The problem is those other stations aren't safe." Domingo said.

"What do you mean? Are there more undead?"

"Yeah. There might be a few horde sized groups at each station."

"How is that even possible Domingo?"

"Well, originally people migrated underground but soon realized that was where the undead gather the most. Eventually they all turned on each other and soon fell prey to the undead."

"Never a safe moment in our new world, huh?" I said.

"Never." Domingo said.

We made it out of one sticky situation and found ourselves in front of a few others. We have to find our way back to the entrance of the settlement and on top of that we have to get through a few stations that are full of undead zombies that can easily tear us apart with their numbers alone.