
The Cabin That Wrote

A freak accident left Tuesday blind. Instead of adjusting to the regular world, she had to adjust to a world that found itself in ruins. She was left out of any survival party all because she was blind. Everything she had was taken and she was left with nothing. She was left alone to die in the middle of nowhere. She found herself hungry and waiting to be eaten by the undead. Suddenly she started to experience a mysterious voice waving her into a deep dream. Inside the dream a mysterious voice told her to trust the power within her. Tuesday finds out she was later given the passing powers to lead the undead army. With this new found power she continues to struggle. Each day she found herself standing on top of more and more countless dead bodies. Cover art original artist: ILLUST_ V.Q

MicahGrubbs_ · Fantasy
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16 Chs

A Time Will Come

I step towards the open door of the train that rode in on the imaginary railroads of my dreams. As I take that step between the station and the train I blink and enter the eyes of another.

"Uhhhhhh- grrrrr" my mouth echoes.

The inability to speak was largely apparent the moment I entered this dream.

My limbs were heavy and cold like that of a freezer door. My body was not that of a normal human, I look down and my entrails are hanging down like a pocket chain that extends from one side of my chest to the back of myself.

In this point of view I was one of the walking dead.

"Haha- Our imagination has no limits, does it"?

Although this is a dream it surprises me how realistic it feels. The gaps in my logic as to what it would feel like to walk as one of the dead gets filled with my imagination.

Like swimming in the cold Atlantic Ocean with weights on all four limbs I can slowly walk forward. In front of me, down a hill was the sight of a gas station that reminds me of what Domingo described as our resting position.


Around me I saw a large group of undead standing in place between brushes and collapsed billboards. The undead looked frozen stiff as if they are continuously forgetting their thoughts.

The smell of food is strong and surrounds the group of us undead zombies. It grows with every second as if the aroma builds up before entering my nose. The smell enters my nose, enters my stomach like a light snack, and leaves my mouth with a loud groan.

"This hunger is unbearable".

It's obvious that in this dream I'm one of the undead zombies chasing after food. The problem with this dream is that I can not move towards the gas station I saw earlier. For some reason I can move anywhere besides the gas station that is only a few hundred feet away.

The gas station lays below the small hillside that I'm standing at. There is a neon light eye level of the hillside, the sign is cracked open and rests a large object between both ends. The windows of the gas station are covered with wooden boards and the entrance is also covered with wooden boards. In the front of the entrance is three cars that look to have been ransacked for parts.

"I want to walk over there, but something is stopping me. More importantly, every time I try to take a step forward toward the gas station I get hit by a wall".

It's as if I'm not allowed to walk that way. Each time I hit this invisible wall I get hit with an aura that gives me the creeps. It's as if I tried to get over this invisible wall then it would be the end of my life as one of the undead.

"I have to walk forward. I want to see what else this dream has to offer".

My heavy limbs swim through the cold night. I can feel the invisible wall just before stepping down the hill side towards the gas station.

"I know I can get over this if I can just overcome this heavy step".

The killing intent that reaches me as I step towards the invisible wall doesn't go away this time. The aura around me stops my step over this hurdle.

I become frozen in the middle of my step.

"This is impossible".

I look around and the other undead have not made a single move in any direction. Time has stopped and the wind whistling across the blades of grass are interrupted.

"What's going on"?

There is nothing going on but why is it that I can not overcome this? There has to be something else at play here.

"I would move if I could".

In the direction of the other undead zombies frozen walks a hooded figure. Just like the other undead it was appearing as if the limbs of this figure was also heavy.

Each step the hooded figure made had caused alarms all across my five senses to go off. My death was imminent and it was my fault for trying to overcome the invisible wall that stopped me from heading towards the gas station down the hillside.

"I see, so you're finally awake. We will get you in due time." Said the hooded figure in a grinding and deep voice.

As the hooded figure was in reaching distance my body experienced fear that can not be explained.

"Uh-" I try to say.

The hooded figure turned around and time continued. The blades of grass whistling through the night breeze went back and forth. The undead zombies walking back and forth stopped to stare towards me.

The ground suddenly reached my eyes. The hooded figure disappeared and my body thumped towards the ground. Just as I would imagine I would experience excruciating pain I close my eyes to blink.

I open my eyes but the scenery that was fresh in my mind is no longer in sight. Instead I feel as if I just returned to my body.


The cold and haunting aura that recently relinquished itself from my dream to my body is spreading. I'm scared.

"Tuesday! Are you okay"?

"I- I'm scared".

"Hey Tuesday, it's okay. It's almost sunrise. Why don't we get up and get ready to head out".

"Domingo, did you check around the hillside"?

"Huh- yeah. I wasn't able to see anything because of the fog but anything up there would have a long fall down before it got to us".

The dream I had was too realistic.

"Wait Tuesday, how did you know about the hillside"?

"Uh, it was just a guess. I think I know where we are inside the city" I said.

The truth is I only had a guess because of my dream, but hearing that I was right is more daunting than believing a blind woman was able to guess their location.