
Chapter 7: The Cabin in Alaska

She turned around. When she looked behind her she saw a moose. The moose was breathing hard, standing there with its cold eyes. The moose was mad.

She was frozen in her tracks. She didn't want to run because of her ankle, but when it started to charge she had no other choice. She ran in the darkness alone and afraid. It had gotten so dark at that point she was trying not to run into trees or trip.

She could hear the loud stomping hooves of the moose behind her. She looked back and it just stopped. It looked scared. She looked around and when she turned back around she saw the demon that came back for her.

She stopped running. She didn't know where to run now because the moose was behind her, the demon was in front of her, and the mountains were on both sides of her. The demon started to float. She heard something to her left. She looked in that direction and there standing by a tree was Bailey the little girl ghost.

The old lady looked back at the demon and then everything went black.