
The backward Future

Year 444, Month of Juno

Ruin of Ancient Temple

In this month of middle spring, the temperature is quite hot and humid. And i have joined a special expedition party in such annoying situation.

"Gaah why so hot in such important day?!"

"I know right?"

"By the way, what are you planning after all of this?"

"Haha you know me, buddy. Ofcourse i'll go to the theatre and watch my lovely mistress!"

"Gahaha count me in!"

"Bruuh! Just do your own business!"

"Haha chills down, dude.

She's everyone lady after all."

"Be quiet!"


"Can you two be more focused?

We'll engage life-threatening battle here!!"

"We know that, buddy! That's why we try to relax here. You don't wanna fail because of nervous, do you?!"

"Guuh, you!!"

"Stay alert, both of you! We'll start in a moment!"

In a blink our insignificant quarrel is gone.

We can't object to our captain. We're gonna engage against the final boss in this ruin. A demon lord as we classified.

Our kingdom, Hazgard kingdom, sent three-thousand legion assisted with five hundrend soldiers from each of smaller countries around. Those soldiers are stationed outside the ruin, while the 100 elites of those soldiers, mixed of every countries, enter the ruin. Those elites are us here.

This is the final moment before the door to the demon lord's chamber. Fortunately, all of our elites safely passed every trials throughout the ruin's traps and monsters. And now we're going to enter the chamber after all of preparations are set.

"Soldiers! Assemble!"

That is our current leader, Rustaff, we voted and decided which would lead us since every countries involved. I heard the leader had involved in many tournaments before, that's why many strong and famous ones chose him as leader.

But, in this occassion he seems quite nervous, very nervous in fact. It can be seen that all over his face is covered with sweat before he speaks.

"Ladies and gents, we'll commence the battle in a moment, but before that i need to say something. First, please forgive me for every mistakes."

The entire legion of elites is silent. The vibe become tense, though we already expected it.

"I know whatever the outcome, this battle will change our life entirely. So i'll advice you to let go of any regrets and let us forward with our best effort to the victory!!"


All of us agreed to his statement and all prepared since we depart for this expedition.

The vanguards push the door with their might.

From the sound and looks, i guess it's really heavy.

The three vanguards for each side door ended quite exhausted just from pushing the door, we even have not initiated the battle.

The moment it's opened, the ominous breeze comes out from inside.

It's appeared giving some headache or some pains to all of elites. Some of us even throw up from this pressure.

"Haha...welcome, Heroes! I didn't expect there are so many heroes that will visit me this time!"

Is that the demon lord? And this time?

Did it happen before?

"Don't waste our time listening to him!

Initiate the formation! Vanguards, hold your stand!"

"Oh, how wise! That's unusual for her-....

Wait, you are not the heroes."

"Mages, strike!!"

".....all of you are sacrifices for me.."

What? Sacrifice?

He's clearly grinning while saying that.

Damn, must focus my sense. He's coming.


What?! The vanguards already got engaged?!!

How the hell that demon move that fast from 100m away?

"Hmm no no, you won't be my first prey. It must be the one with full of fear and cowardness..."

He's grinning again, showing his teeth.

That eerie smile.

"..Found you~"



The demon lord is the devil himself.

We miscalculate everything.

The first victim is Rustaff while being the first person trying to run away at the moment he sensed danger.

Then the devil brings forth misfortune and plague to our soldiers. He devours every soldiers in a blink of my eyes. I can't percept anything properly. It's all black and eerie.




Everyone screams, shout their agony, shed their tears, despair, and madness. I don't anymore how to describe them all. Most of them are devoured while being drowned in their own misery and don't realize their surrounding, as if they have been casted illusion.

Only a few of us that can judge the situation, but we can't do anything. Since the devil grows bigger and stronger everytime he devours a soldier, it's at the point when the devil's power cannot be compared to ours anymore.

"Huurryy!! Before he realizes!"

"This way, lower your voice."

We tried everything to escape, even if it's only one person. We need to inform the legion outside that our elites are annihiliated, and we must prevent this devil escapes from this place and deceives them.


One by one, he's taking us down along the way we run to the entrance of this ruin.


And then...

It's finally my turn, at last.

My body's already in wrecked condition.

I know i'm not gonna make it.

But at least, i must get out and let them know our situation.

But,... I guess it's not a thing to think about right now.

Damn! When the entrance is right in front of me.

I... Must.. Even..Crawl out..

"Gahahaha, my little sheep~ slow down your step and just give in to your pain~ i'll come pick you up ..nicely~"

Hah! What a tempting bullshit.


Huh? What's this light?

Suddenly a dim light come out from the script on the wall. I'm screwed, what have i touched?

"N-no!! Why the hell is that here?!!"

Huh? Something the devil hates?

W-what is it?

Ugh..it's in ancient text,

i'm glad i had some basic class.

'The courage will bring you the fortune.

The effort will never guide you wrong.'


What is this light? So blinding!

"DAMMIT!!! That soul is miine!! I won't let you take it from mine!!!"

Gaah!! What the devil rambling about?!

This light is suspicious..but.....

Shit! Whatever, i guess i'll take a bet with this light!

I hope this will lead me to the outside.

"NOOOO!!! That's miiiinee!!"

Haha see you, sucker!!







That nightmare again.

It's indeed an unexpected and unforgotten memories.

It's already my three years since i was reborn.

When i got into that light in the brink of my death, i opened my eyes again in front of my parents.

The same parents as once i had.

As if i came back to the past, not reincarnated.

I don't know for sure, but i suspect all of it is because of that script on the wall.

But that memories are too vivid, even after i was reborn. I remember it well as it happened yesterday.

Even every time i hear a fairy tale from my father,

i remember that damn nightmare.

That past future.


Yooo meet me in wattpad! There are more in there!

If you like my story, please support me, at least with your reading in my wattpad. See ya~

Uugh.. It's quite hard to place the right words to build the right vibe.

I hope you were drowned in fantasy while reading it.

See ya~

Yatoshucreators' thoughts