
The Burning Stone

Phoenix has illegally been a part of the royal guard for years now. After a fateful tournament, she captures the attention of the royal family, and is tasked with tracking down assassins. If she fails, the Queen dies, and Phoenix's head will roll next. Phoenix takes life and death into her own hands, leaving everyone around her crumbling to her will. Everyone, except one persistent Prince determined to crack her iron wall.

BirdofFour · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Chapter Nineteen


White cracks darted across the way, like lightning splitting through a stormy sky. The paint was chipping. A fly on a candle-lit ceiling, scurrying about in absurd randomness. Blurry vision as I begin to cry again.

The ceiling was a devilish thing to stare at while laying awake at night.



Talon was exceptionally bored. 

He had been born and raised surrounded by these crowded, decorative, mundane walls. Several hours were spent wandering around meaninglessly. Now he knew every inch of his home, from the underground library to the top of the tower where his room sat, perched to discourage uninvited visitors. It was dull days like these where he'd frequent the gardens or visit Old Man Roman. 

That was until Phoenix showed up.

Now he lingered in the library, telling himself he recently found a habit of reading. 

A smile escaped him. He wasn't sure how he felt about Phoenix, but he grinned when thinking of her. He didn't know if she was a worthy opponent or another girl he wanted to kill time with. Talon picked up a random book and flipped open to the first page. It didn't matter what he picked up; he knew he would get no reading done.

Phoenix was refreshing, she spoke her mind and could wield a weapon, both tongue and blade.

But Talon's sister Osprey was like that, too, and she annoyed the life out of him.  Perhaps Talon should go for a walk, chat with Isla, or the girl before. 


The other girls, with their dresses and shallow agendas just didn't thrill him like they used to. And that irked him to no end.

Who was Phoenix to come in, take him hostage, and then have the audacity to threaten his life by disrupting his routine?

Who was she to make him smile?

After a couple of minutes of loud thoughts, the library door burst open. A young girl with curly strawberry-blonde hair and above average height stormed in. 

"What are you doing here?" Talon asked his sister in disdain.

Osprey smirked and strutted over to Talon. "Mom and Dad said I should pay the Old Man a visit. Why are you here?"

Talon set his book down and stood. "I was reading."

"Then why are you still on the first page?" she asked, looking at the opened book. "What are you losing your thoughts in?"

"Don't pretend to care," Talon said.

"You're right." 

She sat down in Talon's spot, her long flowing dress elegantly pooling at her feet. 

"Didn't you say you were seeing Old Man Roman?" Talon reminded her. 

"Yes," Osprey said, "but I have someone I was going to meet first."

"You're not trying to set me up with another guy again, are you?" Talon was exhausted by his sister. Every day, she wore through his patience with her trivial games. 

Before Osprey could answer, the library door creaked open again. This time a short, brown-haired male entered. The man wiped his hands down his thighs and walked over to the siblings. He wasn't that good looking, but he had a nice smile. 

"Hello, Princess. Prince." The man offered a small bow.

"And you are?" Talon asked.

Osprey jumped in, "Here's the man I wanted you to meet! I thought you two should become acquainted. His name is Leo."

Leo looked at Osprey in surprise and then back to Talon. His forehead was beading with sweat and he was fidgeting with his fingers; he was a nervous wreck. 

"Osprey, I don't care who you see, but why do I have to meet him?"

"Don't say that!" Osprey's voice mocked offense. "He's important, and I think it'd be nice for you to know each other."

Bull. This was the fourth man this week she was introducing to Talon. "How thoughtful of you. May I have a quick chat with you in the hall?" 

"Of course," Osprey said. "Leo, would you mind just waiting here?"

Leo nodded and glanced at the floor. Talon grasped Osprey's arms and practically dragged her into the hall. They closed the door behind them so Leo wouldn't hear anything. 

"Stop doing this," Talon hissed at her.

"What? I think you two would do so well together," Osprey grinned.

What a devil in angelic clothing. 

"You know I like girls," he said. 

"Oh? I know you were waiting for someone, if it's true then I'll stop setting you up. So tell me, who is she?"

"You are the epitome of annoying!" Talon enunciated, his hands flying up into the air.

Osprey smirked and crossed her arms over her low-cut dress. Talon hated how easily Osprey got under his skin. She was no fun to bicker with.

Unlike Phoenix. 

"Not waiting for anyone?" Osprey continued. "Then I don't see the problem with Leo. Or did you want me to introduce you to someone else?"


"Is it the girl from the other night, Isla?" Osprey pressed.

"Why would you keep bringing her up?" Talon asked. "And no." 

He hadn't planned on doing anything with Isla, but after Phoenix insulted his personality, he needed to blow off some steam. Him, disgusting? Not possible. He was charming, nothing more, certainly not disgusting. 

"But you are thinking of someone," Osprey said. "Why don't you just go up to them, chat them up in your usual way?"

"I don't think I'm into her like that, I simply want to talk with her more. Get to know her," Talon admitted awkwardly. 

"Who are you? What happened to my brother?" 

Talon smiled a little and scratched the back of his neck, "But she hates me. The only time she talks to me is if she needs something."

"Do you know where you can find her?"

"I know where her bedroom is. She's often in the library, and she walks in the garden," Talon listed on his fingers.

"Then why don't you walk with her?" Osprey suggested.

Talon shifted his weight onto his left leg and thought about all the possible outcomes. Phoenix would maybe curse a little, probably get upset, and definitely stand up to his teasing with a poor come-back. Osprey tapped her foot, each sound ringing impatience.

"She'd never agree," Talon concluded.

"Is there something she usually needs from you?"

Talon wouldn't say court records because that would point directly to their newest hired investigator. "Information."

"Then tell her you have some information. Or just ask if there's anything she needs, for herself or anyone she knows."

Her family. Phoenix had agreed to stay in the castle because of her family.

"That's not a bad idea," Talon admitted.

If there wasn't anything she needed, he could help her family. 

"I think I'll go to the gardens now," he decided, back in high spirits.

Osprey patted him on the shoulder, "See? If you open up to me a little, it's not too terrifying."

"You may be smiley, but you are the scariest person I know," Talon deadpanned. "And we'll both pretend you leered Leo in just to set me up. Definitely not because you fear mom and dad finding out your preferences."

"She was a one-time thing, just experimenting!" Osprey defended, letting out a huff of embarrassment. 

"Osprey, I know that you ran into Isla while she was coming out of my room and then spent the rest of the week "accidently" finding her during her walks. I can see the gardens from my room, remember? You're not sly, so just indulge yourself."

"It scares me when you actually put your brain to use," Osprey said. 

"Look, you gave me some advice, so I'll return the favor: come out to the parents. I won't tell, and I understand that it's ultimately your choice, but you should be open and comfortable with yourself."

"I'll think about it. But I'll definitely send Leo away."

Talon nodded and turned to leave for the gardens. Behind him, he could hear the library doors open and close. Talon chuckled to himself, what was he doing? Why was his stuck on Phoenix when he could have almost anyone? No, he just wanted to talk, nothing else.

Shiny leather shoes wandered through lush greenery as Talon walked to the gardens. He poked his head around colorful bushes, and worse, colorful blushes from the ladies. The heavy makeup never bothered him before, but now he thought the girls looked fake. 

"Aha!" he pronounced as he spotted Isla. 

Walking with a straight stride and a fake smile, Talon closed the distance between them. She wore a light pink ball gown and a large bow tying her off like a gift in the back. 

"Isla!" he called.

Isla's face instantly lit up as she saw him. "Prince," she dropped into a curtsy.

Talon gestured for her to rise. "May I join you?" 

"Of course!" Isla squealed.

Talon extended his arm and she took it. The two proceeded forward, Isla leaned into his arm.

"You walk with Phoenix a lot, yes?" Talon asked. 

Isla glanced up, and for a second it seemed she had a mischievous glint in her eyes, but it was gone in an instant. Talon was probably reading into it too much. 

"Yes, she should be here soon."

Talon found himself feeling a little lighter knowing he'd get to see Phoenix. This was just a chat, there was no need to feel happy. He wanted nothing more than to know how the Champion's mission was going. 

Phoenix was strolling by the fountains in search of Isla, her hair pulled back and hands picking up her skirts. Talon took a second to admire her habit of marching to a destination rather than wandering aimlessly like most the ladies did. 

"Phoenix!" Isla said.

Phoenix cringed as she made her way over. Talon wondered if she always kept Isla waiting for their walks. 

Phoenix looked at the Talon and Isla, still linking arms, and offered an insincere smile. "I see you're busy. Want to walk tomorrow?" 

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you," Talon interjected.

Phoenix glared at him, then her grey eyes darted down his feet up to his linked arm with Isla and back to his face. Talon couldn't figure out what she was looking for. 

"I suppose there's no point in saying I'm busy?" she crossed her arms. 

"It's just a chat, Phoenix!" Isla encouraged. 

Talon looked at Isla and saw the mischievous smile again. Ah, so this was what interested Isla. Talon would have to thank her later. 

Phoenix sighed in defeat. "Fine, but only ten minutes."

Talon smiled triumphantly and released Isla.

He dipped his head to Isla, suspecting they'd help each other a lot in the future. "Thank you for the company, Isla."

Isla's face flushed and she whispered, "Anytime."

Phoenix and Talon turned and strolled among the roses. He didn't offer an arm, and nor did she suggest one. Usually, he would only listen to the girl's chit chat, but Phoenix was quiet. The two were stride in stride as they waltzed to the next section of the garden: more roses. Talon focused on a pink one. Fresh droplets of water dangled like a delicate ornament upon its petals. 

They walked in silence for the first three minutes. Talon looked at her and noticed that Phoenix's eyes burned into the horizon, her piercing stare intriguing. Everything about her was sharp, from her pronounced cheekbones to her pointed nose and clear eyes. After catching himself gazing for too long Talon darted his gaze back to the garden. He studied another flower, this one just coming into bloom, spitting pollen everywhere, a nice fragrance blanketing the air.

He felt an itch build in his nose. His whole body hunched over and his eyes shut tight. "Achoo!" 

Phoenix looked up with wide eyes. 

"Excuse me," Talon said, covering his mouth. He quickly bowed an apology and straightened his coat.

To his surprise, Phoenix chuckled a little at him.

"What?" he asked in a panic, unsure of why she was laughing. 

"You are so formal now, it was odd. I mean the bow was a little much." 

"Ah . . . well . . . you know I like your laugh, Wrinkles, but—but you really shouldn't underestimate how many hours of training go in sneezing with dignity." Talon was so embarrassed he felt his cheeks burn. No one had ever drawn attention to his sneeze before! 

Phoenix's chuckle gave way to full laughter, "Yeah, but you are usually such a flirt! And now you're so stiff, you're even stumbling over your words. You have a worse..." she continued after a hiccup, "you have a worse personality mismatch than Daisy!" 

"Is that your sister?" Talon asked, eager to change the subject. 

Phoenix's laughter died instantly. "Forget it."

"What? Tell me about her," he invited, matching her quick pace. 


"Not even a quick introduction?" 

Why was Talon trying so hard to have a conversation with her?

"Fine. Cole's the oldest, then me, Daisy, and Lucas. They all like it here, so thank you for giving them their own rooms. Lucas loves to play, especially with others. Daisy loves to dress up, but she's the clever one out of all of us. Cole takes care of the kids."

"Really? He seems so cold," Talon observed, speaking off the first impression he had when Cole was brought to the castle. 

"Only to people he doesn't know," Phoenix revealed, raising her chin, "he puts us before himself and does a great job of taking care of the kids while I work."

A radiant smile overcame her as she talked about her family. Talon had never seen her smile like that, so full of genuine love. Phoenix stood up straighter, spoke more clearly without an ounce of her usual irritation weighing her down. 

What would that gaze feel like directed at him?

"You're really close with them, aren't you?" Talon lowered his voice.

"They're all I have," she stated, a dying grin facing the sun. "I would do anything for them."

"Must be nice. I'm not that close with my family, I don't think I could say more than one nice thing about Osprey." 

Phoenix looked at him. She did the thing where she really looked at him, as though trying to figure out who he truly was. Like she actually cared about him as a person. 

"Do you yell at them a lot?" Talon asked.

"What? Of course not," she said. "I may get mad, but I don't usually have loud outbursts. When the kids fight, we usually try to talk it out." 

"You sure had a temper with Hughes and me. Does that mean you hold yourself back with your family?" Talon asked. 

When Phoenix yelled at him, it took him by surprise. She didn't seem like an angry person, but the rant had left her blinded in red. Was she the type of person to sacrifice herself, bottle her feelings, for the sake of her family? 

"No, it means I don't like you," she replied flatly.

Talon smirked, Phoenix always had a way to catch him off guard and make everything interesting. 

"You should talk about your family more," Talon said, genuinely eager to hear her gush about them.

"I only talk about my family to people I like."

Talon's smile didn't falter. She had called him a flirt, right? He wondered how she would react if he… "What if I told you I liked you?"

She stopped dead in her tracks. Talon paused to look at her.

Phoenix faced him and a blush crept up her cheeks, which was promptly covered by a scowl. "We're not the same, I'm not used to the flirty stuff. So please," she requested softly, "just go away." 

The scowl gave way to a deep frown. Phoenix raised her chin higher and glanced away from him, hiding her face. Talon's heart pounded. This was not good, she was showing her true, more awkward colors. And Talon found them exceptional.

"I'll let you be, but if you find yourself needing to release built up anger, come and find me. I'll play punching bag," he offered, his mask also giving way.

It had been ten minutes, they both knew it, and they would soon part. Why did the thought leave Talon so sad?

"I won't," Phoenix frankly stated. The moment was gone, she had put her wall back up.

"If you won't to do it for yourself, at least do it for the poor wrinkles between your brow," Talon teased. He looked at her furrowed brow and smiled at how fun she was to work up.

Phoenix rolled her eyes.

"You forgot to ask about the mission. I don't know what you're up to but leave me alone." Phoenix gave a quick nod and then left for the castle.


Phoenix turned and put her hands on her hips.

"You were looking at court members, right? I probably know more than Isla. Tell me the names and I can help you."

Phoenix begrudgingly faced him again.

"Fine. I'm looking at William Decker, Corton Fairchild, and Lila Waters. Any of those names ring a bell?"

Talon scratched his chin and turned the name around his head. 

"I know Lila, she's still insistent that her son is my half-brother. It drives her husband crazy, he complains to the council about it all the time. She's violent at times. She once broke into Mavise Arrigton's room to steal a necklace, but when Mavise walked in on her, Lila punched Mavise and ran off empty handed. 

"The Queen took her business elsewhere from Corton because she discovered that two of her most prideful rings were fake, and Corton wrote a book about her new crown, something he designed to help his reputation. And William may appear resentful, but he has never gotten over his love for my mother. I truly do believe he still loves her. That's all I know about those three. Does this mean any of those people could be a suspect?"

Talon could see Phoenix's mind working out everything he had said, and Talon thought her serious concentration rather fascinating. It was like her whole world disappeared around her as she focused. 

"Thanks," she replied absentmindedly. "I have some things I need to follow up on." 

Her body took a single step out of the gardens and toward the castle. She turned for a second, glancing over her shoulder, and Talon felt his body freeze. 

The smallest of smiles hinted on her lips as she said, "Also, thanks for sending Roman my way."

"Anytime," Talon replied breathlessly. 

She nodded and left. Talon watched her long hair swing from side to side as she disappeared. She was the most defensive, rude, and snarky person he'd met. But when she talked about her family, her cold face melted into an excited smile. 

She hated his flirty side, the side everyone else indulged. What would it feel like to direct his attention to one girl earnestly? A grin snuck up on Talon as his heartbreak skyrocketed at the thought. 

Talon could tell that this was going to be fun.