
The Burning Obsession Of A flame mate & Ash Prince : SHE

A Tale about Lady Minath , being the Soul Devourer reborn in a fragile human body has left her weak with no memories of the creature of the old soul she is. Minath is now haunted by a mysterious man in her dreams and visions ; His presence leaves undeniabale, irresistible mixed scents , she can't help but feel a strong connection with him . " The Fire Sign Is What Bond Us Together , My Mate " , his words echoed in her mind as he dissappeared into thin air , leaving her alone again . Their Bond takes her on a journey between life and death , Hell and Heaven , but is unbreakable as nothing can shake it . However, they are pursued by the Ash Prince , a powerful creature known to be the nature controller , who seeks to prevent them from being together in every lifetime and every changing scenario he creates for them . They call him the villain in their story , and looking for ways to overcome his strengths and be together for once and for all !! they unlock the dusty broken bare truths ....

Ranias_Heaven · Fantasy
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42 Chs

More Glimpses of me .

she smirked and said :

_ obviously Audra . he was the man you first fell in love with . the one your heart desired . Kenneth just wants to have you to prove something, but Audra wants you for you . your love was forbidden , that's true . because everyone thought he was evil and not suitable for you , but after all he is the one you chose and married .

I crossed my eyebrows more confused and looked at uncle Gee for help . and that's when I saw him staring at Jenny with mad eyes a if he didn't like what she said and than faced me and said :

_ No Mina . you are like my daughter and I advice you to choose for yourself the one that makes you really feel like you without having to put a mask on . forget what you had with Audra and Kenneth in the past because the past is already dead , and try to focus on the Now instead . who your heart really desires and soul too , the one helps you be you and shows you the light of you .

I looked at him with confused dead eyes and said :

_ and how am I supposed to know , I can't seem to figure anything out . I always thought Audra was the evil one and Kenneth the One and only that I want , but now nothing makes sense anymore . how did I ended up like this ?

uncle Gee held both my hands in his and looked at me smiling genuinely , I saw the sympathy in his eyes , and then he said :

_ look Mina , no body knows the truth better than you . it is hidden inside of you . apart of you that only you can find it whole completely . find a way and figure it out , starting from reaching to your powers and recovering fast from the traumas you had . so that you can fond the unknown truth for why your heart still chose to marry Audra all of a sudden in a strange way after you confessed of loving Kenneth and that your soul really desired him and even your heart even if that was for a small bit .

I looked at him more confused and said :

_ then something must really happened for the sudden change in me and choosing Audra at that time .

Jenny looked at me and then at uncle Gee as if not liking the facts I am getting and said shaking her head violently :

_ NO.... you chose Audra because you loved him and not Kenneth , this is the only fact you should consider and not anything else Mina .

I saw Jenny boiling with anger for the first time . her eyes were red a and her brows were crossed . her hands were thighed together so strong and I could she didn't like it . but why ? I couldn't know . or more specifically , I was scared to ask .

I left the table to go the the bathroom as an excuse to think more and to have some alone time from the tight air in there . I observed a lot of negative energy from Jenny and I don't why .

I washed my face and waited until it was dry and got out of the bathroom making my way again to the table when I paused once I saw how Jenny and uncle Gee were fighting .

I could hear only few words from their conversation which were : ( why disagree with me ?

_ and why lie at her ? we all know Audra wasn't right ?

_ and how do you know that ?

_ He did something to her when she suddenly married him , and we all know that he had another goal by keeping her b his side .

_ No , you loved him too before and you know our job at first was to make sure she ended up with him , Gee .

_ yeah , and I'm not denying that , but your jealousy and hate over Kenneth is making you do evil things that you shouldn't be doing .

_ ow really ? like what !?

_ like dragging Audra to her intentionally .)

wait what ? she dragged him to me !! I left the restaurant and went straight home.