
The Burning Obsession Of A flame mate & Ash Prince : SHE

A Tale about Lady Minath , being the Soul Devourer reborn in a fragile human body has left her weak with no memories of the creature of the old soul she is. Minath is now haunted by a mysterious man in her dreams and visions ; His presence leaves undeniabale, irresistible mixed scents , she can't help but feel a strong connection with him . " The Fire Sign Is What Bond Us Together , My Mate " , his words echoed in her mind as he dissappeared into thin air , leaving her alone again . Their Bond takes her on a journey between life and death , Hell and Heaven , but is unbreakable as nothing can shake it . However, they are pursued by the Ash Prince , a powerful creature known to be the nature controller , who seeks to prevent them from being together in every lifetime and every changing scenario he creates for them . They call him the villain in their story , and looking for ways to overcome his strengths and be together for once and for all !! they unlock the dusty broken bare truths ....

Ranias_Heaven · Fantasy
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42 Chs

His presence .

_ and what is that supposed to mean?!

then he said kind of disappointed :

_ and what would that change if you are not willing to believe me ! you are already in love with him ...with another man . you are plant of his touches and kisses . you gave up your self to him and become his mate . what would make you believe me now after all they have told you about me !?

I felt guilt crashing me . I didn't know why but my eyes teared up without me realising it . it was really weird , the way he mad feel was different from the way Kenneth makes me feel , but it wasn't threatening at all as I thought it would be .

and I actually felt like for the first time ....he was being honest and telling the truth . I felt like I had a choice that now I have to make .

he looked at me for minutes all silent without blinking at all and I felt like he was trying yo tell me something with his eyes I couldn't quite understand . but I saw disappointment and sadness I couldn't quite understand .

he walked closer to me and held my hand , but that didn't surprise me as myself and how I liked the feeling of touch and didn't push him away .

then he spoke in a deep serious voice :

_ you might feel so confused right now and believe everything they told you . I know how hard it is for you to be stuck in between confusion and questions and hidden secrets and truths about who you are and what are you or...what can you do . but just know... as before when you were there for me , I'll always come to you if you want me to . I know that now you are in love with another man . the man who was arranged and meant to be with you . but that won't stop me from remembering your memory nor your existence inside of me . but as long as you are near him i can't come to you unless you want to . ..... So if you have any other questions , I'm YOURS to call . .....just call my name WIFEY .

he ended the talk with a warm kiss in my forehead , and just like that he disappeared .