
The Burning Obsession Of A flame mate & Ash Prince : SHE

A Tale about Lady Minath , being the Soul Devourer reborn in a fragile human body has left her weak with no memories of the creature of the old soul she is. Minath is now haunted by a mysterious man in her dreams and visions ; His presence leaves undeniabale, irresistible mixed scents , she can't help but feel a strong connection with him . " The Fire Sign Is What Bond Us Together , My Mate " , his words echoed in her mind as he dissappeared into thin air , leaving her alone again . Their Bond takes her on a journey between life and death , Hell and Heaven , but is unbreakable as nothing can shake it . However, they are pursued by the Ash Prince , a powerful creature known to be the nature controller , who seeks to prevent them from being together in every lifetime and every changing scenario he creates for them . They call him the villain in their story , and looking for ways to overcome his strengths and be together for once and for all !! they unlock the dusty broken bare truths ....

Ranias_Heaven · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Hidden Truth Or Fake News

As fragile as i'm getting , same was happening to Him ; As long as Kenneth is my FlameMate , he is to feel every ache in my soul , and fall down or rise up with whatever goes for mine .

And just like that Audra moved closer from Us , and with a snap of his hands the ground beneath us opened separating us and branches held Kenneth inside them blocking him from moving or doing any magical stuff to unlock himself.

Audra moved closer from and down on his knees his eyes had met mine ; there was competitivness inside them , and a crazy narcissist look that didn't seem to want to give up .

He held my chin up to look at my in pain figure and grimaces better and smirked in what seemed to be loss ; his lips finally moved to say :

- If You Are to break the accords and choose him , Then i will make sure you are going to be no one's in this lifetime and even the nexts .

All of a sudden i could feel the body of minath from that time starting to shake hardly and the cries of pain became louder , while my hands were centered on my tummy that was somehow almost breaking every bone in my body , i could feel it and it wasn't easy , i wasn't even sure no more if it was my cryings or hers from that time .

Kenneth was yelling begging me to try and run while glaring at Audra and asking him to let go of Me .

All that Audra did was stare at me and smirk and then he kissed me .

I Could hear Kenneth yell NOOOO but after that .....everything went blank .


I Woke up in Kenneth's Arms , i looked around and all i could do was sigh in relief and say :

- I Guess the memory is over .

Kenneth smiled at me almost saying sorry while his eyes not leaving mine . I could tell he was still worried , but before i jump into any conclusions i must for sure hear an explanation , because i'm sure what i felt there wasn't just me .

- Hm , Do you care to explain what i saw ? not that i don't have my own conclusions , but i still would like to know your insight of this .

He Caressed my head gently while smiling and helped me stand up on my knees while he did the same .

We were both staring at His Soul Tree Now and the many left glowy leaves of diffrent color . I Still can not believe that each one of them holds a memory .

Kenneth moved closer from me and held my hand tightly almost comforting me and preparing me to what he is to get out of his mouth next , still not looking me in the eyes:

-HE . Killed . Your . Child ....Audra Killed Your Child .