

Hi, my name's Ivory, Ivory Hopps! Let me introduce myself a little bit, comrades! As you know I'm Judy's younger sister twin.

Judy is a grey bunny with beautiful violet eyes. She is hyper, positive, extrovert, outgoing, dynamic, clever, and smart, including kind too, within her personality. Me, however, I'm special. My parents told me, that I have beautiful white fur, which is very smooth as white as snow and has a pretty, orange hue in my eyes, that would almost turn to amber-red when I get mad, so it shows sometimes. My persona is opposite to Judy because I am known as an ambivert, intelligent, clever, smart, kind, caring, but somehow a bit lazy.

Some animals say that we were very different because we do not look the same, but we just shrug their compliments aside because we do not care. We are happy that we are sisters.

So we had our separate dreams but separately role played our future parts: Judy wanted to become a Police Officer, while I had a different dream...being a Detective. And the others had their parts too, displaying who they wanted to be, upon our school's stage.

"A bunny cop and a bunny detective? That is the most, stupidest thing I've ever heard!" Gideon Grey jeered maliciously, laughing.

"This may come across impossible to small minds...I'm looking at you, Gideon Grey." I announced publicly, as everyone else 'ooo'ed at my comment. His yellow eyes then showed anger and his smirk turned to a frown, snarling at me. I eyed him equally.

We think of this as younguns, whenever we wish of it, as we get older and so that one day we can reach Zootopia, where Prey and Preds would live together, in peace and harmony because, "...we have always wanted to make this world a better place, where anyone can be anything!" We both screamed our little lungs out as well as the others as we all stood up on stage, whilst everyone applauding us for our performance, "Thank you and goodnight!" Judy exclaimed.

Our parents then rattled to and lectured us about last night's performance, the next day.

"Judy, Ivory, there hasn't even been a bunny cop and a detective from BunnyBurough!" Our mother told us.

"Yes, your mother is right, there hasn't been a bunny detective or a bunny cop, ever!" Dad replied in a doozy.

"Yeah, ever!" Mother backed him up.

"Well, then we can be the first ones!" Judy exclaimed never giving up, showing perseverance and bravery as she flipped into the air and landed with style.

"Yeah! Because we want to make this world a better place!" I exclaimed as well, punching my fists to the air chuckling, walking side by side by my parents as they talked all the more.

While my parents conversed amongst themselves I then saw Judy sneaking off while our parents were standing there answering each other's questions, prattling on. So, knowing they'd talk and talk, I snuck off as well, following Judy, my sister with a sigh.

"You can't be-" I was about to say something when Judy swiftly covered my mouth until all I could hear was my muffle. Her violet eyes pleaded but almost set me onto furiousness as I was about to protest as to why she did that act. As I tried to pry her hands open, I then heard cries and...Gideon Grey!? Now that's when Judy let go of me, and so I scurried along to see the commotion while hiding behind a carrot cart.

I then saw Gideon Grey looming over our friends gnarling at them, his ginger brown fur standing on all sides, almost like static, his infamous tail swishing back and forth, as he stepped closer as if he was going to make a horrible move against them.

"Not funny Gideon, leave us alone!" one of our friends pleaded.

"Baa! baaa! What are you gonna do cry?" Gideon replied shouting back at them, grabbing their tickets away from them, forcefully.

"Hey, you heard her! Stop it and give them back their tickets, Gideon Grey!" Judy exclaimed as she furrowed her eyebrows, as I followed in suit, showing myself too.

"You're a disgrace fox, lend them back their tickets," I said in a stern and calm way, standing my ground, keeping a low voice, trying to keep a level head, but my fists showed otherwise.

"Oh, what a nice costume you got there little bunny cop, and you stupid adopted-detective, pet! You Ivy! You poison, Ivy! Too bad your parents never loved you, I mean you are bad luck here anyways! Yeah that's what you are, right? Haha!" Gideon grinned sadistically, harshly speaking out, catching me off guard.

I stood there in utterly, pure shock at what he had just said. I should've gotten used to this by now but it seems it still shot right, through to me. I stood there in disdain remembering my 'forbidden' memories as a kid, that I hate to remember. Can't believe I can still remember it: I cried between smelly garbages and rubbles, as an infant and homeless. My hopeless, orange eyes were drained of joy already about to die, staring into the dark abyss, and without warmth, I could've easily died. However, Judy's parents happened to throw their rubbish outside when they heard me cry. So they took me in and fed and nurtured me back to healthiness and fulfillment. But when they told the others, some didn't take it very well that it reached Gideon's territory.

Upon hearing this, Judy shot up to the rescue with rage, "Hey, don't talk to my sister that way, leave her alone! And, we came here so that you will not let my friends be bullied by you!" Judy, heroically, stated against Gideon, but he only laughed his head away.

"Oh yeah, and what are you gonna do with it little bunny, fight me? You know, I'm a fox and foxes eat their prey! It's in their den-ah."

"Uh, It's actually DNA." A weasel perked up, popping up, out of nowhere.

"Don't tell me what I already know, Travis!" He barked back

"I'm not scared of you Gide-" As Judy was about to state her part Gideon pushed her back, Judy's bunny ears drop automatically, falling down losing her step because of the strong momentum. Upon hearing her scream, I flipped my mind of imaginations-switch off and tried to save her.

"JUDY!" I and my other friends screamed and called out for her, as I then attempted to go forward contemplating my next move.

"What are you going to do little bunny? Cry?" Gideon responded, and the more he bashed ruthlessly. He then lifted up his sharp paw into the air and when he was about to scratch, a hyperventilated Judy, I then got into the crossfire as he scratched me, and mumbled about me being 'worthless.'

"IVORY!" It was Judy's turn to scream along with the others. I was then dripping with blood, tinting my pure white coat of fur, when Gideon then stated his last sentence, "Next time, I won't be so nice." Then walked away never realizing that Judy took back the tickets and that was the last time we have ever seen him. I was still bruised, secretly weeping but it wasn't shown. And that was when I made a vow...to not let anyone see me as weak, except my sister or to anyone I trust, can see my truest self.

"That was awesome Judy, were you scared?" the lamb asked with worry.

"Scared? Nah, I wasn't scared...here you go." Judy said as she got up from the ground, handing them back their tickets, but her mind was still infested with anger and rage.

"Woah, you got our tickets! Thanks, Judy!" The lamb replied in excitement, skipping about.

"Yeah, that Gideon Grey doesn't know what he's talkin' about! But are you ok, Ivory?" Our other friends replied as they asked me. I didn't know how to respond but I just walked away, wanting to get back home, crying silently.

Dinner was silent because I would usually the one to start talking that I could eventually have become a motormouth, but today I wasn't myself. I don't even know I would be myself ever again, for this has triggered so much. So our parents mostly asked Judy how her day went, and I never uttered a word neither did Judy to my parents but only told them what went on with Gideon Grey how he was mean to our friends.


Years now have passed and our time has then come for us to part ways for a while, this year. Judy was at school for the training of police cadets, while I was in the other school, of sleuths solving cases and puzzles.

Judy has spent let's see...2 years there while me, 2 years for to be a doctor and self-defense, 4 months for learning to use or wielding weapons, 2 months about science, and 5 months to be learned about detectives. Yeah, I learned pretty fast. I had read so many novels concerning mysteries and solving the cases, all written within them, interests me somehow.

Before the end of the year plus the end of my studies at uni, my best friend Lou the bear, came and handed me a parting gift. I was always a sucker for gifts, and he knew that.

"Oh, Lou, you didn't have to, but thank you!" I smiled greatly.

"You're welcome it's always a pleasure. So that one day if you ever need to set up camp or something trying to dig some truth, come over to my house. It's always open chap!" He told me, clearly missing me, and I chuckled at the love he has shown in our friendship.

"I mean you really need that thing in that box because remember that time we had a case when you were in pursuit of that little tiger-killing-girl who not only killed children her age but adults too? And when you were in need of me, we almost failed until my friend came to the rescue, so that's why I gave you that gift. It may save your life one day without calling for help from me this time. Open it when you get home." He pointed out to me, as I recalled that case, which kind of sent shivers down my spine.

"Alright, sure. And yes, I do remember but I still feel sorry for her. Unfortunately, I'm glad she is at the ZPD jailhouse, or else it would've gone worse." I told him.

"Sure, sure!" He nodded enthusiastically in understanding.

"Ok, thank you, Lou, bye." I hugged him one more time, and we went our separate ways as we waved back to each other.

"Hope you would enjoy Zootopia!" He hollered.

"Thanks, I sure will, Lou!" I called back

"Haha," He laughed, and walked away.


Tonight, we've started packing up our clothes for our big move to the city.

"Ivory, Are you excited like how I am?" Judy asked while packing.

"I don't know..." I shrugged, "Hopefully, their hearts glow more than their mansions; just because, they live rich lives doesn't mean they are always kind,"I spoke matter of factly.

"Of course, I shall take account of that," Judy replied listening intently and confirmed with me that she understood.

"But overall, I am also excited." I smiled clasping my hands together, delightfully, then resumed our work.

"Hey, don't worry I'll be there for you. I'll be right by your side, oh great detective." Judy pretends to be the drama queen she is and we both laugh.

"Alright let's sleep, I'm tired." Judy broke the silence.

"Don't have to tell me twice." I stretched and yawned.

After we packed we both lept onto our beds and slept cozily.

"Hey, Ivory, you are the best sister twin, I ever had, and couldn't have gotten anywhere else without you. Don't let anyone get to you alright? Our family loves you. I don't see you as adopted...I see you like a sister to me." Judy told me truly, as I then nodded and cried many tears as we laid down onto the bed, and from there, she hugged me and hugged me until I slept, making my way to dreamland.

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