
Entry One: Bullet Anderson

Grab your stuff

Your free!

Your custom order is here...

*Tosses an Item of Unknown Spherical glowing pure power gel Nature.*

Here's your New Alias,

Top Secret:

Dear _??????_.

You will be known as Bullet Emperor from now on when on the battlefield.....

Your salary is non-existent it's on a mission to mission basis, you get what you do!

Aren't you excited!!!

We'll start you off at $1,000,000 a mission.

Take your Personal 'Camouflage Helicopter' Chauffeur on your way out....

Your needed.

Your being Deployed...

Here's a stack of like uh, ummm 35 or so unsolvable combat missions if you survive.

You were a great military scientist and we praise you with the gift of your off the record Custom Military Science Order...


Your a soldier now of your own Creation Mr uhhh Bullet Emperor as you Call yourself....

Later on that day.....

I deployed on the battlefield and started off as a squad member fmof a regular battalion of soldiers.

A needle in a haystack...

But I stood out Instantly as my 'Custom Order,' kicked in and I now had....

Super Strength.

Super Relexes.

Super Speed.

Super Stamina.

Adrenaline Power-Increase-Factor.

Automatic-Aim Learning-Factor.

Evolution Learning-Factor.

I threw combat jeeps at will and I was bulletproof and after awhile I was also missile proof; moreover, I was slaying a hundred a minute....

My first mission was a success and I learned to catch, dodge, and control bullets and weapons through psychic means....