
CHAPTER 01.7. DAISY. ["The Brutal Love"]

I somehow manage to squeeze in and just collect my own cloths and I notice some of our gals taking a detour to the another changing room just outside the party hall. I follow them with my own cloths in my hand.

After changing as I come out of the restroom, a good looking guy asks me politely, "hey beautiful, would you like to join me to the dance floor."


It's been a while since I've spent time with a man. So, feeling a sense of longing, I agree and decide to hit the dance floor to enjoy the moment.

As we both are dancing and having a good time, he says in my ear, "you were too sexy in that bikini, why did you change it? 

Before, I could tell him anything, he slipped his hands from my shoulders on my waist and within a minute he grabs my a-ss and says, "I have booked a room in this hotel, let's go and have some fun."

I try to stop him and in a firm voice I say, "I'm not a w-hore or a s-lut." 


It seems like he doesn't care about what I'm saying, and he grabs my wrists, saying, "Don't be such a b-itch," as he begins pulling me off the dance floor.

I try to resist, but he keeps dragging me. In response, I kick him in his balls and take big steps to move out of the dance floor.

It doesn't make sense to inform the hotel security about this a-sshole, as he looks like a rich spoiled brat, and if I do, he might just offer them lots of cash to make this matter disappear.

Also, Asha is having such a good-time. If I involve her, it will definitely kill her mood, so I don't inform her either.

As this hotel is too close to my house, I decide to walk down and not take a cab.

As I'm walking down, all I can think about is that a-sshole from the party who grabbed my wrist and my a-ss. His fingers dig into my skin, and he reeked of alcohol.

Within some distance, I have a strong feeling that the guy from the hotel is following me. I suppose it was a mistake not to opt for a cab and walk home.

I feel really paranoid as I walk faster down the "Sidewalk." It's a cold night, and my heart is pounding.  As I reach the end of the sidewalk, I quickly glance over my shoulder. I can't see much except darkness; the streetlight above me barely illuminates the street. Then, as I look back before crossing the street, I notice someone walking towards me.


 01.11. Sidewalk

I'm really, really scared, so I just run. The wind is strong, and I'm having a hard time catching my breath.



I only think about running and not looking back. Just keep running.


I decide to turn into a side street, hoping to lose the guy chasing me. But as I keep running, I can still hear his footsteps behind me. It feels like a nightmare, but I know it's real.


Looking over my shoulder, I recognize the plaid pattern on the man's shirt. I'm sure he's the creep from the party. Panic is pushing me to run, but deep down, I know I need to call for help.


My hands shake as I try to get my phone out to dial 911. I fumble with the device, struggling to enter the right passcode. Gasping for breath, I find refuge under a streetlamp, trying to calm down.

I hear a grunting sound, and when I look back, the man has disappeared. It's as if he was never there. I'm dazed, staring at the empty spot, expecting him to reappear. But he doesn't.


A strange calmness comes over me, even though it makes no sense.


I put my phone back in my pocket and run the rest of the way home.


When I reach my apartment, I'm out of breath and covered in sweat. I fumble with my keys, finally getting the door open. I slam it shut and lock it, then sag against the door in relief.


A little later, "My Tomy," a four-year-old dog who I saved from being put down last year, comes over to me. He's been my most reliable companion. I run my fingers through his soft skin, and his gentle licking and cuddling helps me relax.


 01.12. My Tomy


I keep repeating to myself, "You're fine, everything's fine..."


I haven't felt fear like that in years, not since I was a little girl in foster care. It's a chilling memory, and I push it down.


What really matters is that I'm safe, back in my apartment, and nothing happened to me. I tell myself, "Everything will be okay..."

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