
Chapter 01.2. DAISY. ["The Brutal Love"]

She says, the organizers have told us that, "after the main event each day, we'll have plenty of time to relax, eat, drink, and have fun. One by one, we'll be called for individual photoshoots, followed by group photos and videos."


Asha continues to say, "the organizers have clearly specified and assured us that, for entire three day event, all the various clothing items including designer dresses, stylish outfits, costumes and even accessories required for all the solo as well group photoshoots and videos will be provided by them for each one of us. So, darling don't worry at all about the cloths, all of it will be provided by them."

Asha, then bows to me and says, "the organizers have also mentioned that they are going to provide each member of the group with their own personal assistant. For the group of fifteen, there will be a total of eighteen assistants. Three assistants and one manager will be specifically assigned to me, while each of the remaining members will have one assistant dedicated to them. This arrangement ensures that everyone has the necessary support throughout the event."

Resting her back on the chair, Asha says, "the organizers will mail you all the event details, including the date, venue address, hotel room number, and personal assistant information, no later than 48 hours before the event." She jokingly remarks that, "while they revealed the important stuff, they kept the rest a mystery to keep us on our toes."

Asha brushes her hair with one hand and says, "they will assign six teams for hair and makeup. Just like the camera team, there's one team just for me and one team for every three girls."

She then jokes, "Your honor, there's a twist here and please make a note of it. Instead of four person time, in this team, it is a three person team, a hairstylist, a makeup artist, and a helper."

Asha further says, "Whoops, I almost forgot to mention. Actually on the first day, there is one more exciting main event, right after beach time. And sweetheart, I have chosen you out of the entire group to be a part of this event with me. And this is costing about 35 grand from the 100 grand budget."


Asha goes on, "The event is that we're going to shoot for a hot and s-exy video like a music album featuring only me and you. For this, the organizers have assigned a complete another team including camera operators, hair and makeup artists, stylists, and even choreographers."

Asha in exhilarating tone says, "that we're going to film a steamy and hot music video together, just the two of us. For this video, the organizers have put together an entire team, including camera operators, hair and makeup artists, stylists, and choreographers."

Asha confidently walks up and spills the beans, "Check it out – we're filming the music video in the suite on the 75th floor of Fontainebleau Las Vegas Hotel. It's a ultra modern and one of the tallest hotel in Las Vegas. And the suite alone is around 2500sq.ft in area, having 3 masterbedrooms, one very spacious living room and also it has it's own garden attached to it."

And you know how we're getting there from the Plaza hotel?  Gues, Guess, Nooo! don't think old school, it's not limousine. It will blow your mind. We're taking a helicopter ride, stepping up our game in style and pure luxury."

Letting out a big sigh, she says, "I'm totally exhausted from all the shopping. The event is going to be busy, so I'll make sure to get a good 8 hours of sleep the night before. I suggest, you should also do the same, buddy."

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