
The Brown Rose

" What if I say I want to know you more, would you allow me?" His playful expression became a bit serious then playful again. " What do you mean by that? Why should you know me more?" Confusion was evident on her face. " I meant exactly that. I want to know you better, know more than your name, how does that sound?" He asked and looked down at her from above. " There is nothing to know about me. Am just a simple girl with a boring life, well that is what most of my friends tells me. Am anti-social so yeah, absolutely nothing exciting about my life." She looked up and met his focused gaze. ***** A short story of two individuals, ......... introducing: * Isis Dada Dester; a young radio presenter. AND * Atlas Ash Ford; a man despised for his eyes but still loved by many. Sit back and enjoy.

Porcupine_ · Urban
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28 Chs

The Nightshift

"Are they dumb? Do they think we're dummies, or what? Try to be more original and deliberate the next time you try to trick me, instead of using the same tactic everywhere.

She then drank the last of the already-cooled coffee.

"Let us continue." All right, what were we up to? Her voice filled the entire room as she raised the remote control and hit resume.

""""...loves a woman...""


The Midnight Blue saga had somewhat subsided after a week. A few media sources continued to run stories about him, even if it wasn't as tense as it had been. Compared to before, certain radio stations now occasionally play his tunes.


"Earlier this morning, Katie called. She called to let me know there will be a court hearing to finalize the case."

On the couch in Atlas' room, there was Ben. In his hands was a black leather file.

He fished out the only paper inside the file and passed it to Atlas.

With a calm expression on his face, Atlas glanced at Ben before fixing his gaze on the paper. He didn't immediately read it as he placed it on the empty seat next to him.

"What did she have to say?"

" She provided the date for the finalization of the case. It is in two weeks, and the other thing on the agenda is your interview with GTV two days from now."

" Noted. I will call you in case I need anything."

"I need to get going too."


"Good evening, dear friends. How was your holiday?" Dada asked as she put away her bag and started preparing for her shift.

Inside the room, there was a lady and a young man. The older one among them was named Jessica Leon, and was in her late thirties. She was resting on one of the bunk beds. Her afternoon shift had just ended.

"It was great. I was at the theme park with my husband and our four-year-old baby. I had street food after a long while." Responded Jessica.

"Mine was annoying. My little sister came with her friends and made a ruckus in my house. After they all went away, I was left alone to clean up the mess. I was so exhausted that I fell asleep and missed a date with my girlfriend."

The one who spoke was Romain West. He was employed three months ago. A bit of French accent could be detected when he spoke. With a circle bearded face, sleepy bedroom eyes and chiseled jawbone, he looked appetising to the eyes.

Standing at 180cm, he surely was a lady slayer.

After Romain spoke, all turned to look at Dada as she was the last one to speak. She became so uncomfortable from the intense gazes that she stammered at the beginning of her speech.

" Don't... Don't stare at me like I stole something, or am I that pretty that you guys cannot look away?"

She joked to calm herself down and continued, "Well, of course I spent my weekend inside my little house with my furniture. There was no one to accompany me this weekend, so I ended up talking to myself before the mirror and I danced with my pillows." Laughter erupted within the room at her last statement.

"As if you would invite or allow anyone to spend even a minute at your place." Jessica chimed in, which evoked another fit of laughter.

Everyone knew that Dada currently didn't have a boyfriend and that she usually spent her weekends either at home sleeping or watching television. In conclusion, they weren't surprised by her response. They knew of her introverted nature, and they treated her as their cute little sister.

"My parents have been to my house, and they even spent several nights there."

"Of course, your parents are allowed, but have you allowed anyone else apart from your family? Even I haven't been inside your house for more than an hour. And, how can you invite anyone to your little nest when you have issues with answering incoming calls?"

"I would respond if you send me a text instead of calling. Do you know how much energy and courage I need to be able to pick up my phone and answer? This is especially when a new number appears on my screen. It takes me ages to decide, and it's not an easy task."

A smile graced Dada's face. She felt as if she had spent all her energy trying to explain herself.

"I have a show to host people. See you when you see me."

Saying so, she walked away to prepare as a sweet smile graced her lips. Her hips swayed as her waist created smooth circular motion with her every step.

" You are my African Queen." Behind her came Romain's shout and Jessica's giggle.

" And you are my French King."


"Love at first sight: a fairy tale or reality? Send your messages through to our SMS line, and let's hear your thoughts. 3 1 6 9 2, that is our SMS line; let me repeat it again, 3 1 6 9 2. Hit me up, and let's sail together. Let's enjoy a soothing piece of music while you share your thoughts. Bringing you 'Night shift' by the Commodores Enjoy."

""""" Marvin

Sang of the joy and pain

He opened up our minds.

And I still can hear him say

"Oh, talk to me."

So you can see what's going on."

Say you will sing your songs.

For evermore, evermore

There's going to be some sweet sounds

Coming down on the nightshift

I bet you're singing proudly.

Oh, I bet you'll pull a crowd.

It's gonna be a long night.

It's going to be all right.

On the nightshift

You found another home.

I know you're not alone.

On the nightshift, oh

You found another home.

I know you're not alone.

On the nightshift


"It's precisely 23:41 here on Galaxy FM, and it's been a long night shift. Growing up, my brother and I would stare at the stereo system each time this song was played. It was as if we were waiting to see people dancing or something like that. Most of you would relate to that.

Moving on, I will be taking the last two messages as time is already up, so hurry up and share your opinion with us. Well well, a swift somebody has already sent something. Let's hear what it says and it says, ' Hello Dada, I am Caterina in BlueSands and I have been a loyal listener of your program. I just want to say that I really like your voice and sense of humor. I guess I fell in love with your voice and program on first hearing.'

Ladies and gentlemen, that was Caterina, and her message was simple and clear. I guess love at first sight doesn't apply only to people, as our lovely Caterina here fell in love with our program. I, too, fell in love with how much you appreciate my voice and mostly the program. Unique scenario, but lovely.

Let's see what we have here, as another listener just sent through a text. Here is what it says, ' I want to address this to someone close to my heart. Two years ago, love at first glance was a term that didn't exist in my vocabulary until a meeting changed my perspective. Two months ago, I fell in love with you right off the bat. You got my attention, and at that moment, I knew I had been hit by Cupid's arrow."