
The BrotherHood

A young teenager appeared in antiquity with a system that allows him to live forever. It also allows him to learn skills and teach them to others. What's he going to do? Attention! The content of this story may shock the sensibilities of some. Thank you for not reading if you are easily shocking. Sorry in advance for the spelling, I'm French and we all know that French are not good in English ;)

ShiroLoly · War
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Chapter 1- What

< The 95 Years; Unknown location>

A young child walked quietly in the desert, heading towards a structure. These eyes were dull, with no sign of life, one might even think that he has no soul.

This young boy walked for a few minutes before staggering and raising his head. In a voice broken for lack of water and a breath, he spoke.

"Where am I?"

The little boy did not immediately understand what was going on and looked around him, trying to find clues about his location.

[Welcome host, I am the learning system that will allow you to become someone to respect and influenced]

Huh? What's this thing talking to me, it looks like a novel scenario on websites.

[The system will allow you to no longer age at the age of 15, stopping the aging of your cells. Do you have any questions?]

"Yes! Am I immortal? Are you an op system? Do you have a store for me to buy world-destroying items?"

[From one, no you are not immortal, you are still as vulnerable to small cuts as to atomic bombs. I am not an op system, I have certain binding rules. I have no store, just techniques to teach you to allow you to become a powerful fighter.]

"Ahh... You're useless then?"

[No, I'm very helpful. Do you want to start your first workout?]

"Yes but first I have a question, where am I?"

[You are in Egypt, during antiquity]

"Okay, one last on-"

[Training to launch, transport of the host into the training area]

[Transportation over. First training, the art of climbing. During your journey around the world, you should know how to climb any type of place without the slightest blink of an eye.]

[First step, climbing the wall]

I appeared in a white complement piece, made pixel sometimes visible. A grey wall appeared in front of me, about 3.5 meters.

When I raised my arm I noticed that I was extremely small compared to the wall. I tried to jump to the top but I didn't get there. I try for a few minutes before I get an idea.

I backed off and ran towards the wall. Getting to the wall, I jumped with all my might, not even managing to touch the ledge of the wall.

"It's okay, I'm giving up"

[Are you sure?]

"Yes, I'll never make it"

[The system is disappointed by the host. The system introduces a new rule. If the host abandons a workout, it will then teleport into a dimension made of flesh-eating insect and will gnaw endlessly until the end of the time runs out. Does the host still want to give up?]

"I changed my mind! I'm going to keep going!"

The little boy to continue for 3 days before finally being able to climb the wall several times without problem.

[Step two, discretions]

A building appeared in the oriental style. Armed guards patrol every nook and cranant of the building, reporting anything unusual.

[The goal is to reach the central hall without being spotted by a single guard. If you get spotted, you'll be killed and you'll do it again. Please choose your path]

"I feel like I'm going to drool"


Hi all! This is the first chapter of my story. Be aware that the system will not be op under any circumstances. The system will only serve to train the MC and help him in history. Regarding the universe, I will combine several secret society such as the Brotherhood of Assassins, the SCP Foundation, etc.

Thank you;)