

This is a story about love and family relationships build on deceitful and secretive foundation but when the secrets and the truth start to get revealed, the family and love ties get broken. The story evolves around a young woman whose dream was to become a personal assisant secretary to an important business man whilst living with an overbearing and protective mother, who hates males for some reason. The young woman's sheltered and controlled life makes a turn for the better or worse when she finally gets her dream job and also falls in love with her boss.

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I love you

The day was almost over and David never called Amya to the office not even once. Amya had lost all hope of reconciliation with David because he did not even contact her the whole day and she was now preparing to go back home. She walked out of her office, locked it and walked towards David's office. She began to conteplate on whether she should go inside and inform him that she was going home or just ignore him and go away.

After fighting with her thoughts for a

long time, she finally knocked on the office door and without waiting for his reply she entered the office and quickly stated her agenda without facing him, "good evening sir! I am here to inform you that I am done for the day and if there is nothing else you need I will be going home now and I will see you tomorrow."

She stopped to hear a reply but when she got none, she then went on, "lastly before I leave sir! I want to apologize for my undisciplined behavior of snooping around your office without permission. I promise you that it will never happen again. I am sorry." She still did not get a reply, she then lifted her face only to meet David's piercing gaze on her, for a moment she got drowned in the blue crystal eyes which looked disturbed and hurt, her heart ached to know what caused that pain to be there in the first place but she quickly reminded herself that she was just an employee and it was none of her business to prowl into her boss's life and she did not want to get into more trouble than what she already has. She then turned to leave, she left the office and entered the elevator, took it to the first floor so that she could exit the building and go home.

As soon as she stepped outside she was hauled by immense force by David who unexpectedly showed up and forced her into his silver BMW car and drove away with her. Amya was greatly startled with how the events of the day were getting worse, fear gripped her little delicate heart with the fear of the unknown intentions of what David wanted to do with her. Slowly her mother's words of warning to be wary of David's intentions started filling her mind and more fear started to fill her body and she started to shake with the thought that David had bad intentions towards her. Tears started filling her eyes and she started to curse herself for not taking her mother's warning in mind.

After about forty minutes of driving, David finally stopped the car at a place that looked like a cemetery, he then went out of the car and started walking away from the car towards the graves.

Amya wanted to stay in the car or perhaps run away but after contemplating with her thoughts, she slowly went out of the car and followed David to the graves. She then found him standing at the far side of the graveyard where he was standing in front of a grave and staring coldly at it with an aloof expression.

Amya just stood next to him and kept quiet. After some minutes of silence David finally spoke, "you wanted to meet her right?" Amya who was lost in the silence got startled with David's sudden utterance. "Huh?" uttered a confused Amya and she turned to face David who was still facing the grave with a hurt expression.

"The girl whom your heart is curious to know about, the girl that made you see a different side of me today, a side that I never thought that I would ever show you today, the side that… is making you have doubts about my character and intentions towards you right now, the side that I never imagined I would show to anyone after a long time," said David in a broken tone.

"She was the light and joy of my life. No one in the entire world can ever replace her. She was always there whenever I was hurt, broken, feeling low, happy, excited, lonely and insecure. She was my pillar of hope whenever I felt lost. I would not have become what I am today if it wasn't for her. I owe her everything I have today… (Sobbing) she was my everything... But I could not save her," cried David and he fell down to his knees and started crying bitterly.

Amya did not expect to see such a strong man like David breakdown like this and cry like a baby, she always saw him as someone who always had everything sorted out but right now this scene in front of her has proven her wrong, even the richest and strongest man also has a weak spot. Amya slowly knelt beside David and started consoling him by pulling him into a warm hug and caressing his back. Without hesitation David grabbed Amya's waist and buried his face in her chest and started crying even more wetting Amya's business outfit.

Amya then turned her head to the grave and saw the name engraved, "IN LOVING MEMORY OF NICOLE PERRINGTON. DATE OF BIRTH 17/07/1985. DATE OF DEATH 12/10/2007." "I am really sorry. I didn't mean to open up a buried wound in your heart. Please forgive me. I am really sorry." Said Amya whilst tears were also rivers on her face. David did not utter a word but surprised Amya with a deep passionate kiss.

At first Amya did not know how to respond to the sudden kiss until David uttered, "I love you Amya. I have been crazy about you since the moment I met you. I know it is not the right time or right place to say this but I really love you Amya. I promise that if you give me this chance to court you I will do my best to make you happy and to make sure that you won't lack anything in your life. Everything you want I will fulfill it Amya. Please just give me this chance and I promise that I will make you the happiest woman in the world," said David.

Amya felt her chest getting heavy with overwhelming happiness with David's confession, she responded to his kiss and said, "I also feel the same way you do and I also promise that I will do my best to make you the happiest man. I will give you this chance with all my heart only promise me that you will never break it because I don't know what I will do if you break my heart." "Never! I promise you that I will never play with your heart Amya. I will care and cherish it like my own. I promise. I love you Amya," replied David. "I love you too David," said Amya. The two then continued their passionate kissing and love ruled the rest of the night.

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