

This is a story about love and family relationships build on deceitful and secretive foundation but when the secrets and the truth start to get revealed, the family and love ties get broken. The story evolves around a young woman whose dream was to become a personal assisant secretary to an important business man whilst living with an overbearing and protective mother, who hates males for some reason. The young woman's sheltered and controlled life makes a turn for the better or worse when she finally gets her dream job and also falls in love with her boss.

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Amya could not believe her ears after hearing what her father just revealed. 'No it can't be. He is lying! Don't forget that mother warned you that he is a cunning liar. But could he lie about something so serious like this. And if what he said is true then...what is he doing closer to David and his family and what does he want if he knows that the woman that ruined his life is his own maternal cousin brother's wife. No I don't believe it! I can't believe it', these were the thoughts that were running havoc in Amya's mind and she uttered, " No...no I don't believe you. I think you are only saying that in order for me to believe your lies but no! I don't believe you!"

"Well its the truth! Whether you believe me or not but its the truth Amya! David's mother is the one that was obsessed with me and threatened to kill your mother if I did not break up with her. She is also the woman that your mother saw with me that day making love to her. If you don't believe me you can even show your mother her picture and she can even confirm to you that it is her! I am telling you the truth Amya....." Said Felix.

Amya just shook her head in disbelief and faintly uttered, " No...no I no longer want to listen to you anymore...I just can't listen to this any more..." And unknowingly tears started streaming down her face. And she turn her back to her father and started running out of the café. Felix tried to run after her and stop her but she was too fast. Amya ran back to the car and drove off.

'I can't believe it! No! I shouldn't believe it! I am sure that all this is nothing but a lie! I met Mrs Perrington before and she is not anything Felix said', thought Amya whilst driving. She then thought back to the time where David took her to his home in order to introduce her to his family.

It was a cool evening but Amya was feeling a little sweaty not because she was sitting on a couch at David's magnificent mega mansion home, outside on the patio overlooking the big beautiful lit garden. But it was because she was sitting right next to Mrs Perrington, Mrs Linda Collins. She often wondered why the beautiful woman who is still in her early fifties did not change her last name when she got married.

"There is no need to feel shy or uncomfortable my dear. You should relax and enjoy this evening and also my company because I can assure you that I don't bite. So relax", said Linda whilst taking a sip from her wine glass and flashing a beautiful smile to Amya. " Thank you Ma'am", replied Amya and she also took a sip from her wine glass and tried to relax.

"Well to tell you the honest truth my dear. I have been very eager to meet you. Ever since David started mentioning you, I always wondered what kind of girl you are that was able to capture my David's attention. Because many have tried but still failed to win him over", said Linda whilst looking at Amya intently. Amya did not know how to feel about what Linda said, she as well wondered why David fell in love with her. Although he strongly assured her that it was not because of her beauty but he always said that her charisma, boldness, kindness, courage and her sweet innocence were the traits that captured his attention the most. Although, those are all good traits to love about someone but anyone can have those traits right? And besides, she is not from a powerful rich aristocratic family and also to even think about it she is not even that successful to be recognized by someone like David. So she always wondered why.

" Now...that I think about it...you kind of look like someone that I have seen before," remarked Linda after a long while of watching Amya stuck in her thoughts. The remark brought Amya out of her thoughts and she asked, " Oh really?" " Yes...well she was actually an old acquaintance of mine from the past and you kind of... have some resemblance to her. " said Linda whilst looking at Amya intently. Amya did not know how to respond and felt a bit uncomfortable under Linda's scrutinizing gaze and she felt the atmosphere turn a little tense and she began to feel sweaty again.

But all of a sudden a melodious laughter echoed around the patio. Linda's laughter was so unexpected that it confused Amya and she felt even more tense until Linda said, "Oh my dear Amya. You should relax my dear. Besides she is just a person from the past. I don't know why you look so tense. You know what...you and I should hang out sometime so that we get to know each other better. So that you don't have to be so guarded around me. So what do you say? Is...it a date?" "Yes! Of course its a date Ma'am! I would be honored to spent some time with you", replied Amya enthusiastically and also feeling relieved that the tension in the atmosphere disappeared. And also feeling happy that David's mother was willing to accept her.

" That's good. I have a feeling that we are going to get along just fine Amya", said Linda and she gave Amya a beautiful smile and Amya also smiled back. But unawares to Amya there was a mischievous glint in Linda's eyes.

Back to the present...Amya was now thinking hard about the conversation that she had with Linda Collins that night. Now that she had flashed back to the conversation, she now remembers that Linda once mentioned about having an old acquaintance in the past that resembled her. 'What if that old acquaintance was her mother and what if.. what if her father said was true... If its true then why? Why is fate playing such a cruel joke on her? Why?' Tears were already two rivers on Amya's face and her mind became muddled with the thoughts to the point that she did not see a car heading straight at her in full speed. The car then blew its horn and it awakened Amya from her thoughts and she quickly veered off the road to avoid the collusion but however a loud sound of a crash was heard and there was light everywhere...

Another accident!Oh no! Do you think it is just an accident or a planned scheme? comment and let me know

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