
The broken thrown. A new light. book 1

QuiverWing, the last chameleon dragon in Yutar, wakes up from an iceberg. She and the dragon who she wakes up with, Scorch, realised soon that an enemy wishes her death. QuiverWing must fight for survive or perish. Can QuiverWing survive or will she think of something different to stop the bloodthirsty enemy. Within her moments of waking and not remembering anything she finds love, friendship and hatred.

FunPup · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 22

QuiverWing woke up to the sound of two dragons, "but Princess BushThorn I don't think it's a good idea to go down there" said one of the grads that she could see.

"Don't worry I'm fine, besides she's all chaind up she can't hurt me" said a voice that see thinks is a dueviniel.

"Alright but if you get hurt it's on me so be careful, your mother is gona kill me" sope the gard.

"I'll be fine" said BushThorn, "hello" she greeted QuiverWing once she glided down. She just snarled, "calm down I'm not here to hurt you" she reinsured and QuiverWing actually felt clamer by here soft voice. "I'll like to have someone to talk to without them ignoring me" BushThorn looked mournful, 'is really that lonely? I did hear the gard say princess so wouldn't she have friends?' QuiverWing felt. "So you must hate those chains" BushThorn continued to talk. QuiverWing saw an opportunity and pointed to her muzzle as to signal "I want to talk". "You want to talk? Well I don't know how to take of the muzzle and I doubt that these gards will take it of" she explained. QuiverWing shacked her head in a disappointed way. "Oh I sorry, I hate to disappoint dragons" she then flickt her tail. "Hey gard!" she called out and a gard glided down to her but kept a distance from QuiverWing. "Yes Princess" he spoke.

"Can you take the muzzle of or open it just enough so she can talk?" she asked.

"Umm I don't think that is a good idea" the gard hesitated.

"See won't attack, she has too many chains to do so and if she tries to attack me there are too many of you for her to fight of" she persuaded.

"Alright but you behave" the gard pointed to QuiverWing, 'alright the dueviniel has a point' she thought as the gard too off the muzzle.

"I feel a little more free" she sighed.

"Behave" the gard said again.

"So the water must feel uncomfortable" said BushThorn shaking her claws dry then putting them back in the water.

"Not really it's actually comfy" she shrugged.

"Oh, so may I ask what is your kind like?" she asked.

"I don't know I woke up in an iceberg and I can't remember anything before that" she explained.

"Oh well you chose the worst time to wake up" BushThorn joked.

"Oh my goodness it's anuther Tusile" she sighed.

"Whos Tusile?" BushThorn tilted her head.

"A friend, but how long was I out?" QuiverWing asked.

"About a week" she responded.

"Guess I'm stuck here for ever now huh" QuiverWing looked down in a morning manner.

"I could try to convince mother to let you have time to fly" she offered.

"I doubt that phycho murder would let me" she snarled and heard all of the gards fly down to and saw that she wasn't doing anything, "relax she isn't doing anything" BushThorn waved her wing dismissively.

"I will soon if your mother comes to visit me" QuiverWing promised BushThorn.

"You really don't like my mother, can't blame you" she muttered that last bit.

"You don't like her?" QuiverWing felt confused.

"Well she only had me to secure her place on the thrown" she explained.

"Oof" QuiverWing let out.

"Yeah but my father is basically non existence" she continued to explain.

"Why?" QuiverWing asked.

"Well he doesn't visit me and when he does he just ignores me, but at least I got Frostbite he always knows what to do" she wagged her tail.

"So you have kin problems" QuiverWing noted.

"Guess you can put it that way" BushThorn shrugged.

"Why do you trust me?" QuiverWing asked a little confused.

"I feel like I'm in a similar situation as you" she explained, "you're the only dragon who had a proper conversation with me" she added.

"You don't have friends?" QuiverWing asked.

"No all the dragons my age are afraid of my mother, I'm the main reason why she's on the thrown so she is very strict on my safety, she doesn't know I'm here" she explained.

"Oh well I'm not afraid of her so we can be friends" QuiverWing offered.

"Really?" she looked hopeful.

"Yeah, I mean you're the only dragon who has dared to talk to me" QuiverWing felt as desperate as she is.

"Then it's settled we're friends" a big smile spread across her face and when she did it is clear that she is Petles daughter.

"So what did you do for fun?" QuiverWing asked out of curiosity.

"I would tend to my mothers exsortic pets, manly her prise king cheeter" she explained.

"Your mother has a king cheeter, that make sense" she shrugged.

"Yep it's her prize pet" BushThorn nodded.

"So what pet do you have?" QuiverWing asked.

"I don't have a pet yet but I am getting a komodo dragon, mother is getting it for me because I found so many chains" she paused.

"What?" QuiverWing squinted her eyes.

"It's just that I got the chains that you, snapped!" BushThorn finally saw the snapped chains.

"Yeah I got a little upset earlier and then I got stabbed in the neck so yeah" she finished.

"Oh, how did you manage to snap them they were titanium?" BushThorn looked shocked.

"I tugged on them, all chains are easy to snap" QuiverWing explained.

"No a blood gripper tried and faild" BushThorn had a concerned look.

"So they are not easy to snap" QuiverWing realised that she was stronger then most dragons but a blood gripper.

QuiverWing heard a call, "oh it's mother see you tomorrow" BushThorn did a head bow and flew of. "Hey gards when do I eat!?" she asked.

"You don't get food, Queen Petle said you're immortal so you don't need food!" one of the gards explained.

"No I need food, a berry would do me good!" she tugged on the chains and anuther snapped and she saw all the gards panic and they put her muzzle back on alone with a sleeping dart. She woke up the next morning feeling a comfortable cool water sokeing her scales, she smiled but then stopped when she felt the chains on her wings and chest. 'They added more! dammit!' she thought in her head and then hissed quietly. 'I wonder when BushThorn is coming to visit me next' she then flickt her tail sending water splashing allover her. She stood up and stretched as much as she could, she then heard her stomach growl as she hasn't eaten within a week.

One gard glided down to her, "we talked to Queen Petle and she had agreed to give you one cod a day" she announced. She tried to speak but it came out as a muttered mess, so she just waved her tail in thanks. "You're oddly polite for a prisoner" she tilted her head. QuiverWing just gave a look that she does not know what it means but if she had to assume, it would be understanding. "Don't rely on your friends coming to save you it wouldn't work, this mountain is covered in armored gards and high security" she added. The gard flew back up to the trees and QuiverWing layed back down allowing the water to give her the only joy she can have, except for BushThorns visits. QuiverWing tried to get comfortable but it was impossible with how tight the chains were on her wings. 'I miss Scorch, why did I let my gard down?' QuiverWing let out a tear but did not dare make a noise. She spent the day listening to the gards, one was tired of all the rain, anuther was happy of there place, a different one was nervous of what QuiverWing could do and most of them was bored.