
The broken thrown. A new light. book 1

QuiverWing, the last chameleon dragon in Yutar, wakes up from an iceberg. She and the dragon who she wakes up with, Scorch, realised soon that an enemy wishes her death. QuiverWing must fight for survive or perish. Can QuiverWing survive or will she think of something different to stop the bloodthirsty enemy. Within her moments of waking and not remembering anything she finds love, friendship and hatred.

FunPup · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 10

QuiverWing saw some dragons getting uneasy but others looking like they believe her words. The storm herder was looking more annoyed now then ever, "do you really think that some simple words will stop the fear and threat of the dragon hunters?. Or that the phycho Queen will some how stop murdering those who fought against her?" He snarled even louder but it wasn't directed at her. 'I managed to kill an undead sky keeper some psycho would be easy enough... what if I had an army willing to take down Petle then it would be easier' she thought. "You want her off the thrown, don't you?" QuiverWing keeping a friendly tone.

"Of course I do she killed my flock, chased me out of my territory and forced me to like in a rainforest, if I leave she'll kill me!" He cried. She gave a sympathetic look, "if enough dragons get to gether" the storm herder roared. "This isn't some story were a couple of dragons fight an experienced killer and win, without a scratch!. Do you think we tried to chase her of the thrown it never worked and to put a cherry on top of the cow she has an undead sky keeper!".

"So do we and earlier today I killed that sky keeper!" she said in an determined voice.

All the dragons in the fild was alert and shocked by what she said, "you... killed Frostbite?" the storm herder asked as shocked as all the other dragons.

"Yeah but then his skull inflated and he came back alive" she added. He went to shocked to startled "he's immortal!" He almost screamed. Scorch stepped forward, "are you really trying to get an army?" he asked in a confused voice.

"Yes she killed my kin and kind I'm not letting her get away from this" she growled at the last half.

"Alright I'm with you... but I think you need a bit more convincing for them" he nodded his head to the dragons watching her.

"It's up to them if they want to help" she explained to him.

QuiverWing turned her head to the crowd and began to speak, "I know that thun of you are rainforest dragons!" she took a deep breath. "From what I have heard you all have been forced to live here!. I want to help you all bring back a proper hair to the thrown, a dragon who can rule right" she heard a dragon call out.

"Who is this dragon?" it wasn't a tone of support or a tone of disrespect, it was a tone of curiosity.

"I don't know but we can look for them, a dragon who you believe is right to rule!" She answered. She then heard the storm herder speak, "so you're not expecting that roal?" He said sycasticly.

"I'm not exactly leadership, a different dragon would suit the roal better" she explained honestly but she felt like she had said that before.

The storm herder let out a little laugh of approval, "so what dragon did you have in mind?" he asked.

"Someone with experience, knows what is right for every dragon and someone who you accept" she answered again.

"How about Scorch?" called out the frildon.

"No he's a sky keeper, have you seen what the other on did?" called out a cloud slasher in protest.

"Are they the same though? he did save my life" asked a cloud slasher with a broken wing and a chiped tail, QuiverWing recognised him as the dragon who attacked her. She then felt a stab of regret and guilt, and the cloud slasher silence his flock mate.

"Well I'm honoured that some of you are considering me but I'm a healer not a leader" Scorch made a head bow with respect.

"We can find our leader later but right now we need to set camp, I suggest that it is hidden" she dismissed the argument.

"I think I should lead for now, I am experienced with it and it would stop arguments for a while" the storm herder suggested.

"That would be best but can I get your name?" QuiverWing asked.

"Wrath my name is Wrath" he answered.

"Right Wrath were should we set up camp?" QuiverWing asked accepting him a leader.

"I found a cave hidden from view and covered in greenery, we can set camp there!" he then flickt his tail ordering everyone to follow. They all walked for 20 minutes when Wrath pulled vines to aside and stood there letting dragons in. QuiverWing was able to see how many dragons were there: 17 cloud slashers, 2 frilsons, 8 ice thangs and 3 fire spits. She now knows that there are 33 dragons (including her and Scorch) in this little uprising.

Once she got in she saw a massive cave with a small waterfall and lake, many ledges, tunnels that can be sleeping chambers, plenty of space for 100 dragons to stretch out and Scorch already found a place to put his herbs. She also saw a large rock that Wrath was standing on to speak to all the dragons. "Friends, kin we can now live peacefully knowing that we can work on over frowing Petle. For now we can make this place homey, Isle you can get the moss, Chaker help Scorch get his herbs. I can only assume that you already have a serply to get" he ordered and a different frildon (that is much bigger than the one she spoke to) leave and she heard wings flaping. She then saw an ice thang leave and her claws scrape on the stones. "I think a patrol of your flock could explore these tunnels" Wrath offered a cloud slasher with scars and a sliy through his wing. "Alright, I'm glad that you recognised that I'm the alfa of the rain froth flock" he spoke in a crooky voice, he then turned to his flock and organised them into 2 party's.

"For the rest of us we can clean up, get rid of dust, collect the cobwebs for Scorch and move these leaves into a pile" he taped his wings calling the meeting to an end. QuiverWing immediately became to collect the cobwebs the way Scorch thought her to, and stopped a fire spit from grabbing them with a fist. Wrath saw this then directed everyone that she is the only one to collect the cobwebs. 'That isn't gona take long at all' she thought sycasticly then shook it of remembering that she basically chose him as leader. After around 8 hours (or was it 9) she managed to collect all of the cobwebs into 4 large rolls (in the main hall at least), she saw that the mane cave was basically spot less. All the leaves were in a pile, the dust was in a corner, ready for someone to sweep it up. She then walked up to Wrath, "so should I move to the tunnels when the patrols get back?" she asked.

"Yes so you could take a break for now" he sounded proud and she could only assume that it's because of his position.

She found a ledge that was the perfect size for her, she jumped up then spun into a comfortable position and dozed off. She had a dream but she couldn't remember most of it. All she could make up is that she was in a strangely carved but familiar cave, she was cuddled up to Scorch and then she woke up. She shot her head up in alarm as she heard the screams of a young dragon, QuiverWing immediately recognised the dragon as the frildon who she spoke to. She jumped down over half the main cave and ran in a charge to the entrance, she then ran down the rainforest and saw her in the claws of Queen Petle.