
The broken string of fate

The castle of 1567 which have a mystery about the king and queen deaths . year 2022(present year) the castle is now considered a tourist place ,one day a boy and a girl entered the castle . The castle have a stone placed at the center of the castle which had a legend that when the king and queen will place their hands on that stone they could see their past lives...what happens when they see their past lives ?, what mystery will unravel???Read my novel to see what happens next!!!

Aish1122 · Realistic
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15 Chs


Jacob and Jane both were shocked after seeing the news , they were tensed up . Jane started to cry thinking that the history will be repeated again , Jacob comforted her and said " don't worry I will not let you go anywhere , this time we will make that person suffer ". Jacob ordered his gaurds to tighten the security at his mansion and to search about that person on the news , he ordered his guards to search day and night for that person . Days passed by and soon the person was found , it was a random person who used to put rumors on social media , his conputer was checked and the recording was found in that , afterwards he was handed over to the police . Jacob hugged Jane and said " don't worry , now everything is over ".


Both Jacob and Jane were still tensed up about the message, suddenly a new message came to them in the form of a letter which read" oh no, my king you caught the wrong person I am still around you and I will kill you , just wait a bit longer , I am coming " . Jacob became angry and decided to deal with this matter himself , he played the previous message again and again , finally he heard someone in the background , it was a man 's voice , he listened to it again and he was shocked , his hands started to tremble . his eyes started to shake, The voice was Jacob's voice ...