
The broken Royalty

Being a "delicate" princess is something you hate but you have the guts to be a strong and fair ruler. Sadly the rules of your kingdom are "Land controled only by men" and worse a powerthirsty enemy comes to make your life more hell than it is. Will Accalia fix this problem and save her home or will she loose the fight?

Andrea_Castro_4463 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

an exotic flower

Well, that's how time began to pass, Sigeric and Accalia were no longer blind babies, they both arrived at the age of 8 years. Segeric had a great physical resemblance to his father, although his eyes were the same as his mother's, while Accalia had the same hair color as his father but his eyes were a little light brown, apparently inherited from somebody. grandfather or great-grandfather.

Both brothers slept in separate rooms, both the door of Segeric's room, as Accalia's was beige, with gold, although Accalia's had engravings in the wood in the form of agila feathers and small roses. Sigeric's were carved shapes of heather and crossed arrows. The weather was perfect for the princess's brother to practice target shooting with an arrow so that one day she could go out hunting deer or other animals with her father, while Accalia, well being a girl, her father would send her to her classes. of balance and dance.

King Trevor and Queen Breeze headed to their children's rooms to wake them up and get them ready for a new day of learning. A few minutes later the two young men came out, Segeric in an elegant suit but with leather parts for training and Accalia in a lavender colored suit with soft silver highlights and a side braid. The king looked them both up and down and smiled.

.-They both look perfect. Sigeric, you have reached the age of 8 years, I think it is time to start teaching yourself to use weapons. We will start with the target shooting in the Albatroz training area and my dear Accalia, you are old enough to have coordination, so you will start balance and dance classes. After that I need you both to get ready, as the neighboring kingdoms of the Nocter kingdom will come, under the command of King Nerios, his queen Comet and their son Yettier, the kingdom Daviel of King Darius, Queen Helen and their daughter Sky and finally the Brimidian kingdom, under the command of King Helfus, Queen Myst and their son Marek. Show you are royalty, okay?

.-yes father.-at the same time

.-Perfect, Sigeric follow me and Accalia, your mother will guide you to the main room where Mrs. Dove will teach you dance. See you later.

Without more to say, both separated, following their parents to the corresponding learning areas.

Already in Albatroz's training area, Sigeric held the bow and arrow with enthusiasm, while an older man arrived on horseback, with silver gray hair but no bald spot, while behind on another steed, came a young man a couple of years older than the prince , with black hair and blue eyes carrying a dead deer on the horse's back.

The old hunter lowered his steed as jet-black as the night itself and headed toward the king and his son, with a respectful bow that was accepted with a nod from Trevor.

.-My King. How can I help you today? .-Calen, I am glad to see you, friend. Despite the years you are still the most respected hunter in Vialem. You see, my son Sigeric has already reached the age of eight, which means that he has to start his weapons apprenticeship, so I want him to focus on the use of the bow and arrow first.

.- Let no more be said my king. Okay young Sigeric, what I want you to do is look at that big pile of hay. As you can see, this one has white and red colors and in the same center a circle, if you give exactly that point, it is the maximum score you get, although this practice will work perfectly when you go hunting, either on your own or with your father.

.-I agree Mr. Calen. Don't worry, if I know it will be fine for me. .

-Very well. Take the bow and arrow, focus and tighten the string but do not overdo it, otherwise your arrow will fall awkwardly on the floor instead of going straight to the target.

One, two, three and more times were those that the young prince tried without success. The arrow continually fell to the ground instead of speeding towards the red center exactly causing frustration in the young prince, while the young boy with black hair and blue eyes looked at the spectacle with a small smile, trying not to laugh. The hunter's apprentice got off his gray steed, along with his own bow and arrow, as he made his way to other stacks of hay that were also painted white and red for target shooting.

.-This is a piece of cake, little prince.

Without doubting himself, the apprentice hunter tightened the string of his bow along with the arrow and released it, making it go at high speeds, landing exactly on the target before heading to the young prince who continued to miss his shots.

.-Need help? I can show you how to shoot accurately.

.-I do not need your help. Whatever your name is!

.-As you say, Your Highness. And my name is Herriet, I know you don't care but I'll inform you anyway.- shrugs as he addresses his mentor, ignoring the prince's complaining sounds as he continues to fail.

The old hunter lowered his steed as jet-black as the night itself and headed toward the king and his son, with a respectful bow that was accepted with a nod from Trevor.

.-My King. How can I help you today?

.-Calen, I am glad to see you, friend. Despite the years you are still the most respected hunter in Vialem. You see, my son Sigeric has already reached the age of eight, which means that he has to start his weapons apprenticeship, so I want him to focus on the use of the bow and arrow first.

.- Let no more be said my king. Okay young Sigeric, what I want you to do is look at that big pile of hay. As you can see, this one has white and red colors and in the same center a circle, if you give exactly that point, it is the maximum score you get, although this practice will work perfectly when you go hunting, either on your own or with your father.

.-I agree Mr. Calen. Don't worry, if I know it will be fine for me.

.-Very well. Take the bow and arrow, focus and tighten the string but do not overdo it, otherwise your arrow will fall awkwardly on the floor instead of going straight to the target.

One, two, three and more times were those that the young prince tried without success. The arrow continually fell to the ground instead of speeding towards the red center exactly causing frustration in the young prince, while the young man with black hair and blue eyes looked at the spectacle with a small smile, trying not to laugh. The hunter's apprentice got off his gray steed, along with his own bow and arrow, as he made his way to other stacks of hay that were also painted white and red for target shooting.

.-This is a piece of cake, little prince.

Without doubting himself, the apprentice hunter tightened the string of his bow along with the arrow and released it, making it go at high speeds, landing exactly on the target before heading to the young prince who continued to miss his shots.

.-Need help? I can show you how to shoot accurately.

.-I do not need your help!. Whatever your name is!

.-As you say, Your Highness. And my name is Herriet, I know you don't care but I'll inform you anyway. "He shrugs as he addresses his mentor, ignoring the prince's complaining sounds as he continues to fail.

Meanwhile inside an elegant room, a somewhat older woman with many gray hair in her ash blonde hair and a red-violet dress placed books on Accalia's head, for the young woman this weighed horrible and according to the instructor it was nothing and that It was just the beginning to have a perfect balance and elegance, typical of a lady, whether in situations of important meetings, dances or simply walking.

.-Very good Princess Accalia the key to elegance is to stay focused and be attentive to the rhythm of my claps. Let's get started, And one, two, three, four and one, two, three, and four ...

Accalia smiled softly at her instructor at some compliments she was giving her, but inside she wanted to get those books off of her head and throw them out the window with all her strength but she held on.

.- And is this really or totally necessary?

.-Of course, my dear. As a princess you have to be graceful and delicate as a feather.

Accalia bit her tongue uncomfortably, a sensation in her chest told her to get out of that boring class but I waited for it to finish.

Once that boring class of elegance was over, the young princess gently pulled her mother's dress to ask if they could see her brother's training, to which the queen accepted with a gentle smile, heading to the training area with her daughter.

Once in the training area, the young Sigeric kept shouting unintelligible words but clearly angry at not being able to control the bow and arrow, while Herriet sat on a huge dead log with a sarcastic smile. Accalia tilted her head a little to the side, confused at seeing her brother's attempts, without success, but she decided to go to hers.

.-Um Sigeric...would you mind if I...um try? Maybe you can pay attention and then do it on your own the right way.

The young princess's brother raised an eyebrow and snorted, while her father watched from afar with the hunter.

.-Pfft please Accalia, your thing is to read books, know how to dance, I don't know and make braids with the maids or with our mother. I would not be surprised if you gouge out one eye for a moron.-she laughs mockingly

.-I'll show you !! .- she snorts indignantly while she takes the bow and arrow

.-Of course, of course. Don't worry, I'll tell the servants to make a patch to cover the eye that you are about to lose and people will know you as the moron princess who wanted to use a weapon just for men.

.- Says who failed excessively? You will call me moron but I have more brain than you. Yours is unfortunate is dry and there's no cure for it. - laughs low while concentrates on the target

The young girl took a long breath with her eyes closed for a few moments and narrowed her eyes slightly. Herriet looked up and raised an eyebrow as he stopped listening to the young prince's complaints and saw a young woman similar to the complaining boy preparing the bow and arrow with correct posture, drawing her attention completely.

.- You will owe me all your desserts and I will call you my "moron brother" in-front of everyone if I hit the target without fail.

.-go ahead future one-eyed.-laughs mockingly

Accalia rolled her eyes and waited a few more seconds. Trevor saw her young daughter with that object of hers causing her to go to her quickly

.-Accalia !! leave that!! it's not for you!!

For some reason, Accalia's hearing was turned off, her gaze was only focused on that red dot, adrenaline rushing through her veins, while her heart beat faster than normal. She finally released the arrow, which shot out at great speed, landing right on the target. A triumphant smile formed on her lips before she felt strong hands on her shoulders, it was nobody but her father, who was furious and not far away her brother was gaping at the perfect shot.

.-But what the hell were you thinking !!! that is not an object that a girl uses !!!

.- I ... I'm sorry father !!! I wanted to help my brother and-

A slap made the girl shut up instantly, her head looking away, while a crystalline liquid quickly fell down her cheeks until it ended up on the dirt floor, turning it to a little darker tones. Accalia slightly turned her head to look at her father, who still showed a high anger, without apologizing to his daughter.

.-Stop whining and go to your room to get ready, the guests will arrive in a few hours, Show yourself presentable. I'll call Rosemenda to do your hair.

Accalia without more words turned around quickly and left that place crying, some servants tried to stop her to what was happening and comfort her, but she avoided them. Trevor took a long breath and looked at the arrow stuck perfectly in the target before snapping out of the trance when he was hit hard.

.-What the hell!!!?

His eyes widened when he saw who it was and it was nothing more than her beloved queen, who had tears about to fall.

.-DO NOT lay a hand on my daughter again Trevor !! .- yells furiously

The king and queen , along with the prince, headed back to the palace, while the hunter and his apprentice stared at their crooks.

.-But what the hell is wrong with that man's head ?! just because her daughter beat her son ?! it's stupid Calen !! If I were king I would have thrown him into "THE DEVIL'S MOUTH !!"

The young boy's mentor placed a hand on his mouth, confusing him

-Young Herriet, you know that you can't mention that cursed place. Just thinking about the few people who were lucky enough to get out of that hell along with the corpses of lost people makes my blood freeze. As you know, if that forest doesn't kill you, it will drive you crazy anyways.

.-I'm sorry Calen, but I have to say that this princess is surprising

.- To be honest, I completely agree with you, apparently our kingdom has an exotic flower worthy of admiration in the future. Anyway, we have to hurry and take that deer to town to be marketed, my back hurts, after finding those vandals and fighting. The kingdom is not THAT perfect as many think.

.-At least we kicked their butts and did justice, right? .- He smiles softly

.-Yes indeed. Let's hurry, since we are also invited to that meeting. We have to look good, so let's go.

Without further ado, they both climbed onto their steeds and disappeared into the dense forests.

Accalia was crying in her room on her stomach and hugging her pillow with all her strength. A gentle knock on the door was heard and Rosenda entered, heading to the bed and sat down while she stroked the girl's head.

.-I have seen everything small. Excuse me, but your father was stupid to give you that horrible slap. Just because you beat your brother at archery? he is simply unbrained.

.-I just wanted to show my brother that maybe I could teach him how to do it. I have seen that hunter continuous times and have paid attention to how the bow and arrow were used correctly.

.-Honey. Don't let the idiocy of those two bring you down. You are unique and better than them, never forget it.

.-What would I do without you, Rosemenda

-Now my dear. Wipe away those little tears and put this dress on. Then I'll take care of combing your hair so that you look cute.

A few hours later, the great hall was full of people of high social rank, among them of course were the neighboring kings with their children, sitting at the large table. Everyone stopped talking as Trevor, Breeze, and their children entered. Breeze this time had her hair braided on to the side and with the light purple dress with silver highlights, along her crown ofcourse and Trevor of her the typical king suits of hers, although the tone was brighter than normal.

Prince Sigeric a suit similar to that of his father, but without the elegant cape. Accalia was quiet, wearing a cream dress with designs of purple flowers and little heather and her hair with two thin braids that were joined behind her head and ended tied. Trevor sat in the big chair with the symbol of the kingdom on it, Breeze also took a seat in his as well as her children. The king smiled looking at everyone present as he stood up with his cup of gold and precious stones.

.-It's good to see us back after almost 2 years friends. Time goes by too fast. We will talk about other important issues, but first dislike this great banquet !!

.- For the kingdoms !!! .- At the same time

While everyone was devouring the various types of food that was under the table, Accalia was quiet barely touching the quail with fine spices on her plate. The young woman was lost in thought of her and she barely blinked

.- "Rosemenda is absolutely right. I am better than this, I don't know what it is, but there is something in me that tells me to continue practicing those skills with weapons that are supposedly made to be handled by only men. I will come up with my own plans for perfect those skills when no one less expects it.-thinks and begins to eat.

It was just a matter of slipping away at the right time.

