
Chapter 8

The three of them were excited to meet Ares' friends, so they went for shopping some groceries to cook something delicious for them.

While Ares just resting on the white couch near the window, watching news on the TV screen.

Not long after, they're back and Alleanor started to cook with Ariane in the kitchen. While Kayser put some snacks in on the table.

"You're watching news? What a mature littlw brother you are, my baby." Kayser pinched Ares' cheek.

"Hey, my cheek will get swollen. And you'll be accused for abusing me if my friends see this and misunderstanding it." He took the snack and opened the chips bag. Kayser just looking at him munching all those chips while staring back at him.

'My little brother is so lovely.' Kayser smiled alone and went to help in the kitchen.

"That guy... What a weird brother." He continued to watch the TV, but he just remembered something about how Charlotte mentioned that she met someone named Kayser with such a nice-looking and well-mannered.

Then he glimpsed at Kayser who's wearing a blue apron to bake a cake.

"Hm... It has to be the same person." He said strongly, as he felt the premonition in him was kicking in.

'Ding, dong' !

He was surprised, then got up really fast that he ended up hit the table with his knee.


Kayser went to get his brother who's already on the floor, while Ariane was rushing to open the door.

"Hello! Welcome!" She greeted every one of them and invited them in.

Seeing how Ares was in pain, Hakka quickly ran over there and asked what happened to him. Kayser just stared at Hakka's sincere eyes, and let him takes care of Ares. Then his eyes met with Charlotte's.

"Ah, you're..." Charlotte gasped as she saw Kayser walking towards her. Though, he's also was surprised after seeing her again not as a stranger, but Ares' friend.

"I have no clue that you're actually my younger brother's friend. The world is so small!" He laughed, reached out his hand for a handshake.

She was too shy to handshake with him, that's why she bowed down instead of that. Then Kayser pulled back his hand awkwardly.

"You're making things awkward for me, lady." Says Kayser while carving a kind smile and also bowed to her before he went back to the kitchen.

Feeling bad for ignoring that handshake, Charlotte just stared at how soft and gentle Kayser was while baking. A delicate move that captured her heart, might as well fell for him.

"Such a heartwarming friends our little baby has." Ariane giggled, seeing the warmth in their friendship.

"Well, at first we're just another people to him, until he told us about his families." Replies Yerenica while smiling back at Ariane.

"Now, now. Welcome to our house!"

Alleanor came inthe living room while her hands holding a large pot that was filled with hot soup. She grinned like a proud mother who saw her son gets married.

And the sumptuous meals were feasted with rejoice. Alleanor was busy thanking them for befriending Ares. While Ariane talked about men with Yerenica excitedly as they also enjoyed the meal.

Kayser and Charlotte were awkwardly introducing each other deeply, feeling as if they're starting to get attracted to one another. Of course Alleanor would notice the lovely aura between them and left them for some spaces.

But then she saw Hakka and Ares.

"Look, it stains your white shirt! Let me get it off of you." Ares took a tissue and wiped the stain away from Hakka's shirt. But it won't come off easily.

"It's alright. It's not like it's brand new." Grabbing Ares' hand, Hakka also pushed him away from getting closer to him. But Ares was just too stubborn to back off.

"Stay still, will you?" He glared at Hakka who struggled from Ares' grasp. And Hakka finally understood that little guy's domination.

Alleanor twitched her eyebrows, witnessing the both of them so close to each other.

"Hm, is that okay?" She finally sat on the sofa, released a sigh.

'Click' !

A strong and cold gaze was landed on them who were having fun talking and eating, and they stopped as they felt the presence of the mightiest man, Karris.

"Welcome home, Big Brother." Ares gave him a big smile as he walked and took the dark grey blazer from Karriss' arm.

"You're having your friends over, is it fun?" He gently touched his youngest sibling's cheek with the back of his hand.

Feeling loved by him through the caring question, Ares chuckled and kept his smile. "Yes, I'm having fun, brother."

And everyone was watching a heartfelt little conversation between the eldest and the youngest, they could tell how close the two of them by listening to those small talks.

"Ah, there is Hakka. And then Charlotte, lastly Yerenica. They're my friends."

Seeing a cute smile on his face, Karris also smiled back and rubbed Ares' head. "I'm Karris. The oldest." He said as he stared at everyone who's waiting for his introduction.

"Whoa, so majestic."

They laughed looking at Yerenica with her heart-eyes when she was gazing at Karris handsomeness.

"Have more fun. Because I'll be waiting you in my study." Whispers Karris and went upstairs after took some of the foods.

'What happened? Did Hacre already make a move?' He started to feel something unpleasant, thinking that Hacre might be the cause. In the end, he ate the foods while thinking about it.

'knock, knock' !

'Clack' !

As he slowly opened the door, he saw Karriss was busy with the computer and flipping the documents. That handsome man was wearing a thin rectangle shaped glasses and rolled up his sleeves when he's working. That's why some women would find that man's attractiveness was beyond this world.

"Whoever gets this brother of mine, they're the luckiest girl in the world." Those words were spouted by him unknowingly.

"What?" Karris raised his head, looking at the little one who's standing still in front of the door. "Sit down, you will hurt your legs if you're keep standing."

Obeying the brother's words, Ares sat on the brown chesterfield sofa. Staring at his brother silently, Ares was reminded of his childhood. When that man was the head of his family even now.

"Did you send your friends back?" Asks Karris, beoke the peace between them. While his hands were still tapping on the keyboard.

"Yes, I did."

"You didn't have to do that, since we have a personal driver."

"It's alright, they're my friends I'm comfortable with."

Karris didn't reply, but he smiled kindly thinking that how Ares had changed. He's no longer afraid to trust, and he started to love himself more.

"But why did you call for me?" Ares' turn to ask the question. His legs were swinging back and forth like a happy kid.

"You're not that nervous, seems like you already have a clue."

"Not really..."

A deep breath was inhaled, and Karris stood up to sit with Ares on the sofa.

"Do you want to know why Hacre asked you to kill me?" Karris' grey eyes glimpsed at Ares who's looking at him in curious.

"It's because I am the biggest obstacle for him to reach your sister Ariane."

Unexpected the answer, Ares was startled and remembered how Hacre was originally pure. But he turned out to become a lust crazy man because of his own father.

"That guy is still hanging on the past? But he doesn't love Sister Ariane!"

Karris understood how Ares would get puzzled by Hacre's doing. That's why he told him to come.

"Who knows? Maybe he did, or maybe he did not. Whatever happens, I'm not planning to give Ariane to someone like him. Not to someone who's also a Kellian." Frustrated expression was displayed on his handsome face.

"... But can you keep protecting? Our siblings?"

A serious question was fetched from his little brother.

"I don't know, but I must to."

The response made Ares realized how weak his oldes brother was, but he kept on prentending as if he's strong. Just to keep his siblings safe, he made a sacrifice that no one could ever see.

But Ares noticed it.

He stood up and opened the door. "Brother, we must protect them. The enemies won't wait for us to get ready."

The glare in those golden-like dawn eyes left a big awareness in Karris' heart. 'How mature can you get...?' He laughed, while watching Ares walked away.


His red eyes were shining in the dark under the moonlight that shone through the glass window. The eyes that matching the blood colored curtains that were hanging to close up the window.

'Ding' !

Noah read the message that was written on the phone screen. It was about Hacre threatening Ares to kill Karris.

'Haa... Here I was hoping for Ares to have a peace life. Now it's my entire fault that his life turned to mess.' He roughly messed up his hair while upsetting at how the situation had become.

'Step, step, step' ...

The glance was landed on the familiar figure that he's been longing for. A sly smile was formed through the excitement he felt as he gazed into that piercing amber eyes that glowed in the dark with full of hatred.

"I didn't know that trespassing is your hobby, Diego." The little snicker was echoed in that empty building.

"Trespass? Didn't know that this building is actually yours?" Replying along with a murderous glare, Diego kept on walking towards Noah who's not even standing up.

"Well, I will always welcome your intruding. So keep coming to me."


Then he came with a sword that was swung as fast as lightning, that Noah was barely can dodge it all.

"Looks like not only your sword was sharpened, but your moves too." Noah gave him a smug on the face, telling him nothing can beat him.

"Shut your trap and pull out your gun"."

With the line that was said, a slice was landed on Noah's neck and the blood splattered. The wound was deep, that's why Noah started to lose focus when facing him.

They ran towards each other and clashed with their weapons which were both swords. Looking at how Noah's not using a gun which he's expert in, Diego was mad that he was looked down by that mere sword.

He strongly pushed back the sword and made a clang sound.

Noah's sword flipped up in the air while Diego took the chance to stab him. But Noah was ready for it and kicked him as hard as he can with his long leg.


Feeling hurt after he was thrown to the wall, Diego couldn't move only for a seconds. But Noah's speed was something that people afraid of.

'Splat' !

He coughed blood as Noah stabbed him on the lower abdomen. Trembling as he stood, Diego just hit Noah's temple with his elbow, knowing that guy would lower his guard after landing a fatal blow.

Even Noah knew that stab was nothing to him, more like a scratch from a cat.

Not enough, Diego headtbutted him with his hard skull, made Noah shocked and the blood that coming from the head blinded his sight.

In the time he wanted to pierce Noah's chest, a hand grabbed him faster than Diego's sword.

'What? Wasn't he blind...? But how did he catch my sword?' Diego's looked up at Noah who's already opened his eyes while the blood was flowing. The thick color of the blood matched perfectly with his eyes that were as red as burning fire.

'Crazy bastard!' He could feel the danger when Noah grinned in satisfaction, and wanted to take a step back. But Noah wouldn't do nothing, of course he'd use a knee strike on Diego's face.

His breathing was unstable, didn't even manage to take a slight air around him now that his nose was clotted with bloods.

"You... Sure are strong..." Diego spat the clotted blood from the nose.

Noah smirked as if he won the fight. "Thanks."

"But you're bound to lose... Since I made your little brother came."

Shocked at his words, Noah turned behind and saw Ares disguising as Luke with his white mask and cap on.

"Why did you come?!" Noah widened his eyes looking at the foolish kid who didn't know how to treasure his life better.

Lowering his guard, Diego stabbed Noah on his stomach. Even though he was aiming for the heart, Noah dodged it to less the hurting.

"Noah. You can stop now." Ares slowly walked towards them, and dragged Noah to the wall in the back.

"Stupid, you told that you'd treasure your school life!" Noah groaned as he held the wound the stomach.

"Yeah, but you are a part of my normal life too, Noah. So stay still and get treated." Ares smiled, but it only visible to Noah since he knew how Ares smiles.

Noah was raging as hell, seeing Ares facing Diego by himself.

"Get your shit together, little jerk. You're not here to cry."

Noah raised his head and saw Ivan was next to him. "Brother?"

"Don't ask anything. I came with someone. He'd not let that kid comes alone." Ivan focussed on Noah's bloods that came out nonstop.

"Noah Walker El Acemark, I've known him for a long time. Of course it's including his weakness. He just afraids of people touching someone dear to him. And you're his weakness, Luke." Diego threw away the sword, and pulled out the gun instead. He fought with 'Luke' before, and he knew that a mere weapon like a sword can't go against him.

"You're only a burden to him, that's why he's on the ground right now. Just like what happened to me, who once also had a burden like you before. But then I disposed of him. In the deepest ocean." He laughed crazily when he thought about Ares' death. But he felt something was wrong inside him, the feelings he couldn't throw away.

The feelings he didn't know he'd have.

The feelings of longing for someone who's already dead.

'Click' !

The sound of a reloaded gun was echoing in this whole empty building.

"Me? His weakness? I think you're mistaking something here. Diego Aus Manekin."

'Huh? My abandoned name Aus... How did he know?' He flinched as the Aus was mentioned together with his full name.

Ares took off the disguise and the golden eyes were piercing through Diego.

"It's me again, you piece of shit."

Diego widened his eyes, witnessing something he would never expect happened in front of him. He's alive. Ares did not die!

"Ares?" The whole of his body can't move, as if he was turned into stone.

"Ares! Why did you...?!" Noah aggressiveness couldn't be handle by Ivan alone, that's when a man who's wearing a black helmet stepped in and held him down.

"Noah... By that desperate sound, it's like he knows everything about your whole existence. Is fhat right, Ares?" Diego calmed down and walked closer to Ares.

"Yes, of course he knows. He is my saviour after all. The one who resists my death flag."

Diego looked at Noah in disbelief, how could he helped his enemy?! But that's the fact. Noah ended up saving Ares from dying in the sea.

'What left is the reason. Why would he save Ares?'


A pen lid fell on the floor, and was picked up by Dave who's on call with someone.

'Creak' ...

His eyes glanced at his son walking in the office with a proud face.

"What's wrong? You look so satisfied." He put the phone after he hung it up. Looking at Hacre who's standing in front of him while bringing out a piece of paper.

Dave didn't ask anything, he just took the paper and looked at it. Turned out it's a picture.

"You just couldn't find any girl to your taste, right? This woman is your only choice, is it because you still love her?" Asks the father, while put down the photo.

"I don't know, maybe she's too pretty? My children will be too, since she will be the one who bears my child." He smirked, unknowingly showing his lust.

"Be it, looks like you really want to devour her alive."

Hacre took back he photo and looked at it for a few seconds. "I'm coming for you, My Sweet Ariane."

'Clang' !

The dagger that was used by Ares overpowered Diego's gun. He can't shoot since Ares' speed was beyond his knowledge.

'To think that he would get this strong...' Diego was a bit too frustrated, just after he was feeling touched about Ares' fake death, and he was struck by Ares' dagger.

The dagger he used to protect Diego before. But now, it recognized him as the enemy.

Not aware of his wounds, Diego didn't know two of them were severely deep and the cut opened as if it wanted to show the inside.

"Ares, let's talk it out." Diego grabbed both of Ares' hands.

"Talk? What is that?" Ignoring Diego's feelings, Ares struck him with his knee.

"I thought that you wouldn't understand the word 'talk'? Did you learn how to 'talk'?" He cracked Diego's jaw, and that made him couldn't move. Not only he's tired, but also the wounds kept on throbbing.

'BOOM' !!!!

"What?!" Noah went to Ares' position, but was held down by the helmet man he's yet to know.

"Seems like you're lucky to escape my grasp. But you have nowhere to hide or run. So bare your teeth when you're facing me the next time we meet."

Such a haunted golden eyes that Diego gazed in, he was too late to realize what was wrong. He's actually loved that strong boy so much, that he ended up killing him.

"Love? Sometimes, it's beautiful...

Diego was reminded of the time when he asked Ares about love.

... But sometimes it's painful more than anything."

'Why am I so hopeless...?'

Now Diego was left alone in the collapse building, after a bomb was exploded by the timing set.

"You're not running? You know how hard it is to run over here for you after I set the bomb?"

A woman's voice was heard, also the footsteps sound that came from her red heels.

"It's my fault... How do I get him back?" He looked depressed over someone he used to kill.

"You still have a chance. You're not a general to begin with. So you can take him away." She said as helping Diego stood up.

"Take him away, huh?" Diego was silently thinking of it. "Maybe. You're smart, Deanne."

To think the woman who loved Karris so much would actually doing something so evil like helping out the bad guys. Deanne's secret was safe anywhere she went, including from Hakka.


He looked at the brother who's wrinkling his eyebrows. "What's wrong, brother?"

"Nothing, just a paper cut." Says Karris while putting the finger in the tissue.

Ares continued to look at his phone while in front of him there were Ivan who's treating Noah's wounds. That guy was literally survived after those stab and piercing from a Manekin.

"I know you're busy, but why do you keep yourself busy in this hospital?" Asks Noah as he watched Karris flipping the documents on the table.

"My little brother is here. He will end up fighting again if I'm not here."

"But Ares didn't get injured or anything. Why are you so much worry for him?"

"He's my brother, isn't it normal?"

Noah gave up in questioning that man, and focused on getting better.

Ivan who's silent from the beginning now spoke. "How are you two so close?" He alternatively glimpsed at Karris and Noah.

"They're fond of each other." Ares giggled as his teeth were showing.

"Don't misuse that word, Youngest. You'll get people to misunderstanding everything. It's not an important question by the way, so don't answer him." Says Karris.

"Hey, you're teaching something bad to him, Karris!" Ivan gnarled at him.

They turned silent as Ares' phone ringtone was heard. "Ah, Big Sister. What's wrong? What?"

Karris can see how Ares' pupils turned smaller as if he's receiving a shocking news.

"B- Brother! Sister Ariane...! She was kidnapped!"

Hearing the bad news, Karris was deeply shocked and raised to head home. But Ares gripped on his brother's shirt.

"I will go too, brother."

"No. You stay home and take care of the others."

"Nope, we're going together this time." He grinned and dashed towards the exit.



Her body was thrown on the bed roughly. And there was Hacre who's licking his upper lip while lusting over Ariane's beautiful body.

"Hacre! You know this is wrong!" She tried to kick him but that hand was faster to catch her leg. "Your father will disappointed in you!"

He snickered. "Disappointed? He's the one who encouraged me doing this though." His hands grabbed on her thighs and started to tear off the clothes.

She screamed, but no one would hear. Since they're in a building where no one can find. She's frightening so much that she started to tremble in fear. No word could describe her feelings right now, and she's about to get traumatized by some man.

"Bullshits. I'm going too." He pulled the tube off and got up. And that made Ivan surprised, looking at how Noah would behave after Ares wasn't there.

'This guy is no longer obsessed over Diego. But he's wholly addicted to Ares now.' Ivan just sighed and let Noah went to chase them down. 'What the hell am I even doing...?'

"Youngest, did Kayser send a message?" While his eyes on the road, driving as fast as he can, Karris would look at Ares beside him who's looking at the phone.

"Nope, he didn't."

'That guy... I hope he's not too reckless like before.' Karris gritted his teeth and gripped tightly on the steering wheel.

As it happened before when Ariane was sixteen, and was almost get raped by her own classmates. But Kayser was the senior in that shool, so when he heard about her being assaulted by some men, he dragged them to the track field.

Why would he do that? He 'taught' them a lesson, not to touch his little sister again. And they apologized to her later, she didn't even know what do. So Kayser beat them more and some more, until he was arrested by the cops through their parents meddling.

Karris bailed him out, but he didn't scold Kayser. Instead, he told him that it's okay.

"Brother... Don't get in a fight anymore. Promise me." Was what she said later.

'Maybe she got threatened?' And that was Kayser thought.

But actually she did that because no one would be Kayser's friend if he's too violent. People were afraid of him, but because of the promise, Kayser didn't fight. And that's how he made friends.

'Screech' ...!

Furiously looking around, Karris analyzed the situation of how many people blocked his car from getting in Hacre's territory.

"Youngest. You stay inside."

"Nope. Not gonna happen." He opened the car door and started to go riot. And there's Karris who's still surprised at how Ares would be reckless as much as Kayser.

"Haa... So stubborn..." He smirked while taking off his coat.

This was about the oldest and the youngest siblings being an undefeatable duo.

Her body was trembling so much, experiencing something she didn't even want to. It was her first time, yet to be stolen by her own cousin. Not wiping her tears at all, she just let out her crying voice and couldn't stop.

Her emotions became unstable as Hacre pounded her more, not enough of his own pleasure.

"I just want you to give birth to my children." He laughed evilly without even feeling guilty towards her.

But those words were replied by only a painful cry.

'Save me... Anyone... I don't want this...' Due to losing her strength and energy, she fell unconscious.

That's when a man broke in from the glass window.

'Crash' !!

"You shameless sex maniac!!"

A kick was landed right on his face, and that made him fell on the floor rolling. Surprised with that heroic entrance, Hacre felt offended as he didn't get to finish the doing.

"Noah Acemark?!" And he's more staggered looking at Noah's bloodshot eyes that were piercing him.

He didn't look at Ariane who's fully naked and unconscious, he knew he was too late, that's why he threw his long coat on her and dashed towards Hacre.

"You're tired of living, right?" Noah wouldn't wait any longer, he threw a heavy punch on Hacre's face.

And he poked Hacre's both eyes, then he screamed so hard. While Noah went for Ariane to wrap her up properly.

"You bitch!" Hacre was blinded by that poking just now, but he reached anything near him and hit Noah as hard as he can. Since he could hear the noise Noah made, he didn't miss the target.

The wounds reopened, and he couldn't last anymore. All he wanted was Ariane to be saved, even he got killed by that man.

"Shit... Isn't this pointless?" He managed to laugh even Hacre's back with his eyes opened and ready to shoot him with a gun.

"It's not pointless."

Hacre was sent flying from the window by Ares who just arrived in time.

"Ariane!!" Karris rushed towards Ariane who's being held by Noah under his arms, protecting her while that lunatic was in crazy mode.

"I'm sorry... I'm too late... She was raped by that scumbag... I'm sorry..." Noah began to beg and started to cry as if it was his fault.

"I see... It's not your fault, Noah." Ares patted on his head, telling him to rest. While Karris was like a calm before the storm. He would explode within its time.

A day later, Ariane woke up and cried about being assaulted by Hacre. The one who she wanted to avoid the most.

"Kayser. Where did you go when she was kidnapped?" Asks Karris, lit up a cigarette and put it between his lips.

"I... Was at Jake's house. I need him the most at that time. I'm sorry I couldn't be any help." He answered, while his hands were clenched.

Noticing the clench, Karris blew out the smokes. "Well, it'd risk more if you had gone there. I'm thankful for what you did for your own good. Don't be too reckless."

Silent was given as a reply, but later Kayser nodded.He just depended on Jake more than he himself. Because Jake really cared for him, so he offered to take care of Kayser.

They've been friends for almost 16 years. Of course Jake knew him better to handle his mentality.

"I heard that your second sister is..." Yerenica wanted to finish the sentence, but she felt so wrong. Even so, Ares understood it and nodded nicely.

"That bastard... I thought harassing is his limit. But he just couldn't get enough of it." Charlotte crumpled the paper she used to write some notes.

"Yeah, what the hell is up with him? Big pervert, yikes. So gross!"

Ares just smiling looking at how Yerenica wouldn't stop insulting Hacre.

"By the way, did you fight with that shitty general?"

The expected question was asked by Hakka, Ares knew that he would get angry for getting in a serious fight, but he just realized that Hakka was not only obsessive,but also overprotective.