
Chapter 4

'Slam' !

"Wait, Ares! Please explain first!" Sean begged him to open the door, it was his mistake to visit Ares when Sean clearly knew how gloomy he was recently.

"Is Noah with you?" Ares asked while slightly opened the door with only his left eye was seen.

"No, he has an appointment today with his clients." Sean anxiously looking away from those piercing eyes.

'I knew it, he's lying.'

Ares shut the door without hesitation, and walked away from the door. While there's still a knocking sound on the door, Ares just ignored it and continued his breakfast.

He's alone in the house since it's the end of semester, then Kayser and Ariane went back to their dorms. While Alleanor went overseas for her work.

"Ares, open the door."

Such a deep husky yet in a low tone voice was heard behind the door that was locked.

A bit hesitate to open it but he just remembered about his brother coming home this morning. So he opened it slowly as he tried to look for Noah and Sean. As expected, their collar were grabbed by Karris.

"Big Brother." Ares blinked a few times just after seeing Karris tightened his grab on them. "I know them, so please go easy on them."

"What do you mean by 'go easy' on us? You should say something like 'let go' of us!" Sean became panic and tried his best to slip from Karris' grab.

"You know them?" The pair of silver eyes were glowing while pounded on them.

Unable to move, Noah just could sit still and looked out for Ares' sympathy.

As he understood Noah's request, Ares loosened Karris' clench on them. "One of them is my saviour. So be nice to them."

Ares knew how Noah couldn't do anything because he recognised the man who grabbed him by the collar.

Karris, the fifth president of Royal Company. The top 1 corporation, and the mightiest man of all president out there. Known with his cold and merciless personality, also his intelligence and most perfect appearance. He was called 'The Prodigy Silver' because of his brain and his eyes color, due to a minor illness. But no one recognise him if he was going to walk around in public because he rarely showed his face. People only know him by his nickname, while Noah knew him because he's one of the top 4 ranking in business.

"The one who saved you from dying in the deep ocean?" He raised one of his eyebrows and stared at Noah's grinning face. "Aren't you the one who obsessed over that shitty general?"

"Not quite right, but you're not wrong either. Yes, that's me." Says Noah as his bloody eyes pierced back into Karris' eyes.

He let go of Noah and Sean's collar and stepped into the house. Ares welcomed him while confused if he's going to invite them in too or not. There's no choice to begin with, so he told them to get in.

'Clink' !

The tea cup was put on the saucer, Karris still looked at Ares silently. Of course Ares noticed that but he ignored it since he knew that it's normal for a brother to worry about his siblings.

"He didn't knew about your undead?" Asks Karris, his big and smooth hand touched the end of Ares' dark blue hair.

He shook. "No, and I disguised as Noah's little brother, Luke. Luke Acemark." His eyes were shifted to Noah who's sitting in front of him.

"So he doesn't see your face. But he totally forgot your voice." Karris' words were mild but they weigh Ares down, reminded him of old times. Noah noticed how Ares lowered his head right after hearing that.

"That shows us how scumbag he is." Says Noah, thinking he might be able to comfort Ares.

Karris gave Noah a dead fish stare. "And your obsession still hung up on that scumbag."

The tea his swallowed was almost being spurted out, but he was choked instead. Ares who's looking at him bursted out laughing, and that made Noah didn't want to scold Karris for it.

Noah gazed into those golden eyes that were filled with sadness, but the joy emotions covered all of the agonizing feelings about that one person.

The melancholic melody was played through his life journey after knowing Diego, the general he used to respect and trust.

"Don't drown yourself because of that man, Ares. Lift up your head and look at your future. Your life won't tolerate with you giving up like this over such a trivial matter." The big brother stared deeply into Ares' eyes, as if he was talking soul to soul.

While Ares just turned silent, sank in his own thoughts. Karris knew how his little brother would respond to his every advice, but this time Ares just drowned in the deep thoughts. And Karris noticed that small changes of Ares.

A betrayal was bound to happen soon or later, the impact of being betrayed was just depended on how much you would put your trust on them. The more you trust them, the big impact it might be.

"And Noah." The sharp silver eyes that belonged to Karris slowly directed to Noah who's startled as his named was called by such a low tone yet assertive voice.

He looked at Karris' calm expression, but who knows what intention could be hidden behind that kind of face. So he clenched his tighes.

"Thank you for saving my little brother from dying in the deep sea. I really appreciate your help. Thank you very much, there's no word to describe my gratitude for you."

Noah was shook by how Karris bowed towards him politely, reminded him of how Ares used to bow to him once. Thought that manner was came from Diego's lessons, but he was wrong.

It all came from Ares' big brother, Karris. The deadliest man who would cut one's head if they were to lay a finger on his family.

Noah just noticed of how trembling he was when Karris called his name, that meant he was scared of that man. Such a murderous aura that Karris didn't let out yet it was leaked as if Karris was trying to assassinate.

'To think I would meet someone is scarier than myself.' He sighed in relief, but then he managed to glance at Ares who's looking at him.

"It's nothing, since I thought of using him at first." Noah was being honest with words as he shut his eyes tightly. Thinking that it's normal for Karris to get mad at him after an outsider like him tried to manipulate his little brother.

"You dare to-" Karris' words were stopped by Ares. His tiny hand covered his big brother's mouth from spouting such a harsh words. As he did that, his golden eyes were still locked on Noah's guilty expression.

"He has the right to manipulate me since he is my saviour. I don't prevent him from doing that to me." Says Ares.

"Then, that means you let him control your life." Karris glared towards Noah.

"He can control my life as he wants, but he can't conquer me." His eyes were glimpsed at Karris then.

"Actually, Lord Karris. Even if I wanted to take over his mind, he's not someone who would let himself being manipulated easily. That's why I kept him by my side, knowing how smart he is." Explains Noah, straightforwardly.

He knew that it was not enough to persuade Karris, but he just hoped that Ares could help him in this situation since Noah didn't treat him wrongly.

As a result, Ares did help Noah got out of the situation. And after the big discussion, they just noticed of quite Sean was through the intense talks.


"Hm? What did you say?"

"The report said that the fifth president of Royal Company just returned from overseas." Repeats Zen with a slight sigh.

"Karris, huh? I heard that there's a foreigner came back with him. Who is he?" Asks Diego, his index finger was tapping on the book he held.

"The foreigner you're talking about is the next heir of Militar Company. Our president's eldest son, Hacre, an M university senior student." Zen explained as his hand was busy flipping the paper and rummaged the document.

"If he's the son of our president, that means he isn't a foreigner."

"There's no information about him for becoming a foreigner in the first place. It's either you heard to the false rumour or you misunderstood him about that."

"Oh, I see. Then, it's true that he's a native. I hoped he doesn't cause so much trouble." Says Diego, he leaned on the chair. He put the book called 'The One who Cherishes The Empty Book' on the desk and stared at it.

'How come everything is empty without you?' He could feel something he'd never felt before.

As he lived longer without Ares by his side, all Diego could feel was an endless loneliness. Little did he know, he started to feel the feelings of regret.

"I hate this feelings. Why won't it go away?" Diego put his arm on his eyes.

'Maybe they'll fade if you were here, Ares.'

His soft-looking lips were slowly landed on the wine glass and drank it in one shot.

"Don't force yourself, Ares. You have a low tolerance, so you can stop it now." Whispered Raphael as he took the glass away from Ares who's already looking drunk.

"Don't be like that, let him enjoy some more." The wine bottle was taken by Noah and was poured towards Raphael.

"... You. I just couldn't understand you anymore, Noah." Raphael pinched his head as his sapphire eyes were focused on Ares' red face.

"What is there for you to understand anyway?" Noah's turn to take a shot of beer.

"You know how low his tolerance of alcohol. Yet you still want to force him to get drunk."


"... I know that you mean no harm to him. You have no intention of hurting him."

"So what?"

Raphael sighed heavily. Knowing how the talk wouldn't end so quickly and nicely. So he took of his coat and covered Ares' shivering cold body.

"You too. Why are you so nice to this kid? I have never seen you being this kind to anyone else." Noah finally talked seriously.

"... At first, I could feel the weight of guilt on my shoulder after I found out about Diego's misdeed towards Ares. So I granted every of his wishes, but the remorseful still remained. Until I helped him a several times, I felt the urge to keep him by my side. Watching him doing his things, really captivated me that I am no longer helped him because of guilty feelings. And just after he decided to escape from the Manekin, I just realized how I don't want to lose him anymore. And I 'pleaded' towards his elder sister just to let me talk to him. And I succeeded." He told the whole story as he kept wearing such a happy smile on his face.

"You just met with his older sister, but not his older brother?! I went through hell when the brother found out my real motive towards Ares! But you just had a nice talk with his sister?! Are you kidding me?"

Raphael startled at how Noah snapped.

"Wait, he has a big brother?" Asks Raphael, curiosity hit his mind.

Noah paused for a bit before shook his head. "No, I mean, his brother Kayser. Yeah, he sure overprotective over Ares. Yeah, haha." Says Noah just to cover up the whole thing, afraid that somebody else would know about Karris is an older brother of Ares.

Not that Raphael didn't know about it, but if only the rumour about Karris being a big brother to Ares reached Raphael's ears. He would investigate the matter and the truth couldn't escape him anymore. In the end he will know everything even if they were hidden.

"By the way, you still didn't answer me." Raphael looked up at Noah.

"About what?"

"Why did you get attached to Ares? Even though you saved him only to use him."

Noah's lips were tightly shut, his red eyes slowly landed on Ares' drowsy face. 'If you asked me that, how am I supposed to answer?'

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Noah back with his sly smile, he then poured some more of wine into Raphael's glass and his.

Of course that man would get mad because of how Noah avoided his question. But not that he really cared, as if he didn't know Noah, his old buddy.

Ares looked sleepy and drunken in their eyes, but actually he's sobered up. His ears were listening to the conversation between them, talking about him. 'The both of them were buddies in their pasts. But how did they part?' Then he slowly shut his eyes.

"What are you doing here?"

A familiar soothing voice made Ares opened his eyes back. And looked at Diego and Zen who were in front of Noah. Thinking that he didn't wear a mask to cover up his face, he turned anxious and panic in silent.

"Luke is here too?" Diego shifted his eyes to Ares whose face was sank into Raphael's arm.

"Don't mind him, he's drunk." Says Noah as he offered Diego a glass of red wine.

Ares peeked at the two of them behind Raphael's arm.

The glass of red wine that Noah was holding reflected the orange light that illuminated the dining room. His blood-red eyes locked onto Diego with a mesmerizing gaze. Ares could see the compatibility of the man's eye color with the color of the deep red wine.

'But why the hell did he offer Diego a drink?! Get him out of here, I don't have a mask with me!' Ares' stare made Noah noticed his doing. So he let go of Diego and Zen.

But the two of them stayed since Diego wanted to talk with his big brother.

'What about me...?' Here Ares was in pain, trying hard to cover his face.

"Isn't he too clingy with you?" Diego wrinkled his eyebrows as he threw a glare on Ares' left hand that was clenching on Raphael's dark grey shirt.

"Why would you pick a fight with a kid like him?" Raphael's turn to give Diego a death glare.

With his fear towards Raphael, of course Diego would get scared. "I didn't even say something bad to him, yet you said I picked a fight with him? Big Brother!"

"Shut up, you will wake him up." His blue eyes pierced the little brother, while his arm still covered Ares' face. And with that, Diego became silent. Noah who witnessed that, decided to back Diego up.

"Man, can't you be a little nicer to your own brother?" He poured the wine into his glass. Diego knew that Noah would back him up, but he didn't need it.

"Don't interfere with the siblings talk." Raphael sighed as he looked at Noah trying to defend Diego. He just knew that Noah's showing his obsession towards Diego. Even Raphael didn't know what's there to be obsessed with Diego.

"By the way, Thomas did ask for Luke's presence at Main Court Hall, this weekend." Zen finally spoke. His hands rummaged through the briefcase he brought.

"Thomas? Why?" Asks Raphael, his left eyebrow was lifted.

"I don't know about that, maybe it was because Luke was the first one to talk to him about the case."

With the presumption, Raphael was silent. His hand automatically brushed the end of Ares' hair. Then Noah noticed the small details of Raphael's doing. Then he grinned.

"You've already fond of him, huh? Raph?"

Raphael's sapphire eyes shifted to Noah. It's been so long since Noah called him from that nickname.

"That's only your interpretation, Noah."

"Won't you take him back home? Noah?" Diego almost envy of how Raphael treated Noah kindly.

"Oh, right-" His hands reached Ares' small figure but Raphael was quicker to grab that hand.

"It's alright, I will."

Noah's eyes met his, finally understood what Raphael was trying to do. And he once again grinned. "It's not only a presumption, though."

As Diego continued watching them, he could understand the gestures between the two old friends. And he threw a glance at Ares.

'So it seems the both of them really dotes on him, huh?' He's a bit disappointed towards Raphael since he only kind to outsiders but not to his own brother. 'He doesn't say anything, but I know that he dislikes me strongly. And I couldn't come with a conclusion to state the reasons why.'

"It's late, I thought that you got drunk and couldn't find way back."

They turned their heads towards the voice. "Sean?"

"I sent you a message, and you didn't reply. Thought that you passed out already. But turned out you're quite lively here." He walked closer to Ares who's already fell from Raphael's lap, and Sean gave the white mask to Ares. Seeing how he covered his face with Raphael's arm, Sean knew how he's not ready with Diego's presence. And he looked at Noah.

'Well, of course he would offer Diego to stay. Without knowing how much Ares would suffer without the mask.' He thought as he shook his head.

"What? You just insulted me in your heart, right?" He knew that much if his assistant was going to badmouth him.

"Why does Luke wear a mask, though? Moreover that kid is drunk, isn't it a bit suffocating?" Zen's eyes were accompanying Sean's movement in helping Ares wear the mask.

"Or does he have a permanent scar?" Adds Diego while staring at Ares. He kept gazing into those calm golden eyes, reminded him of someone he used to know. 'What a beautiful eyes he has... Just like 'him'.'

"Thanks, Sean." Ares gave Sean a genuine smile. Then he looked at Diego. "The reason I have to wear a mask is because I have an allergy."

Diego scoffed at the answer. "I thought that an arrogant brat like you wouldn't get sick. Seems like I forgot that you're also a human. So, what could it be, the thing you're allergic to?" He smirked, looking at Ares twitched his eyebrows.

"Diego, you're intentionally picking a fight with him, right?" Raphael took a step in and was ready to scold his brother. But Ares was quicker to grab Raphael from getting even angrier.

"Yes, I am a human too. But I am allergic to humans." His glare was fiercely stabbed Diego that the man was startled.

"You...!" Zen almost exploded when seeing how Ares made a fool of Diego but Raphael slammed the table, making all the people in the dining room turned silent.

Ares actually understood that Raphael was trying to stop them from fighting, but he didn't get to hold back his tears and left.

"Ar- Luke...!" Sean yelled out calling his fake name, but Ares won't answer him.

"Now, now. You did something to him. What if he tells his family?" Noah snickered as he stood up, ready to chase Ares. While Raphael was still in daze.

"Leave him be, let's go home, brother." Diego grabbed on Raphael's arm.

Noah just stared the whole scene between them, he relaxed his eyes and whispered in his thoughts.

'Look at that, such a sweet promise that he would treat you nicely. But little do you know, Ares, it won't be long before he get bored of you.'


The loosened tie he was holding on around his neck came off. A big sigh left Karris' lips, he bent over to put his shoes on the shoe rack . But he halted the moment he saw a blood stained on a pair of white shoes that belonged to Ares.

He saw the light came from the living room, so he rushed towards it. Aggressively threw the briefcase, Karris looking at the living room while shouting Ares' name.


Turning his head to the panic older brother, Ares raised his eyebrows. He managed to put one more tissue into his nose.

"What happened to you?" Karris couldn't hold back and gently touched Ares, worries just conquered his mind after he saw Ares' nose bleed so much. He glimpsed at a lumps of tissue next to his little brother. Every of them there's a blood was wiped with it.

"Ah, I fell when I was running home. But I didn't expect to bleed this much." Answers Ares, his hands were busy tidying the tissues that have been used.

Karris' anxious eyes were still displayed, that Ares managed to read his emotions and smiled preciously.

"Are you that worried? Sorry, Big Brother." He ended his words with a chuckle.

"How can I not worry? I thought you're being bullied. My heart was almost exploded looking at your blood on your shoes." Karris' big hand patted Ares' head.

"... I won't be bullied easily." He delayed before giving Karris a response. A bitter smile graced his lips, as his eyes lowered on the gathered tissues in front of him.

Karris stared at the little brother who's suddenly turned silent, and he knew that Ares was only having a memories flashback. Even after he woke up from the coma, his mind and emotions were unstable. Probability of how he was betrayed, and he learnt the humans natures.

"Do you want to abandon everything that related to 'that man'?"

Karris' sudden question made Ares stopped from thinking. He looked at the older brother, who's still in work clothing. Not even a sock was taken off.

'Big brother really worried sick about me becoming like this, but here I am still hung up on the past.'

He nodded. "How do I abandon everything that's related to 'him'?"

"When I said 'everything', that includes Noah and Sean." He didn't mention Raphael since he didn't know about that guy's also Ares' friend. Ares was silent as he looked into Karris' eyes.

"If you really want to leave everything behind, I will send you to school. Since your youth was wasted for that shitty military service." Says Karris, he slowly took a seat next to Ares. Felt too tired after squatting for almost 30 minutes.

"But what about them? Won't they come and find me?"

"Yes, they will. But I will manage it for you." Those silver eyes were gently caressing on Ares' sadness about how he had to abandon everything. He knew that's all for his good, but since he became aware of how he's a human, he had such a bitter thoughts. To think he will leave the past and move forwards.

"I understand, big brother." He said in a bleak tone.

Just before he took his bag pack, Ares made a call with Noah.

"Ares? I thought you're suffering from a hangover that you didn't come to Main Court Hall today. Aren't you coming here?" Noah's voice was heard at the end of the line.

"... Sorry, Noah."

"Hey, isn't this your first time calling me by my name? What's wrong? Are you feeling sick?"

He listened to Noah's calm voice. Ares kept on concentrating to his every word.

"You might feel sad yesterday, that Raphael slammed the table out of nowhere. I'm sorry for that, I thought of sending you home. But you just vanished in a blink. So I hope you're not upset about it. Ares." His soothing voice made Ares tearful.

'Why are you only caring to me now...?' He did his best to hold in the tears from falling.

"I want to abandon everything. I am tired, Noah..." He tried to cover his hoarse voice but he couldn't.

"What's wrong, what happened with you? Did you really upset about that?"

"No, it's not that, don't worry. I'm just leaving."

"But why? Where are you going?"

"I'm going to anywhere I can relax. Thank you, Noah. I will always remember you."

"But hey! Ares!"

'Click' !

And he cried without making noise. While Karris was looking at him from behind. To think it was too heavy to move on, Karris learnt the changing in Ares.

Ares Kellian, a 17 year-old boy went to school for the first time after 2 years of spending time becoming the army of Royal Military.


"What did you say? Ares got killed? By whom?" Asks Dave. He once again looked at the man in front of him.

"By Noah Walker El Acemark."

"Tsk, here I thought that Ares could at least kill him. Unfortunately that man is too strong." Dave Kellian, Ares second uncle, lit up the cigar between his lips. He exhaled the smokes.

"What a poor soul, was killed by the mighty enemy. I didn't send him to the military for that." Dave kept thinking Ares' fate, but he didn't feel remorse about forcing Ares joined the military. Instead he wanted continued to attack Noah, since it'd be appropriate for an uncle to avenge his nephew's death.

"Can't you just kill Noah if you're to meet him? Didn't you always meet accidentally?" Dave stared at the man he trusted the most.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, since he has a little brother near him."

"Hm? Noah has a little brother? Why don't I know about that?" He raised his eyebrows, in disbelief.

"Yes, his name is Luke Walker El Acemark."

"Well, if you're going to kill Noah, why don't you just kill the both of them? Let's say we kill two birds with one stone. I'm sure you even capable of that. Diego."

"... I will try my best, sir."

The pair of golden eyes were enjoying the breezes that came in through the window. Ares was almost fell asleep due to a soft stroking of every wind.

"You're going to stay? It's already late though." Hakka slowly put the bag on his table.

"Well, I like sunsets. Can't be help."

Hakka Sierran, a 20 year-old guy who became friends with Ares as soon as he enrolled in. Twenty? He spent 3 years going to this highschool because of how he failed in every final exam. But he got along well with all students of every batch.

"Won't you come to my house today? My dad wants to meet you." Hakka stood up and took Ares' bag and his.

"Sure, I've got a plenty of time." He replied along with a kind smile.

"Ho, so you're the child who's always been following my son around, huh?" The man who's wearing a suit was looking at Ares up and down.

"When you put it that way, it sounds like I'm your son's stalker." Ares scoffed at the man named Zain before he bowed to him briefly.

Zain laughed before he told Ares to take a sit.

"I'm sorry that you have take care of my stupid son." He said as his eyes were directed to Hakka who's wearing an apron in the kitchen.

Ares chuckled. "No, he's the one who takes care of me. Let me express my gratitude to you for having your son by my side." He once again bowed but while sitting.

"Really? That kid is?" Zain widened his eyes, looking at Ares in disbelief. But he changed his mind when he turned to Hakka in the kitchen. "Oh, so it's true. Seeing him holding a kitchen knife is so rare."

Hearing that, Ares also looked at Hakka who's busy cooking in the kitchen. "What are you talking about, uncle? He always cooks for me while we're at school."

"What? Hakka is the laziest among my children, how can that be?!"

"Is that so? But he's the most hardworking when he's with me!"

The two of them became silent so suddenly, and they stared at at Hakka who's unaware of the situation.

"So... My son actually likes men." He squinted his eyes while shifting his eyes to Ares.

"I don't think that's the case." He shook his head, and calmed down. Then he looked around the house, such a big house with no one but only the the two people, father and son who were living in. "I'm sorry, but where's Hakka's mother?"

"My wife? She is soon to be back from her vacation. She went there with her best friend. That's why I couldn't tag along." Answers Zain.

"Hm, what a nice relationship. To have a friend who you can called 'best friend'."

Zain heard how heavy the sigh that Ares let go.

"Is there something that you can't tell this old man?" Used to be a father of six kids, Zain gently touched Ares' arm.

He stared at Zain. 'This man really does his best to dig my past. But I can't tell him, since he holds the biggest secret that no one knows.'

If he was going to tell Zain what happened to him in the past, that man might as well take action. Well, people didn't know about the Top 4 ranking president that will get a king's honour. Just because the king once told his citizens about how he wanted the top 1 corporation.

"If he becomes the first ranker in corporations, that means he is the biggest strategist. That's why I will give him my honours and blessings. The best reward is that I will keep him by my side." That's what he said.

To think that many people were racing in becoming the president, they'd rather created their owns products just to stay by the king's side.

While the world didn't know, the top one was only belonged to Kellian Corporation.

'But I don't think if Hakka's father really wants to become the king's companion. Since he's not the type to do something like that.'

Ares was in a deep thoughts, scanning every inch of Zain's body. Knowing that man was actually the second ranker.

"What are you chatting about?"

Here come Hakka, also the second ranker. That's given since he's the third children and the first son of Zain. He's the second ranker but in CEO categories.

'Not that I disappointed, to think that he still won't tell me his true identity. How I hope for our smooth friendship, but it all just comes from my high expectations.'

Once again Ares sighed. And that made Hakka sat beside him.

"What's wrong? Are you tired? I will send you home later, now let's eat first." Hakka took off the apron and served the meals for Ares personally.

"No, it's not that. I'm fine. Thanks."

The two of them smiled to eachother while they didn't know that Zain had been looking at them suspiciously.

"Are you sure 'that' is not the case? Ares?" He asked, and Ares knew that was the continuation of the conversation they had before the meals arrived.

Aggressively shaking his head, "Yes, please don't think it that way."

Hakka who's witnessing the signal language between them, raised his left eyebrow. "What's wrong? Did you turn mute all of sudden?"

"Jeez, Hakka. Don't say such things to your father. I'm already this old yet you still can't love me gently. What a stubborn child." Says Zain, he looked at Ares. Meant that he wanted to be backed up.

"Hakka, be nice to your father."

"I will."

And Ares smiled towards Zain. Still didn't believe how Hakka was obedient only to Ares.