
Chapter 2

His eyes stared the whole body that belonged to Noah. His most dangerous and mightiest enemy who's standing in front of him right now while serving the meals on the side table.

"You're awake." Along with a smiley face, his bloody eyes were calmed to be gazed at.

The eyes that people fear the most, as if they could murder with one look. But now Ares found that those red eyes were no longer scary. Maybe it's because he was saved by him? But it's not enough to be a reason.

Ares was in a calm state because of how he thought about Noah wouldn't harm him.

Suddenly he remembered about Diego. 'General!' While trying to get off the bed, he felt the pain in his left chest where he was shot. When he almost fell, Noah in his highest level of speed to catch him.

"If you're thinking about your beloved general, save it." Says Noah.

Ares twitched his eyebrows as he touched Noah's big hand that was holding him from falling.

"Just enjoy the meals I served specially for you." He put a plate of beef stew in front of Ares. Knowing he would feel starving after 4 days coma, Noah prepared such a fancy dishes for him.

Ares' stomach grumbled when he smelled the juicy steak. And he tried to take the fork.


He was startled by the door's slam. The one who made the noise was none other than Noah's assistant, Sean Frederick. The man who used to always chasing him if there's a chance.

"Why did you pick up a burden?!" Says Sean as his index finger was pointing at Ares.

Hearing those words making him exploded, he got up from the bed and passed by Noah who's standing while smiling gently.

"You dare think of me as a burden?" He grabbed Sean's by the collar.

"So what?! It's a fact!" Sean started to pull Ares' hair roughly but he wouldn't admit losing. So he pulled the same trick as Sean's.

"Shut up! I thought you're a bit nicer if your leader treated me nicely!"

"Him? Don't you think you're a bit arrogant? He will never treat anyone nicely!"

While the two of them were fighting over words and hair pulling, Noah finally snapped.

"What do you mean that I don't treat anyone nicely, bastard?" Noah asked while he kept on his smiley face.

"No, I didn't mean it like that! My Lord, please hear me out!" Sean slowly stepped back and reached the door.

"You're safe now that our guest is here." Says Noah, he glanced at Ares. Didn't even look scared, but he just flinched when he noticed Noah's glowing bloody eyes.

Instead of kept looking at him, Ares threw his sight through the window. A bright sky and sun ray was landed perfectly on his beautiful face. As he closed his eyes, he could feel the breezes touched his cheeks.

Noah couldn't look away from him, and gazing into him for a while now.

"Take your time and be at ease." He brushed on Ares' hair lightly and left the room. While Ares watched him gone, he could feel the same treatment as the general gave him.

'Forget it... It was all a lie.'


He blinked his eyes twice. Looking at curtains that covered the window, and his eyes shifted to the clock. It's 5 in the morning.

'Maybe I'm too tired, that I fell asleep very often.' He rubbed his left eye slowly and heard a sound from downstairs. He decided to check it out himself.

"Are you sure he'll be there? He's not even a detective to be there when there's a murder case."

"Hm, that's more of a reason he'd come."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Where are you going?" Ares walked in the conversation between them.

Not satisfied with his attitude, Sean tried to open his mouth but Noah was faster to cover that mouth.

"To Y District, 073 Street, behind the bar and hotel buildings." Answered Noah softly.

"What are you doing there?"

"Hm... A little bit of research?"

His smile annoyed Ares but he ignored it. And he turned away from them to go upstairs. Noah stared at Ares' white shirt and the small blueish blanket that covered him from cold was fluttering as he walked.

"Wanna come with me?"

Ares stopped in midway and nervously glanced at him. His smirk showed that he's actually planning something and Ares knew it well. But he nodded and got ready to join Noah. While Sean was standing there doing nothing.

The wind passed by him really fast as he enjoyed the cool strokes from it.

"Don't do that. Come back inside." Noah's voice made him opened his eyes and put his head back inside the car. Then he closed the car window.

"Do you want to eat?" Asks Noah, he glanced at the quiet Ares who's next to him.

"Which restaurant is available at this time? It's still early." Ares answered the question with a question.

"Yeah, it's not even 6 yet." Says Sean in the back, while scrolling the files.

"Well, I think I know someplace." Noah chuckled. He then stepped on the pedal and drove faster.

He stepped out of the luxurious black car and looked around the area. Little did he know, he was surrounded by the cops. And he waited for Noah and Sean to get out of the car.

"See? A nice place to eat breakfast." Noah took out a smoke.

"It's not nice if you're going to smoke now. We're at the prohibited area for smoking." Ares stared the cigarette that was in between Noah's lips.

Sean was too stunned to speak, as he knew how Noah didn't like when people told him what to do.

Instead of getting angry, Noah put back the cigarette in his pocket meant he will smoke after the meals.

"As expected of the former corporal." He smirked slyly. But Ares ignored it as he followed them to enter the 7 stars hotel.

Noah gave the menu to Ares first, made Sean sighed to be pushed aside.

"Ah, it's alright. I would like to order it after Sean." Says Ares, he slid the menu card towards Sean who's almost gloomy. And Noah noticed his assistant's expression, he snickered.

"Look, here I thought you're the most understanding person about me. But I got it all wrong." Sean took the menu politely and glared at Noah.

"Look like your starving before getting to work habit still couldn't be erased, huh?" Teasing that man was his very routine, Noah really enjoyed making Sean upsets. As he picked the fork and knife, he put them in front of Sean. "Well, at least you do prioritize me than foods."

Not replying to him Sean kept on looking the menu to order. Seeing the chemistry between them, Ares didn't aware of his smile. Must be thinking about Diego and him used to be.

"Wipe that bitter smile away, Ares. You'll make the food unappetizing." The red eyes gently landed on Ares' surprise expression.

"My mistake." Ares bowed a little bit meant he sincerely apologized for his mistake. And Noah grinned.

'That formal habits, it all came from Diego's lessons. How good...'

"I'm done, you can go next." Sean passed the menu to Ares who's waiting like a good boy.

"What did you order?" Asks Noah.

"Well, I did order Croque Madame and Quiche Lorraine. And a chocolate parfait for him." Sean pointed at Ares.

In curiosity, Ares asked. "For me?"

Seeing Sean nodded made Ares slightly reddened.

While Noah still couldn't catch the conversation between them. "A chocolate parfait for Ares?"

"Yes, it is Ares' favourite. A chocolate is." Answered Sean.

Noah stopped questioning, instead he threw Ares a blank stare. 'So, he likes chocolate. While Diego preferred coffee.'

"I know what you're thinking, Noah." Ares glared at Noah. But that didn't budge him.

He's even excited to see such expression. Yes, Ares knew how sadist Noah could be. So he ignored him.

'How well can he read me?' He continuously staring at Ares who's talking with a waitress, who's looking at Noah silently. And of course, Ares knew that.

'As far as 'him'?' The eyes that shifted to the menu card slowly blinked. And looked at Ares who's already looking at him.

"Say your order or I will do it for you."

Sean was shocked by Ares' braveness, brave enough to be impolite towards the most dangerous man in the country.

The underworld mafia, Noah, also known as 'The Coldest Red'. Because of his beautifully fearful bloody eyes were glowing as he murdered people coldly.

That's why Sean was too shocked and couldn't even speak for Ares.

"Hm... Sure."

The evil smile was carved again, of course Sean knew what his master was exploiting. While Ares couldn't care less about it and turned his head to the waiting waitress, named Carmela.

"Could you give us Chile Relleno Casserole and Spinach Ricotta Brunch Bake. And..." Ares stopped halfway and glimpsed at Noah who's raising both eyebrows while smiling. "... A cup of espresso and tea."

"Hm? Who is the tea for?" Asks Noah.

"It's for Sean."

"For me? My, you're such a nice kid."

"I'm not a kid."

While Noah observed the two of them unsettlingly, he just realized how Ares knew about his favourite was espresso. And he looked at Ares.

"What? Did I make a mistake again?"

Noah didn't reply to him, instead he turned away from him and looked at the glass wall.

'He almost has the same attitude as Diego's. How irony.'


"No! No!! Don't come here!"

Moran Dillard, the messenger of prime minister James Rowland, begged for mercy after being chased by an unknown masked man for almost 20 minutes.

"I don't remember I did something horrible to you, please spare my life!" Moran kept on begging even he was dropped on his knees.

The mourn Moran let out didn't get a respond from the man. Instead, he shot Moran's stomach.

"Keep on wondering what deed did you do to me. Let that haunt you." The man finally spoke. He expected a little bit from Moran but he knew that guy was too stupid to remember what did he do.

That's why he took off the mask and grinned like a maniac.

Shocked as he saw the familiar face, Moran fell on his knees and slid back until his back reached the wall of the building.

And he knew, that's the end of his life.


Ares' golden eyes glowed under the shade of his dark blue hair. As they shifted directly towards the alleyway.

"Shall we get going?" Noah put down the cup on the saucer. Even Ares' noticed how Noah's bloody eyes were also shone.

"Let's go, the one you're waiting for was there already." Says Sean as he got up. He glanced at Ares, and Ares noticed him. But Sean never spoke about that and led the way to the elevator.

'Strange... Why did they act like that?' Ares just able to ask himself. And followed the lead.

As he walked while thinking, he saw the victim on the ground. More like a corpse.

'He was shot twice. All vitals at that.' Ares' eyes landed on the corpse's name tag that written 'Moran'.

And he looked at the watch that Moran wore. It shown 6.24 AM. Then Ares pulled out his arm and looked at his watch. It's 7 already.

'So, he was attacked at 6.24.' He wanted to check more so he went for the legs area. But then he heard a voice he knew.

"Did you investigate this already?"

Ares' eyes widened as he witnessed the man who he used to respect, now was before him. Talking with the most famous inspector, Gerald Frecaddo.

"No, not yet. Thanks for coming." Says Gerald while shaking hands with Diego.

"Then how about we investigate it together?" Noah interrupted them, smiling innocently in front of them. Then his eyes automatically was directed to Ares who's still freezing behind them.

'What? I see... So he trapped me. What a bastard.' He glared at Noah's whole soul and he wore a white mask and a white cap. And still went there.

Of course Noah would surprise, seeing how Ares won't back down easily as if he didn't fear anything. And that brought excitement to Noah who's holding back his evil laughter.

"Hm? Who?" Asks Gerald just after he looked at Noah nervously. While Diego wasn't interested in Noah, he looked at his phone.

Knowing that Diego wouldn't pay attention to him, Ares answered Gerald nicely. "Luke Walker El Acemark. Noah's little brother."

The response was a simple lie but the world turned into chaos after hearing it. Gerald was about to shake hands with him but he took his hand back. And Diego turned his head, also in shock after hearing the reply.

Sean was actually surprised too, of how capable Ares was in pissing Noah off. He took a glimpse at Noah. The reaction was priceless as he gave Ares a side eyes.

'So that's how you gonna play. I don't even know that I have a younger brother who's 8 years apart from my age. Nice play.'

"And I suppose to believe that bullshit?" Diego's cold voice broke the silence.

Strangely, Ares didn't avert his eyes from Diego's. On the other hand, he returned the cold stare to that general. "You talked like I need your belief. Too confident is also a problem, you know?"

Along with the tense atmosphere, Noah snickered as his red eyes were asking for more.

"From that shitty manners, maybe you're his little brother." Diego pissed off and glared at Noah.

"Of course my manners is shitty like you said, because they're meant for you." Replies Ares effortlessly and walked away from him. Noah was in the back had been grinning all the times. Enjoying the whole scenery.

Even the cops couldn't get in between them.


"What the hell is wrong with him?! Even Noah didn't shut him up. The worst siblings I've ever met!" Diego almost broke the tea cup that was served by Zen Horwand, his assistant. The one who plotted the death of Ares.

"Well, I didn't think that Lord Acemark would have a younger brother." John Cambridge, the current corporal of the royal military, interrupted the conversation before Zen could get in.

"Argh, just after I got rid of the burden, the another one came." Diego clenched his hands while glaring at the door, knowing that Noah and the others will come in.

"Hm, looked like my dear little brother did upset you somehow." Says Noah in a sarcastic way. His red eyes kept glowing meant that he's excited when meeting with Diego. His only obsession.

"So you know? Bastard." As he gritted his teeth, Diego noticed that Ares wasn't there with them.

"Where is your brother?" Ask Zen while bringing another set of tea.

"Well, he doesn't like stranger. So he went off without us." Answered Noah gladly smirking.

"Huh? Where to? Didn't he came here to accompany you?" It's John's turn to ask a question.

"Hm... What do you mean?" Noah's answered the question with a question and he raised his eyebrows.

"Are- I meant, Luke came here to investigate the case. Not as a companion." Sean was the one who answered the very question.

'Huh?? Investigate? But he looked young!' Diego wrinkled his eyebrows and got up a little from the sofa.

"Why do you looked so surprise, Diego?"

Diego once again gritted his teeth and looked at Noah who's already grinning like he enjoyed it.



Ares was staring at the victim's body and he noticed something.

"A shard of glass?" He picked up the piece with his napkin. And he observed it for almost 2 minutes, then he just noticed that shard of glass was a bit bent, as if it was a cylinder glass.

'Hm, it's common to have these types of glass as an LED lamp.'

He put the piece into the zipped plastic bag and kept it in his pocket. And Ares left the body, instead he went to the first floor of the main building. The 7 stars hotel.

"Excuse me, but can I meet your manager?" Asks Ares politely, to one of the waiter.

The waiter named Leo nodded his head. "Please come with me."

And Ares followed him.

"What? There's a killer in our hotel? And it's among us?" Thomas Greenard widened his eyes and slightly anxious.

"No, not a killer. Just a helper to the killer." Ares corrected the manager's misunderstanding.

"Whatever, you came here just to spit bullshits. Now get out. There's no way a killer could be here." Thomas was too mad that he reached the ceramic vase.

"You'll regret it soon." Says Ares as he stood up from the chair and he turned his back to Thomas. Little did he know, it was a big mistake to show his back to the greedy old man.


The blood was flowing nonstop.

'What the hell?!' Ares fell on his knees while looking at his flowing blood came out from the back of his head.

"It's you, who'll regret." Thomas came near him with the remaining pieces of the ceramic vase in his hand.

'Damn, there's no use in talking to him in the first place. If I knew it, I'd request for the director.'

He couldn't look up to Thomas because he'll hurt his neck more since there's a piece of the shard that still stuck on his head.

While Thomas stopped right in front of him.

'Step, step, step...'

Hearing those footsteps came near the door, Thomas let go of ceramic pieces and stepped back slowly.

Even Ares couldn't move, as if he was paralyzed by the sound of footsteps.

"What do you think you're doing? Piggy bastard."

One short speech just made the atmosphere became cold and tense in the same time. They could feel the ray of sapphire eyes were full of murderous aura. And that aura made they felt heavy.

"I thought I told you, I don't repeat things."

"S- S- Sorry, My Lord! I- I- I didn't mean t- t- to be so noisy!" Thomas quickly getting down.

'He is bowing down?' Yes, that's what Ares thought. But that was a mistake, because Thomas didn't bow, he knelt tremblingly instead.

"Hm? Who are you? Are you the one who made him noisy?" Asks the man.

Just after Ares slowly breathing, he raised up while holding his nape. Afraid of the shard touching his nape.

"No. He chose to rampage." Replies Ares, as he didn't blink when he looked into those cold blue eyes. And he realized after seeing the man's black hair.

'Huh? Diego's... Older brother?' The surprise on his face made Raphael Aus Manekin, as known as Diego's brother, tilted his head.

"What's wrong? Did you get scared?" Raphael held Ares' left shoulder and turned him around. Of course that made Ares shocked.

"First, let me give you a treatment." Says Raphael as he stared at Ares' deep wound.

And Thomas glared straightly at Ares just because he got the hotel's director's attention.

"It will hurt." His tiny hands clenched on Raphael's shirt.

'Look at those small hands. Did he cause so much troubles that Thomas had to snap like that?' Raphael opened the door since a doctor came.

"Don't worry too much. The doctor will put an Anastasia for you. And you'll fall asleep." He said. And left them in room 702.


Raphael turned to the voice, there's Diego, Noah, Gerald and the others were looking at him.

"Why are you here? At the guests area." Asks Diego, he looked around to see if there's something related to Raphael's work.

"It's my building. I will go wherever I want." Replies Raphael coldly, as he wanted to left, Noah was there to grab him.

"The stain on your shirt. Is that a blood?" Noah's raised the corner of his lips.

Raphael delayed a few seconds before replying to him. "Yes. It is."

"Whose blood is that?" Even his eyes shone through the darkness of the hallway.

Diego realized of what Noah tried to say, he grabbed Noah's arm roughly and glared. "What do you think you're doing? Bastard!"

"What? Are afraid that I might accuse him as the killer?" Noah replied along with his cynical laugh.

"It's belonged to a boy who injured his head. Actually my staff did that to him so I took him for a treatment." Says Raphael after being silent for a while.

"The boy who wore a white mask and white cap?" Asks Noah again.

Seeing Raphael nodded, Noah smirked. And passed by him.

"Ah, and he has a pretty face." Added Raphael. He smiled softly.

Noah startled as he saw that man made such an expression. 'Damn.'

"Right, I'm afraid that you have to go investigate the case first. Because I'm going to take a look at my boy." Says Noah, he waved towards them.

"Why? Could it be that you have something you hide from me." Diego lift his right eyebrow.

"What do you-"

Just almost Noah snapped, he could see Ares walked towards them. While he finished bandaging his head, Ares went out from the room.

"You're okay?" Asks Sean and started to check Ares' head.

He nodded an adjusted his mask, while glancing at Diego who's staring at him. But Ares didn't speak.

'They're siblings, better don't get deceived again. Now I owe Diego's brother.' And Ares left first.

'That kid, he was staring at me just now.' Diego just looked at Ares' back. The back of the body he felt as familiar as somebody who he used to know.

"Where are you going?" Sean took a huge step and in the same line Ares' walking.

"To talk to the director." He replied shortly, and they made a shocking and unbelievable expression. Since Raphael was one of the coldest man after Noah. And the both of them often raised their standards in choosing people. But Raphael was more cruel than Noah in judgement.

"Are you kidding me?!" Diego rushed towards Ares and grabbed him by the collar. "You're too full of yourself, he's not someone you can even speak nonchalantly!"

"I know that already. So you better let go of me." His golden eyes were brightened and yet so calm to be looked at.

Diego turned more upset when he looked at those unwavering eyes.

"Alright, alright. Now stop it you two. Before I snap your necks." Noah touched Diego's hand that was grabbing Ares' collar. Meant he wanted Diego to release it.

"Tsk." He let go of Ares, not wasting time, Ares continued to find Raphael on the 12th floor.


Hearing the knocks on the door, Raphael ordered to come in.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you." Ares gave him a little bow and raised. Raphael stared at him for a few seconds before he asked the question.

"I heard that you're the one who told Thomas about there's a killer in this building."

He replied with a nod. " Yes. But not a killer. Just a little helper to the killer."

"I see. Could you tell me it in detail?"

"Sure." He gazed into those sapphire eyes deeply before starting it. And he just noticed how long Raphael's bottom lashes were.

'He has such a beautiful eyes.' Ares wasn't aware that he smiled before telling the story.

But Raphael could see the smile behind the white mask.

"There was a case that was triggered, involving Moran Dillard or known as the messenger to the prime minister James Rowland. And the murder happened in the back area of ​​this building."

"Then, who's the murderer?" Asks Noah while grinning, appeared behind the door without making a noise.

"... I don't know. That's why I need the director's help." After he looked at Noah, Ares turned his head to Raphael and he flinched. Because that man gave him the heaviest glare.

"Brother! You don't have to help him. He's still a middle schooler." Then Diego came in.

Raphael didn't reply to him, instead he was staring at Ares.

'It's been so long, to see such a courageous eyes.'

"All of you get out. Except for him." As Raphael ordered them, there was no choice but to step out including the stubborn Noah.

From the beginning, there's no use in begging to stay.

"Tell me your name, pretty boy." Says Raphael, half smiling.

"Luke. Luke Walker-"

"You little shit. That's not your name." He threw Ares such a death glare.

"I'm sorry. It's Ares."

"Why do you intend to deceive me at first?"

"It's... My mistake."

"Drop the formalities. I'm not Diego."

Ares couldn't reply to that, but to stay silent.

'How did he know my identity? Did he know my life with Diego?'

"You're the corporal who was drowned by his own general. I know that better than anyone." He said with a very serious face. While Ares still wasn't ready to talk as if his tongue will get cut if he tried to speak.

"May I ask, how do you know?" Ares lifted up his head and tried to keep calm.

"Nothing can escape me." He answered as he lit up the cigarette. "Diego failed to kill you, because he didn't know about your life saviour."

Ares just waited for Raphael to finish his words since he blew out the smoke.

"About how Noah's brain works. That man is not a normal mastermind, he's a natural manipulator." He crossed his legs as he stood for a while now.

"Do you used to know him?"

"Used to, huh? Nah. It's nothing like that. Since that's not what he felt about me." He scoffed a little and his eyes shifted to a photo frame that was on his desk.

There were Noah and Raphael in the photo, at the time they were graduating.

'An old friend, huh? How irony.' As Ares also looked at the photo frame, he just remembered all the memories he made with Diego.

People needed other's trust and loyalty. But they shattered other people's hope and abandoned them as they're no longer useful.