
The Broken Bonds

Eeyolian is a young child who saw her house burned, her world destroyed, and her family killed. She was left to travel the expanse of a deathly land alone, and though she was not alone, she felt lonely. In a cruel twist of fate, she found herself hiding within the very land that destroyed everything she once called home. As she explores her new reality, she meets Noah, and over the years, they become friends, and she also grows curious about everything he represents. However, along the way, they share the same existential crisis. they are tiny, tiny people in a massive, uncaring, indifferent world. The Broken Bonds is not about futility but a mystery. how is someone like Eeyolian carry on forward, not only invest in others but to keep shouldering more and more burdens on top of her own?

I_K2ut · Fantasy
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31 Chs

A Day Ahead

Noah POV

Not much time passed until Eyo came out with an expression of sadness on her beautiful face.

She didn't say anything; she just looked at me for a while before saying.

"I will lead the way."

The words sounded forced, akin to the sobs of a child on the verge of crying.

'It looks like I've exaggerated a little...'

I thought to myself,

'she deserves an explanation at least.'

Seeing her like that made me feel guilty.But for now, I wasjust following her,;there's a time for everything.

We passed through various corridors and ascended a long staircase, with our destination looking upward.

By the time we arrived, I was already tired; all I wanted to do was stand up and catch my breath.

I hate stairs. I can walk long distances without getting tired, but when it comes to taking stairs, I just can't.

I took a deep breath, trying to regulate my breathing.

We were now standing in front of a large gate decorated with various beautiful decorations, and what I could recognize was the symbol of the Borderward family, the griffin.

I turned my head to Eyo and gave her a nod. She gave me a nod in response and stepped forward through the grandiose gate.

I entered through the door, and what I found behind it seemed as if I had entered a world of books.High wooden shelves filled with books extend along the walls, a large chandelier hangs from the ceiling, making the room bright and warm.The floor is made of polished wood, and there is a large rug full of colors and patterns.

There are two large windows with arches that allow light to filter through; the light itself makes the room feel welcoming.Between the two windows, there is a small balcony overlooking the town from above.In the middle of the room, there are soft sofas where we can sit and read books.One of the sofas is a deep purple color and looks very comfortable.

Around the room, there are griffin statues and candles on small tables, making the place look even more special.There are also some green plants climbing the shelves, adding a touch of nature to the elegant environment.

This library gave me the feeling that I could find any story or answer I was looking for.The room was quiet, except for the sound of pages turning from a desk on the north end of the library.

Eyo approached me and said in a low voice.

"That's the new librarian. You don't know her, so I'll tell her Mr. Garrett's orders. You can go and look for what you need."

I was curious about what happened to Old Jules from my inherited memory, so I asked.

"What happened to old Jules?"

Eyo gave me a calm look and said in a low voice.

"He's dead."

My eyes opened wide in shock, but she only added.

"A year and a half ago."

Mr. Jules was the keeper of this library, and he had spent a lot of time here before with him. It was he who taught me about the customs of nobles, how to bow, and so on. After all, I am not a noble.

I swallowed and said,.

"I will be back quickly."

Before I leave, she added.

"You can bring the selected books to the librarian's office."

Without adding any time, I entered the library and searched for what I came here for.



After about twenty minutes of searching, I found everything I needed, so I headed to the office of the new librarian, whose name I didn't know and didn't care enough to ask.

It was a bespectacled old lady, and before I even got to her, she said,.

"You can put the books on the desk, and I will take care of them."

She said this without looking up from her book or even giving me a proper look.

Great! I really liked her attitude; there's no need for any more useless talk.But I had to ask.

"Where is Eyo?"

I didn't see her anywhere.

said the old librarian.

"Eyo...oh she's on the balcony."

I headed towards the balcony without further words.

After climbing a short flight of stairs, I've arrived.

I walked out onto the library balcony, and the view before me was breathtaking.From this high vantage point, the highest floor of the castle, I see the town of Forestwell spread out below like a tapestry of life and history.

The city was a collection of red-roofed stone buildings nestled comfortably among the mountains.The structures seemed solid, as if they were huddled together for warmth against the cold mountain air.High-rise mountains rise here and there, like a sentinel watching over the souls of the city's 10,000 residents.

The river, which resembles a silver ribbon in daylight, flows through the heart of Forestwell, surrounded by trees and greenery that speak of the city's harmony with nature.The mountains stand like a guard line on the northern side of town, their peaks covered in snow that sparkle under the clear sky.

I couldn't help but look for familiar landmarks—the market where today's vendors shouted their wares, the old stone bridge crossing the river, the winding streets where we used to play as children.Every memory is a thread in the tapestry of Forestwell, intertwined with the lives of those who call it home.

As I looked out at the landscape, the scenic view of Forestwell wasn't the only thing that caught my attention. My eyes were drawn to the shirt and skirt my childhood friend was wearing in front of me.They fluttered gently in the breeze, a bright splash of color against the lively tones of the town.Her presence, despite its silence, says a lot and adds a layer of beauty to the scene that words cannot express.

For a moment, everything else faded—the library behind us, the weight of the books I had collected, the primary purpose of my visit.There is only the city, the mountains, and us, standing on the verge of the past and the future, caught in the beauty of the present.

Sensing my gaze on her, she turned to me with a sad face. I felt a deep feeling of guilt.

I took a deep breath at what I was about to say.

'I hate to explain myself.'

No, I don't know how to explain myself.

I took another deep breath and commented on what I was seeing.

"You look beautiful, as if the town and mountains were waiting for you to enter the scene."

'I'll start with something honest.'

Her eyes opened wide, her expression looked comical. Is this a feeling of shock or surprise?

'She seems uncomfortable with my praise.'

Before she could respond or even try to say a word, I continued.

"Have I ever lied to you?"

She didn't seem to understand my question because it took her a long time to answer.


I smiled gently and thought to myself.

'That's a good start; this will make things easier.'

"What I said in Lord Garrett's office was a lie, and the only reason for that is because I wanted to avoid a long conversation.After all, you and I have a long day ahead of us."

Her expression turned into a confused one. It looks like she had a lot of questions, but she was a patient girl. Everything had its time.And for now, she just confirmed.


I gave her a gentle smile.

And provided her with the answer she wanted to hear.

"Yes, I would never lie to you."

I added an apology because I thought she deserved it.

"And I'm sorry if I worried you.By the way, I haven't forgotten where the library is; I just won't let anyone take you from me today."

I watched her expression turn completely red.

But that didn't last long. She had good control over her facial expressions, but the damage was already done.

She gave me an angry look, but I didn't feel any anger coming from that look.

So I gave her a nice smile, or so I like to think.

She turned her face to the opposite side and said,.

"Since you're done, I'll lead the way."

As she turned her back to me, I added in a playful tone.

"Yes, lead the way. We still have a date to attend."

She almost stumbled on her way, but she regained her balance and continued on her way without adding anything.

Before I left the balcony, I looked at the town below.

I took a deep breath and followed after her.