
The Meteor Shower

"In the middle of the dark empty space, a bright star was shooting through space for thousands of years." After thousands of years of going through space, the bright star would end up stopping for the first time in a long time. "The planet that the star is heading to is called the earth."

         " Meanwhile on Earth a 15 year old boy named Sam Scott starts his day by getting ready for school." "Later at school Sam was talking to his best friend Fill."

          "Hey Sam, did you hear that tonight there is supposed to be a Meteor shower passing by." And did you also hear that there will be a party tonight as well, to watch it. 

"Yeah so what, they are just big junks of rock."

"Come on man, we have not seen Meteors shooting through the sky in years!!"

 "Yeah I know but I don't think I will be able to watch it tonight!"

"Why not?"

 "Because man I have lots of homework I need to finish, plus I have two tests tomorrow I need to study for."

"Really I think the real reason you don't want to go is because Emily is going to be there!"


"Really then why are you getting mad then?"


"Fine fine, class is about to start at least think about it, for me please."

"Fine I will."

Later that night Sam is at home playing games on his xbox. Then his younger sister Sarah comes in his room.

"Hey Sam I heard that there is a party going on, why are you not going to it?"

"Because it is a waste of time."

"What do you mean you are not doing anything important right now." You know I know the reason why you don't want to go. "It is because Emily is going to be there."


"Sam sighs"

"Ok fine I will go then, ok."

"Great, but can you take me to?"


"Yes, please Sam!"

"Fine but cant you just get a ride by one of your friends?"

"I can but I wanted to go with you and to make sure you go!"

"Seriously stop worrying about me."

"Well that is impossible as long as you are my brother."

"Fine lets go."

"Yeah thank you big brother!"

On their way, The meteor shower started.

"Wow it is so beautiful, Sam just look how close they are!"

"I can't see them because I need to pay attention in driving."

"Well I will just tell you about it then."

"There is one that is really close, so close that it looks like it is coming our way!"

"Wait, watch out SAM!"


"Sam quickly looks out the window and sees the meteor coming and in a panic tries to get out of the way." But there was no time and the meteor crash was really close to the car that the shock wave of the crash Knocked over the car. While knocking both of them unconscious.