
The Bride of The Hexodar Kingdom

Prince Aerus Horbin was the sole heir prince of the Hexodar Kingdom. The kingdom was located on the Hexa, a planet that was in the galaxy IC 1101, the largest galaxy in the universe. He had Bler energy that covered his entire body. It caused him never to be able to feel lust in his entire life, either in women or in men. As the sole heir, Prince Aerus was obliged by his father to have children. Otherwise, the Hexodar Kingdom would fall on their distant relative who was very greedy. All the women on the Hexa had been invited to the Hexodar Kingdom to arouse Prince Aerus' lust, but they all failed. Until finally King Artesun, the father of Prince Aerus, ordered his son to explore the galaxies in the universe to find his bride or mate. The bride was the one who would be able to awaken the Mirah energy in Prince Aerus' body so that he could become a completely mature man. Prince Aerus' exploration always never found any result. Until finally he felt the awakening of his lust when the plane he was riding, flying above the earth's atmosphere. Prince Aerus decided to land, following the pull of his Mirah ​​energy. Until finally he found a girl who was fallen asleep in her room. Her name was Lia. When the parts of his body became increasingly uncontrollable, Prince Aerus finally knew that he had found his bride. But another problem came. Even though he had slept with Lia before, she couldn't get pregnant. It turned out that mixed marriages between the Elfagos race and the human race could not easily produce offspring. If Prince Aerus wanted to have a child from Lia, then he must be able to make Lia fell in love with him first. NOTE: Prince Aerus has a very abusive and rough attitude at the beginning until he will madly in love with Lia. If you don't like hate becoming a love story, then this story is not a cup of your coffee. You better don't read it if you have a problem with this character or this kind of story. Enjoy!

Suny_Edelia · Fantasy
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360 Chs

Only Prince Aerus Who Could Touch Lia

 Prince Aerus' eyes were now starting to be hit by a storm. His irises had been dark purple, which indicated that his lust could no longer be contained.  However, when he saw that Lia was no longer in her old flat, there was a glint of red in his irises, as if fighting against the dominant purple color.

 His hands clenched.  Prince Aerus slammed everything in the flat with his telekinesis power. He also punched the wall and made a very large crack. After that, he went back to the Ellipsis Plane by teleporting. His body shook with a very terrible face as if he was ready to destroy the entire galaxy in the universe.

 Hamdi who saw this was immediately surprised.  He asked, "What is it?  Did Lia reject you?" Hamdi knew that his question was very unreasonable because Prince Aerus could easily knock out Lia, especially with his Elfagos power. But there's nothing wrong to ask.

 Prince Aerus gritted his teeth. He restrained himself so hard that he didn't realize that his fist could injure his palm.  In a voice that was deep and barely coming out, he said to Hamdi, "She's gone! She has run away from me!  Damn it!  I'll kill her when I find her."

 Prince Aerus released a burst of destructive energy from within his body without him even realizing it. Outside the Elipsis Plane, several places had exploded, several buildings had been shaken as if they had been hit by an earthquake.  However, the earthquake did not spread but only occurred in a few small spots.

 Hamdi, who saw this, suddenly gasped.  "You must restrain yourself, Prince.  Earth is not your territory.  If you destroy the earth, then maybe the Galactic Council will send a warning letter to Hexa."

 Prince Aerus remained silent, with a very angry face and a very gripping aura, as if he was a rightful ruler for killing anyone in his path.

 He knew enough that what Hamdi said was not a threat, because the earth was not part of the Galactic Union. The only reason was that Earth's technology was still far behind when compared to Hexa, and they still couldn't find a planet that had civilization. Their flight through space could never reach civilizations within a galaxy.

 Therefore doing damage to the earth would not have any impact, because Prince Aerus was like a ghost and also an alien who could not be prosecuted by any law including the reprimand letter printed by the Galactic Council.  Because the earth was not registered as a member.

 Seeing Prince Aerus not responding made Hamdi continued his speech, "You must restrain yourself!  Stop making rascals on other people's planets.  Besides that, you can find Lia's whereabouts by feeling her traces, right? That's also what you did when the Mirah energy in your body was activated for the first time."

 At first Prince, Aerus didn't want to respond.  However, when he felt the urge of Mirah energy in his body torturing him even more, and when he needed Hamdi's help to find Lia, Prince Aerus finally said, "I can't do that anymore.  I don't know why either."

 A second later, after Prince Aerus said that, a strand of his hair suddenly turned black. It did happen very gently and almost covertly.  However, the Elfagos were well-known for their sharp eyesight. So even though the change in a strand of hair was barely noticeable, Hamdi could still notice it.

 Instantly his eyes widened. He was about to tell Prince Aerus the information, but Hamdi didn't want to. He didn't want to be the target of a temper from Prince Aerus.  Now he offered himself, "I will help you to find Lia, Prince.  I will go down to Lia's old building, do a temperature scan there, and I will set the search navigation on the airplane engine. Maybe it will take quite a while because it could be that the temperature caught inside the building is not only Lia's."

 Prince Aerus didn't respond.  He just snarled like a wild beast with a fist but he was trapped and bound very tightly.  So he couldn't go anywhere to hunt.

 Hamdi quickly disappeared before Prince Aerus.  He went to Lia's flat and did as he promised. Soon he returned to the Ellipsis Plane and began his search.

 It took about an hour before they finally found Lia's real position after they landed and found the wrong person several times.

 Now Prince Aerus growled, watching Lia through the glass window outside Neil's house.  The luxury in front of him did not make Prince Aerus suspicious.  What was in his head now was that Lia had dared to run away from him and now she had to take the risk.

 Prince Aerus immediately entered the room where Lia was sleeping, by teleporting.  Hamdi, who wanted to give advice, finally found nothing. When he saw Prince Aerus had moved and took off his clothes Hamdi headed back to the Elipsis Plane.

 While in Neil's room, where Lia was sleeping, Prince Aerus suppressed the two passions that filled his body, namely anger and lust that collided into one. Prince Aerus crawled onto the bed, started to touch Lia's skin, pulled her body, and kissed her nonstop.

 Lia, who had become very alert, suddenly opened her eyes. She gasped in surprise as she felt an indecent touch landing on her body.  Lia thought that Neil did it, and at that moment Lia almost felt a deep disappointment, because she thought Neil was a good man.

 However, when she saw Prince Aerus' purple eyes, Lia immediately trembled, she was also very shaken. Lia tried to push Prince Aerus who was now kissing her lips very deeply, without giving her pause to breathe.

 Meanwhile, Prince Aerus' hands were already moving to places where they shouldn't be.  Lia screamed in her heart, and after Prince Aerus let go of their kiss Lia gasped loudly. She hit Prince Aerus' body, trying to shoo him away.

 But again Lia winced when she felt her hand hurt as if she had just hit steel.  "What are you doing?  Stop touching me!  No!  I do not want to do it!  Have you said you want to find your other mate?  Stop!  Neil!  Help me!  Neil!"

 Lia screamed hysterically, her tears already melted under the pressure of Prince Aerus who managed to completely control her. Lia's body shook violently, failing to resist. In the midst of all that, the red glow in Prince Aerus' eyes that had almost dimmed had now flared up again.

 Although he was not a resident of the earth, he knew enough that Neil was the name of a man. Prince Aerus stopped himself, now he was choking Lia, "Neil?  Who is she?  Are you trying to cheat on me?" The red flames in his eyes were getting brighter, they could even shine quite brightly on Lia's face.

 Lia trembled again, almost wanting to give in because she was too scared.  But suddenly she found her courage.  "We don't have any relationship. So my closeness to Neil can't be considered an affair."

 Lia's answer ignited Prince Aerus's emotions. He did deny the presence of Lia as his mate, but he also didn't want other people to touch Lia.  Only he could touch her, only him….  and only him.
