
The Bride of The Hexodar Kingdom

Prince Aerus Horbin was the sole heir prince of the Hexodar Kingdom. The kingdom was located on the Hexa, a planet that was in the galaxy IC 1101, the largest galaxy in the universe. He had Bler energy that covered his entire body. It caused him never to be able to feel lust in his entire life, either in women or in men. As the sole heir, Prince Aerus was obliged by his father to have children. Otherwise, the Hexodar Kingdom would fall on their distant relative who was very greedy. All the women on the Hexa had been invited to the Hexodar Kingdom to arouse Prince Aerus' lust, but they all failed. Until finally King Artesun, the father of Prince Aerus, ordered his son to explore the galaxies in the universe to find his bride or mate. The bride was the one who would be able to awaken the Mirah energy in Prince Aerus' body so that he could become a completely mature man. Prince Aerus' exploration always never found any result. Until finally he felt the awakening of his lust when the plane he was riding, flying above the earth's atmosphere. Prince Aerus decided to land, following the pull of his Mirah ​​energy. Until finally he found a girl who was fallen asleep in her room. Her name was Lia. When the parts of his body became increasingly uncontrollable, Prince Aerus finally knew that he had found his bride. But another problem came. Even though he had slept with Lia before, she couldn't get pregnant. It turned out that mixed marriages between the Elfagos race and the human race could not easily produce offspring. If Prince Aerus wanted to have a child from Lia, then he must be able to make Lia fell in love with him first. NOTE: Prince Aerus has a very abusive and rough attitude at the beginning until he will madly in love with Lia. If you don't like hate becoming a love story, then this story is not a cup of your coffee. You better don't read it if you have a problem with this character or this kind of story. Enjoy!

Suny_Edelia · Fantasy
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360 Chs

Lia Attacked Princess Thearis

"All the customers' queues have exploded since the news of the attack that happened to you spread." Rany took a sip of the cold drink in the bottle. One of her eyebrows rose to tease Lia. "They're very worried about you."

Now they were resting together in their usual place. It's rare for them to have the same break time. Usually, they had to take turns. But on that particular day, they could do it. There was a backup on duty at the cashier machine at the moment, doing a haphazard and disorganized job. But it's not bad.

"Is that true?" Lia looked at the purple twilight sky. There was a collection of clouds that curled up like thick cotton candy. "How did you know about that?"

"They all told me yesterday." Rany corrected, "Oh, a few days ago when you weren't working in yet." Take another drink. "They said they would come together once you entered. They also gave you a lot of greetings today, right?"

"Oh, so that's the reason?" Lia finally realized.