
The Bride Of Immortal Crown Prince

[Completed] After the sudden death of her parents, life hasn't been easy for Allynna Frost. The worst blow comes when she discovers she was adopted, leaving a big question in her mind: "Why did my birth parents leave me on this island?" A young nobleman suddenly enters Allynna's life, offering help in finding her birth parents. She accepts his offers. Meeting this man reveals many dark secrets from her past, things related to her life and death. ***** "Miss Allynna, would you like to know your birth parents?" The mysterious man's cold and emotionless voice brought her out of her thoughts. She immediately nodded, agreeing with his offer. "But, I have two conditions." He said coldly. Allynna silently took a deep sigh. Her witty mind knows it! There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world. After a few seconds of silence, she bravely asks him, "Conditions? I need to know what they are first before I can say anything. So, what are the conditions?" The man stood up from the sofa gracefully. His long black coat hung down to his knees as he stood majestically towards the large window pane. He looked at the scenery out of the window with his back facing Allynna. "First, you need to move to the Capital." "Second. I want you to marry me willingly." He said without looking at her. * * * ____ Author Novel: 1. DAMN! I FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM (Completed) 2. The Bride Of Immortal Crown Prince (Completed) 3. Rebirth: Dancing In My Destiny (Completed) 4. The Billionaire's Genius Wife (Completed) 5. Rebirth As The Vampire Lord's Wife (Completed) 6. My Billionaire Ex-Husband Chase Me Back _____ How to contact me: >> Instagram account: authorpurplelight >> Join my Discord Server: https://bit.ly/purplelightserver * * * Note: The book cover belongs to the author. Don't reuse it. * * *

PurpleLight · Fantasy
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343 Chs

Half Blood

Next morning.

Allynna woke up to the sound of her cell phone timer. However, when she opened her eyes, the bright light through the open window curtains dazzled her. She squinted her eyes to adjust her vision.

Another day, they arrived without anyone greeting her.

It felt so empty. For a moment, she lay motionless.

After some time, she tried to cheer herself up, saying, "Good morning to you, Allynna Frost! I just want to tell you it's okay to be sad, but don't always dwell in sadness. Life is too short to waste in sorrow. Wake up, get up, chase your happiness, chase your dreams. Your parents must be smiling up there whenever you do."

A small smile appeared on her lips as she hurried to the bathroom for her morning routine.

Not long after, she emerged from her room wearing her summer school uniform and carrying her well-worn black backpack, which she had used since her first year of high school.

She immediately headed downstairs, passed the kitchen, and walked straight to the door. Knowing no food to eat in the fridge, she decided to have breakfast in the school cafeteria.

This morning, she felt more cheerful than before. She was making an effort to move on from her sadness. Two weeks of grieving over the loss of her parents were enough.

Allynna believed her parents in heaven would hate to see her dwelling in sorrow for too long, right? Her only option now was to move forward. She forced herself to accept her new life, including her plan to move to the capital with Sir Leon. She was looking forward to it.

When Allynna opened her house door, her eyes widened looking there were four large containers arranged neatly blocking her way.

She quickly looked around.

To check the person who had placed the large box in front of her door. But, after looking at the yard, she saw no one.

Instantly, she felt frightened because the gate of her house was still locked. There are no signs of damage from being forced open.

"This? How could someone place this container here?"  She looked closer at the box, her eyes fixed on the white envelope on top of the container.

[This food is enough for the next few days. L]

"L? Who is this person?"  Allynna mumble. She only knew two people with the initials L: Lizzy and Sir Leon, her future husband.

Lizzy couldn't possibly do this. It must be Sir Leon.

She immediately dragged the box inside. After much effort, she finally managed to move all the boxes in front of the fridge.

She had little time, so she quickly arranged frozen and raw beef, chicken, eggs, and fresh vegetables in her fridge. For the rest, she will take care of it later. 

Looking at so much food now filling her fridge it made her happy, but at the same time, she was also confused.

"Does he think I can finish this much food?" Allynna sighs deeply. "Sir Leon, I won't get fat even if I eat a lot, alright. So sorry to say your future wife will stay slim even if you send this much food..." She smiled faintly, but later, she felt goosebumps when she realized something.

She believe that all these containers came from the capital. Because she could see a few fruits inside the container, which was rare on this island, and they all looked so fresh.

"Did he really bring all of this from the capital?" She wonders. But later, she shook her head and tried to stop thinking about it, or her head would explode from guessing too much.

She will ask him again if there's an opportunity.

Little did Allynna know...

At present, Leon was sitting comfortably on the single sofa in Allynna's bedroom. On his lap was Allynna's book, but even though his eyes seemed to be scanning the pages, he wasn't reading at all because he was enjoying hearing what Allynna said and thinking.

He feels amused that the girl dares to scold him.


After arranging all the frozen and raw food into the fridge, Allynna took a piece of bread and a milk box and then put them in her backpack.

She also ate a banana while walking out of the house toward her best friend's house.

In a minute, she arrived at Lizzy's place, and at the same time, the gate opened from inside.

"Little Ally?"

Allynna saw a middle-aged woman with brown hair. Her face was similar to Lizzy's. She wore a house dress with an apron wrapped around her slender waist.

"Morning, Aunty Angelina. Is Lizzy ready?" She greeted Lizzy's mother.

Angelina nodded and shouted to call her daughter. A minute later, Lizzy ran out of the house with her hands full, carrying something. She was holding her school bag in one hand, and in the other, she brought a sandwich and milk box.

Standing before Allynna, she immediately handed her a sandwich and milk. Allynna naturally accepted it. They walked out of the house after saying goodbye to Aunty Angelina.

As they walk together, Allynna suddenly remembers something she's been curious about Lizzy. 

"Lizz, if I'm not mistaken, your father is the chosen one, right?"

Lizzy immediately turned to her with confused-looking eyes.

"Yes. Why do you suddenly ask about it?" She raised her eyebrow, confused with Allynna, who was suddenly interested in discussing this topic.

"So, you will get an ability or superpower like your father?" Allynna asks again. She was curious because, from the book she read, everyone with royal blood would be chosen, and her friend had royal blood from her father.

"I don't know, Ally. A half-blood like me doesn't necessarily have innate abilities..." Lizzy said. She walked quickly, leaving Allynna still lost in her thoughts.

Allynna didn't realize that Lizzy had walked far ahead of her. After a few moments, she ran after her. After walking beside her, she asked again, "So, you will know when you turn seventeen, right?"