


"I never lied about my backstory and made it clear from the start that while I am a hero in this world, I'm still going to return to my world and take my revenge on my mother. She presents herself as the big good in my world but is painfully selfish, spoiled, and ultimately uncaring of how her actions affect others. As long as it doesn't effects her in any way or is in her sights, she's more then happy to let it do what it pleases or builds up till what would had been a small problem is now a big one," Alicorn explains on a tv interview.

The tv is turned off and Stillwell rub the bridge of his nose with remembering all the times that Alicorn told him that her backstory is the real deal. Now it's all out in the open with such a big public reveal both with all the people at the park and those watching the live fee, there's no covering it up. Which has cause much chaos with their other Vought executives, as everything that Alicorn has been telling them for years, is all true. She is a magical princess who is from a magical world and she's actually a unicorn, who was changed from a unicorn to a human by the magic of the magic mirror that opens a portal to Earth every couple of years or for her world 30 moons.

Stillwell had people go through all the footage and interviewed people at the estate. The whole thing was suppose to had been stage battle against the ponies and the Superdupers. Alicorn had seen the ponies coming out of the portal by the security cameras in the hedge maze and came up with the plan to get the ponies where she wanted them. But instead the ponies ended up messing things up and instead of a stage fight, it ended up as a chase right out of a cartoon. Which she explained the whole thing, she had wanted to keep the ponies from endangering the guests so she came up with the plan to have the ponies think they're replacing actors so that they would play their part, expect that Pinkie Pie messed things up by not following the script and just running up and stealing the first necklace. Resulting in the chase, the smoke bombs all going off in the restaurant causing panic and what happen at the stage where Alicorn stop things before they ended up burning down the park.

The reveal of magic being real, has caused a huge spike in learning the mystic arts, namely the books of spells that Alicorn has written based on the magic books of her world. Alicorn explains to learn magic one must also know mathematics, she makes magic look easy thanks to the fact she does all the calculations in her head. Alicorn explains that to be able to use magic like she does at her level one must know calculus-level math, simple spells like teleporting doesn't need that level of calculation, as the magic is simply knowing where you want to go before teleporting yourself, as teleporting at random can lead you to teleport into a solid object. And that unicorns can only cast 3 spells a day, unless their special talent is magic. Telekinesis isn't a spell but still drain unicorns of their stamina when used. For high level spells the unicorn needs to be able to do the calculations to cast a spell, magic is just another form of science that allows the magic users of her world to be low level reality warpers. Real magic is less Harry Potter with only those who are born with magic and more needing to know how to calculate high level mathematic equations to use formulaic magic. Like how the blueprints of to build a machine from scratch, for most people just looks like a bunch of numbers and symbols expect for those who know the high level of mathematics to understand it. (1)

The easiest magic to learn is potion making, as it's just being able to use the right ingredients that already have magic in them to use yourself. The problem is the ingredients and how you make it like how for something like a soda formula, you might be able to analyze it to know the ingredients but you have no idea how the company makes it, leading to the taste. It's basically just chemistry and the potions giving the drinker powers or cures. Alicorn spent years experimenting in using the ingredients of Earth using old books of witchcraft and alchemy, some are the real thing just needed the right know how to make it and others just make deadly poison. (2)

There is also magic tools, like wands, staffs, mirrors, and others, they're hard to make but once made they make using magic very easy. Basically the magic tools are calculators, so that the user doesn't have to do calculations in their heads to use magic. Of course the magic tool does run out of energy and needs a magic source to refuel or it's a passive magic item that takes energy from the user, like a helmet that allows the wearer to breathe underwater. The helmet will take energy from the wearer to fuel its passive effect when it's being used.

There is also one time use spells, that are stored in something like the flare shells that she created for her assistant Becky to use with a modified flare gun. Becky showed off an ice shell creating a block of ice on the rock hit by the shell. The spells normally be kept on a scroll but Alicorn went with a more effective form of storage that is easily used by others.

Which has caused a huge spike of the Equestrian brand, that also cause sales to rise for the company. It still leaves Stillwell to deal with the fact Alicorn is the real deal and that if she manages to get back and take the throne, she would become the ruler of her own nation. Anything the company could offer wouldn't matter once she's the ruler of her own nation in another world. She would have the nation's resources and people at her command, plus having the power to rival Homelander. Which brings a new question, with how Alicorn is now a pony/human hybrid gaining her old magic back, how powerful is she now?

"Set up a meeting with all the top executives and the CEO as soon as you can," Stillwell called up his secretary on the com.

Stillwell looks up the latest reports on Alicorn, wondering how long has she been playing with him.


Boys HQ -

"Seeing how Alicorn is now in high level talks with the government about her status and plans, namely she's talking with Shaefer face to face. She's now above your pay grade. She's now seen by the international community as a diplomat from the Equestria kingdom. Her manor is now consider to be her embassy and any action done, will be seen as an act of war," Kessler explains to the members of the Boys.

He was sent over to explain to the Boys about what the government has planned with Alicorn.

"Embassy? How did that happen?" Butcher ask.

"There was a vote at the UN. With how Alicorn is beloved and having her on their good side would benefit countries that side with her," Kessler said.

"Magic is going to be the new nuke," Mother's Milk said knowing what the governments are up to.

"And Alicorn is the one holding the keys to it," Frenchman said.

"I know, all this time what she's been saying about herself is all true," Kessler said.

"It makes so much sense now with all that she's able to do now that we all know she's been telling the truth. She talk so freely with what she's doing with magic as she knew that people wouldn't believe her," Hughie said.

"She is now a giantess with wings and a gem on her forehead now," Kessler said.

The Female click her tongue getting the others attention as she points at the tv. Since it's been revealed that she can speak just that she chooses not to talk, she is still silent but will make noise to get the attention of the others. Which the other members are still getting use to that she makes noise now.

On the tv is Alicorn with the Dazzlings sisters, revealing that they're from Equestria too and are sirens, a subspecies of aquatic dragons. They been banished to earth over a 1,000 years ago and because they are dragons they are able to live a very long time, and are the ones behind the old stories of sirens, mermaids and other creatures of the sea. Also they're still young for dragons, as they' just be young adults back home. They transformed into their pony up siren forms, gaining translucent fin-like wings on their backs and fin like ears, they also became giantesses at over 9 feet tall.

"Ok now we have dragons now," Butcher said knowing that they be going over all the old files of what Alicorn has been talking about and what the Dazzlings also said over the years that they just waved off as being made up.


Inside the HQ of The Seven -

In his quarters Homelander watch the news footage of Alicorn, his big plan has always been endanger of how would Alicorn would react. It's the reason why he couldn't tell the other heroes about his plan when she suddenly walk into the room. Now he learned that everything she's been saying about herself is all real. The portal, the ponies turn human and transform into Anthro forms, like Alicorn herself now a 8 foot giantess with wings, not going with how she can use magic now.

Homelander knows that for his plan to work, Alicorn couldn't be around, he needs to wait for her to leave. He had watch the video of her fighting the G-Men, and while he knows he can beat her, she wouldn't make it easy. And now in her new form that she showed is physically strong by lifting two steel support beams from that construction site.

He can wait and when she's in her world he would make sure she couldn't come back. When she does come back it would all be over and there be little that she be able to do about it. All he has to do is wait and make his move when the time is right.


Author's Notes -

1 - If you ever seen blueprints to make a machine, the math level needed to understand what they mean is very high. Which is why the do it yourself kits mostly has you putting parts together inside of having to know the right amount of raw materials needed to make something like a circuit board.

2 - There is a reason why home made soda and such taste different from the brand name stuff. The brand name stuff makes theirs in a very secret way so that the taste can't be easily replicated by someone else.


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