
Chapter 2

“Well, what’re you waiting for? My back won’t wash itself, you know.” Luke smiled. “Alright.”

He started unbuttoning his shirt as he toed off his boots. He undressed quickly, tossing his clothes every which way, then approached the shower cubicle.

“Come on in,” Jamie coaxed. Luke slipped in through the curtain, into the steamy, wet cubicle.

“I’m, uh, I’m kind of hairy,” he warned. Jamie smiled at him over his shoulder.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” He passed the sponge back, and Luke took it. “Wash me? I’m a very dirty boy.”

Luke let out a chuckle and shook his head. “You sure are.”

He took the body-wash and squirted soap onto the sponge. Luke wrapped one arm around Jamie, pulling him in close. Jamie went with it, pressing his body into Luke’s and making a pleased sound.

Luke ran the sponge over Jamie’s skin, washing the streaks of mud away.

“How was your match?” he asked.

Jamie chuckled lowly. “Didn’t you watch it on the security feed?”

“Yeah, I did,” Luke said, running the sponge over Jamie’s arm and chest, “but I wanna know how you thought it went.”

“Mmm, it went fine,” Jamie murmured. “I think Scott needs to play to the crowd more.”

“I’ll talk to him,” Luke said, and pressed a kiss to Jamie’s shoulder. “You looked amazing out there.”

Jamie hummed happily. “You like my new costume?”

“I like all your costumes because you’re in them.” Luke dropped the sponge and all pretence of washing, and instead began smoothing his hands over Jamie’s skin, all his curves of toned, hard muscle. Luke pressed his face close to Jamie’s neck and his long hair, damp from the spray of water.

Jamie leaned into him, a low whine escaping as he bumped his ass into Luke’s erection. “Please,” he murmured. “I want you.”

Luke reached a hand around Jamie’s front and laid it flat against his firm abdomen. “Hands on the tiles in front of you,” he instructed, “and move your feet apart.”

“Yes, sir,” Jamie replied, moving into place.

He may have been half joking with the sir, but Luke liked hearing it.

Ever so slowly, Luke moved his hand down Jamie’s body. He purposely avoided touching Jamie’s dick, hard and jutting out in front of him. Luke trailed his hand down Jamie’s thigh, dragging his fingernails lightly over his skin, then back up over his hipbone.

Jamie let out a little noise when Luke slowly repeated the motion.

“What do you want?” Luke asked, lips at Jamie’s neck.

“Touch me,” he whispered. “Please, touch me.”

Luke smiled. “Well, since you asked nice.” He adjusted his hand, felt for Jamie’s cock, and wrapped his fingers around the shaft. Jamie whimpered with need and tried rocking his hips.

Luke tightened his hold around Jamie’s chest with his arm. “Don’t move,” he said firmly. “You just stay still while I play with you. Got it?”

Jamie made a desperate sound, but he nodded his head.


“Good boy.”

Luke slid his hand up and down Jamie’s cock at a slow pace, swiping his index finger over the head to feel the precome there.

“This turn you on?” he asked, pressing his own cock between Jamie’s wet thighs, the warm water from the shower sloshing over them both.

Jamie gasped and moaned, tensing up in Luke’s arms.

Luke moved his hand lower and felt Jamie’s balls, tight and drawn up. “You’re close,” he said, squeezing them gently in his hand as Jamie swore under his breath. Luke felt his balls twitch and then Jamie was coming, hips jerking as he cried out softly.

Luke moved his hand and wrapped it around Jamie’s cock, jacking him as he came. “That’s it,” he soothed. “Make pretty sounds for me.”

Jamie breathed out a laugh, catching his breath, and let his hands fall from the tiles.

“Don’t sound so smug,” he said, turning around to face Luke. His eyes dropped to Luke’s chest, hands reaching out to touch him.

“Wow, you are hairy.”

“I did warn you.”

“I’m not complaining.” Jamie grinned, meeting his eyes. “I like a hairy chest.”

Luke gave him a half smile. “Wait till you see my back.”

Jamie laughed, and encircled Luke in his arms. He peered over Luke’s shoulder to take a look, then faced him again.

“Looks good to me.”

Luke wasn’t sure what to say. He felt a little overwhelmed, and his cock was still hard and distracting him. He got hold of Jamie’s hips, keeping him in place so he could lean in and kiss Jamie on his mouth.