
Ch.3 him

"You!" I say.

"Um, me?" He says confused. Oh god I just embarrassed myself. Ok I just need to be cool. Act cool. "I meant squirrel?" Ugh squirrel really, and it sounded like a question.

"Hahahaha, ok sure" he said holding his stomach because he's laughing so hard. "So, um, hi" I say closing the sketch book. "Hi, I didn't mean to be weird just wanted to compliment you on ur voice"

"Oh it's not weird, thank you"

"No problem, well I gotta get to football practice, see ya!" He says as he winks and leaves. Ah, Alex carter. Football quarterback and student council president. Now you would think him being the student council president would make him a nerd. But boy would you be wrong. He just makes school a lot less hard. Like he make lunch longer. He made classes shorter. He's just a great person. I would love to be his boyfriend. But it doesn't matter I'm not good enough. He's like a god and I'm an ant. He's popular and smart. I'm the opposite. But hey, it's fine, I've come to terms with being unpopular. I just need to come to terms with the rest of my problems. Well I'll get to it...eventually. I get up and make my way to my music studio. As I walk past houses I wonder if there happy with how there life is going. If they love there jobs. If they like living in these houses. If they have kids that behave. If there happy. I come out of my trance of thought when I see the studio. I opened the door and took in the new car smell of the studio. As I walk to the recording room I see belle. My studio puppy. She's sitting next to kai. Kai is my best friend. He's also my song writer. He's from Japan so some of my songs have Japanese. Which i think makes it stand out. "Hey kai"

"What's up?"

"Do u think I'm ugly?"

"What?! Of course not!"

"Then why does no one like me?"

"I do"

"Well ya but-"

"No buts! Am I not enough?"

"You are, I just want a romantic relationship"

"Well, I don't know how to help you"

"I want to look like you!"

Kai is a gorgeous human. Icy white hair and piercing blue eyes. Sometimes I call him Jack Frost. Anyway, hes super tall, and fit. He is also smart,kind,gentle etc. he's just great. I want to be like him.