
chapter 8


Its weird. He told me before that his dad never grounded him before for anything, only hit him. What's going on with him. Does his dad not knkw about us? Is his dad a homophobe? Is he hiding us from his dad? Why?

I sat in my room thinking bout what he texted me. It's hard to deal with something that I've never dealt with. First, we had sex. Then, he tells me he's grounded. Next, which i hope isnt tdue he'll dump me.

****************3 hours later******************

"Hey sweetie dinner is ready." I woke up to my mom saying to me. i wasn't really hungry but not only that I had to try really hard not to spill my secret to my foster mom. I've been here for a few months which is the longest. Yet she hasn't talked about adopting me. Which only means one thing I'll be placed again and I wont be able to see Dylan anymore which in a way I jonds dont want to. Yeah hes my boyfriend and all but rigjt now je is being sketchy which isnt new to me.

Me- hey have u told ur dad bout us yet?

I texted him but he did t reply instantly lile he usually does.


Daddy👅💦- hey sorry my dad went on a whole rampage and toom my phone from me.

Me- why are you lying to me for?

Daddy👅💦- what? im not lying what makes you say that?

Me- well you was online 3 hours ago posting dark shit and saying how ypur dad has a gf. oh and you told me before we started datinv that ur dad has never grounded you before only hit u. plus does ur dad evwn know that ur gay or are you hiding us. Im di e dealing with lairs and people who want to keep me on the downlow im not that type of gay and you shouldnt either.

Dylan- im sorry ok my dad doesn't like gay guys. gay girls hes fine because my sister is gay and he doesnt have to worry about her getting pregnant but me he hates me.

Me- im done with this. ur just like everyone else. just to think I was stupid enough to beli e that u really wanted to show me u was different.

I broke up with Dylan. He lied to me. Je said that his dad took his phone. I got so mad i couldnt contain my wolf any longer. I jumped put my window and started running. Running somewhere where i can be alone and let my wolf run free.