
the Boy That Smiles

There was a boy who saw a world full of sadness, a world where everyone was the same. However, this boy wanted to be different. To be something that others would think is unique. And so he smiled. This is the story of a boy who never stops smiling, no matter the circumstances. A wish granted. A different world with a story to be told. Find out what happens when a sadistic boy with the power of manipulation enters a world filled with peace and balance in this novel, The Boy That Smiles.

Inflameous · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Abandoned Throne?!

Blinking my eyes open, I looked around to see what happened. I am pretty sure that I just clicked an option and everything turned black after that. The only difference I could see was charred ground a couple of meters around me, as well as a passed-out Spike, who looked like he OD, 'd on steroids.

Flipping over and putting one of my hands under me, I looked down in wonderment, as instead of human, fleshy meat sticks connected to a disc of meat, I say shiny claws, reflecting the midday sun, and light red scales, covering my entire body. Pushing myself up, which was much easier than before, I found that I had two little wings on my back, basically useless. But they did look sick.

"Oh shit, Spike!" I facepalmed, rushing over to Spike. However, I could not run as fast as I could before I evolved. I felt like a normal human running, which was too different from the sudden change. I suppose that is the consequence of gaining such massive increases in strength.

Hunching over and picking up Spike, I felt like I was lifting a little straw doll, that is how light it felt! Having a quick idea, I looked through my inventory in my system and found what I was looking for. The Legendary [Ancient Sorcerers Mansion]. Upon clicking it, however, I was surprised to see a massive wall erected directly in front of me, as tall as a four-story building. Seconds later, I could hear massive crunching and explosion sounds coming from the other side of the wall.

However, I did not have to wait long, as the construction of the mansion, which I assume was happening, sped up every second, and in ten minutes it was over. Right as that happened, a small, fancy door appeared in front of me, just big enough to comfortably fit both me and Spike through.

Not wasting any time, I ran through that bitch like I was on fire and it was a pool of water. As soon as I ran through, It closed magically, stones fusing like a nicely stitched blanket. But now was not the time to worry about some cool mechanics of an old wizard's house. Turning my head away from the door, I found myself staring at another peculiar building. This was, of course, the mansion.

Like any other mansion, it had three stories, pointed roofs, and some gargoyle statues that looked like early life. The walls were a grayish white, which was probably what the original color of this castle was. Most of the windows were beautiful stained glass windows, and the big, golden gate in front of me was something you would see in old movies. Besides both sides of the gate were two suits of armor, just standing without care that anything happened around them.

They were not shaken up or anything like that, which I found strange because there was certainly an abundance of earthquakes that resulted in the flattening of the square. Speaking of which, I looked at my feet and saw cobblestone, and not broken pieces of wood and cement. It would seem I did not notice that not only was the manor added, but the entire landscape surrounding it was turned into its time era, including the ground.

"Well, I will have time to admire the majestic sorcerer's mansion later, Spikes' well-being takes precedence now." I resolved, trying to rush past the armors. However, I did not expect the suits to come alive and attack me, hand to hand combat. Too bad for them, my new body had immense strength, so two kicks shattered their feeble armor, making them crash to the ground. They must have been rustier than I thought.

"M…my lord, are you injured?" Spike suddenly said, obviously delirious. I was surprised that he thought of my well-being before mine, but I guess that is how I made him think. A tinge of sadness crept into my smile, which was still plastered on my face. My actions do not match my feeling, as I did not care about others before my Wish, so I wonder what happened to make me care about Spike so much.

"Shh, I am fine. I think you absorbed too much LF from my gain in power, and you have evolved as well." I said to him, trying to focus on getting to the giant double doors in front of me, made of some rotten wood. Though it was rotten, I could think I felt some type of old magic protecting them. Only, they opened immediately after I approached them, creaking loudly.

The first thing that caught my eye was a throne with a tall back, high up at the back of the entrance hall, which is the only thing I can assume this room is. About as big as an indoor basketball court, I rushed to the throne, which was put on a platform, with one set of stairs leading to it. Not wanting to take said stairs, and also because they looked unstable, I jumped as hard as I could, which was too much.

I knew my mistake before even leaving the ground, as the air passed by me quickly, almost like it wasn't even there. Thinking fast, I dropped the spike right as I passed the throne's platform, making him bump up the ledge and landing safely at the foot of the throne. As for me, I continued to fly upwards, slamming into the stone roof, which didn't break, surprisingly, even with me smacking into it like a cannonball.

{Ding…Blunt force trauma detected…Adding one point to Defense…}

Falling back to the ground, which was right next to Spike, I flipped in mid-air and landed in a crouch, smiling as if I did not break any bones. I suppose that not only my muscles have gained strength. Oh, and my passive defense skill must be working as well, as I did crash into a wall. It's sad that I only got one though. Eh, things can't always be OP.

Dusting my clothes off, which have been turned gray and red, gray from the ash of the undead, and red splatters from human blood. holes were also burned through it, making it more of a cloak than a shirt. To be honest, I hopes that my transformations would not affect my clothes, but I think that that hope was crushed.