
The Boy that got Supreme System

Jason is an average high school student who is struggling to fit in and get good grades. One day, on his 16th birthday, he receives a mysterious gift - a watch that gives him access to the Supreme System. This system allows Jason to enhance his abilities, learn new skills instantly, and even manipulate aspects of reality. At first, Jason uses the system selfishly - to become popular at school, get perfect grades without trying, and live out his fantasies. But he soon realizes that with great power comes great responsibility. When a crisis strikes his town, Jason must decide whether to only use his powers for himself or to help others. He ultimately rises to become a hero, using the Supreme System for good. Through this experience, Jason not only saves his town but also learns important life lessons about using his talents wisely. In the end, the Supreme System doesn't define Jason - his choices and strength of character do. ---------------------------- This is my first Story; I hope you all like it. ------------------------- This is made by Ai. --------------------------- if you have suggestion then I would love to know.

BlastterAngel · Sci-fi
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51 Chs

Chapter 45: Holding on to Hope

Night crept over the ravaged city as Jason helped shepherd the last caravan of refugees to safer northern regions. Most had fled already from this dying land lost to feral mayhem. Though his spirit felt weary unto death after months battling relentless evil tides, Jason resolved to stand fast. If hope endured yet in one heart, light lived on. He would kindle that fragile spark until reinforced.

Weeks passed alone scavenging the abandoned ruins avoided by violent remnants haunting urban pockets. But Jason felt death's shadow drawing close behind each day, and supplies dwindled rapidly. Weary and starved, he contemplated simply laying down sword to join civilization's phantoms in oblivion. But in darkest moments, whispers within rekindled will to continue. To endure was itself triumph when all light receded. If he could sustain hope's memory, its dayspring must come.