
the boy that bit me

Miwi_Moore · Teen
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the start of the tests

It's been weeks, months I don't know anymore I lost count by now. I was in the back of her van she put me in and have been on the road for so long, she only opens the door when she needs to feed me but that's it. Suddenly after a while the van stopped and I fell over onto the van floor, gosh it was cold. She opened the door.

"We are here so, get out girly" I growl a bit as I got out of the van and sigh.

"Took bloody long enough." She pulled me to a building and pressed a button and the doors opened after a couple minutes.  

I sigh as she drags me by my sleeve of my jacket inside the building. She led me to a part of the building which was darker than the rest of the parts, people were looking at me weird while she was leading me there. She opens a door and turns to me to untie me once she does that she quickly pushes me into the room. It was dark in the room, it took a couple of minutes for my eyes to adjust to the dark but once it did I couldn't believe what I saw, there was someone else there but beat up badly it seems.

The person looks towards me and I see their eyes, I sighed in relief as the person is a zombie. I sat down near a wall as I waited for anything to happen. I hear a soft growl so I look at the person ...weird I would have thought they would have spoken to me by now.

"Hey...can you speak?" the person moves a bit to the light parts of the room we are in so I can see them better, the person signs that they are mute and pointed to their throat that's when I see the bite mark, well the missing part of the person's throat that must have turned them into a zombie.

"Oh damn. How long have you been here?" I asked, by now my eyes adjusted to the room's darkness so I can see the person quite well, I see the person signing that they lost count by now. I was getting a bit nervous being here, how long will I be here or will I ever be able to escape this place?

The person fell asleep after a while and then I started to as well, might as well sleep while I can.

~After a couple hours~

I woke up after hearing that person growling, I look and see that the weird chick is standing at the door smirking for some odd reason. She places two plates down in front of her.

"Eat up girls" she says then leaves, the other person is a girl nice to know I thought as I was getting up, she ran to a plate and was eating fast like she hasn't eaten in ages.

"Slowdown be better idea" I say as I grabbed my plate and went back to where I was to eat my food. As I was eating my food the person was back in her corner, I sighed softly. I looked around the room and it was so bare and boring. The only interesting thing here was that there were a lot of scratch marks everywhere.

"You holey neck get here now you're coming with me" she says quite angry like, I see the girl get up from where she was and walk to the crazy doctor, once she got to her the crazy chick pulled her out of the room and slammed the door. I sigh softly to myself and just sit there waiting ...waiting….

~couple hours later~

I woke up by getting kicked really hard in the gut, I looked up at it was the crazy chick grinning at me.

"Your turn now get up and follow or else" I slowly get up and follow her out of the room without questioning anything just in case I got shot or something by her. After a bit of walking she pushed me inside of a lab room.

"Stay play good now" she leaves and I softly growl at her, I stay where I am and look around the room and see the mute zombie on a lab table I go over to her and touch her but she didn't move.

"H-hey mute" no response, I slightly move her hair and see a gunshot, no wonder she didn't move the bitch killed her. I look around the room to find something to cover her with so she can't get disturbed any further, luckily there was a tablecloth I think well some kind of sheet that I can cover her with, I walk back to the now dead mute and gently put it over her and softly sighed to myself.

"I need to escape" I say quietly. Some dude walks in and he has a gun and knife on him, he looks straight at me.

"Guessing you're the new test dummy then" I shrug at him and he walks over to me and drags me to a chair and ties my arms and legs to the arms and legs of the chairs so I can't move or escape from him. He goes over to a table and grabs a bag and pulls a rolling table with him back to me and places the bag on the table and goes through the bag.

"What are you going to do?" I ask him but he doesn't answer, he just smirks at me. He puts some gloves on and grabs a needle from the bag. He rips my sleeve off my shirt I was wearing and puts the needle in my arm and draws blood from me, he does this about three times, quite glad I can't feel pain properly anymore. He goes over to the table again and puts some of my blood in some things for testing.

This went on for about three hours, I felt tired from all the blood that guy took from me. He dragged me back to the room I once was in and pushed me inside it and slammed the door shut without a word and I got to sit down near the bed that was in there even though it was only like a blanket and pillow in there but can't be helped.

~couple months later~

I was starting to not be able to think of good escape plans as everything I tried just didn't work at all, it was beginning to dawn on me that I might be stuck here till they find someone better or if they get fed up with me. They pretty much tested on me every day for hours on end, I barely got fed now as well which was really annoying I just wanted to rip their heads off because hell no would I turn them into zombies they don't deserve a second chance at life.

I was currently sitting in the room they always put me in and it was so boring and quiet now since they keep killing the zombies that they bring in because they deem them as worthless to their research. I was leaning against the wall when the door opened and they threw food at the centre of room so I slowly went to the food and started eating then they slammed the door shut once again, I tried opening the door once before but it was super heavy yet they could open it with ease guess that is a downside of being dead I don't have my normal strength anymore and especially after all the testing. They barely feed me now, I'm so hungry.

After a while the door was flung open the chick threw someone in here, I sniffed a tiny bit and I sigh as it was a zombie not food.

The zombie looked towards me and I looked at the door. I needed to escape somehow I thought to myself.

"How long have you been here?" they asked

"Months now, been trying to escape its not working though. Who are you?"

"I'm kallen but you can call me kall for short if you want and damn i'm sorry to hear you were here for so long." I shrug my shoulders and lay down facing the wall.

"Try to sleep, it will be a long day tomorrow kallen."

"Ok" he said and laid down on the other side of the room and we both slowly fell asleep for the night.